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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful For....

Happy Thanksgiving Eve~!
For Every 8 NEW commentors saying what they are thankful for on this post.....I will add another goodie for your Thanksgiving eve entertainment...lol
Who is going to start the post?

On to 32





  1. I am thankful for my life. I was in a car accident this summer, and I realized how quickly it can turn tragic.

  2. Looks like there's no one online tonight...

    I am thankful for the blessing of my finding Christ as my savior this summer. Being seriously ill most of my life and with untreated severe depression, God came into my heart & filled my life with light, love, joy & peace! Something I hadn't had ever.

    God is better than therapy - and FREE!!

    Thanks very much for all your free images. Your work is so beautiful & heart warming. You are a blessing, online.

    Happy thanksgiving! Be blessed. D :)

  3. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who is my best friend and my 2 boys who are the greatest!!

  4. My list is exceedingly long as to what I am thankful for. Jesus first of all. He has done so much for me that if everything was taken away I would still have much to be thankful for.

  5. Too many things to list, but definitely thankful for my mom! She is one of my biggest supporters, and I love her dearly!

  6. I'm thankful for my family - even through some really rough times some family ties are stronger than ever.

  7. So many things to be thankful for! My family, my Savior Jesus Christ, & my faith are at the top of the list.

  8. I am thankful for my relationship with God and his mercy. Through him I can do all things. :-)

  9. I am thankful for my God, my husband, and my children! I couldn't fathom any greater blessings!

  10. I am thankful for all my blessings!

  11. I'm thankful for some very many things. My friends and family, their health, our troops, my blogging buddies, I could go on. Also I'm thankful for your generosity with your talent!
    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  12. I am thankful for so many things, but most of all for my happy, healthy, loving boys!

  13. I am thankful for my husband, my cats, my home, and the fact that books bring such joy to my life.

  14. That poor baby!

    I am thankful I was able to have gastric bypass surgery this year. I have lost lots of weight and regained my health

  15. What a funny image! Thanks for sharing it.

    I'm thankful for my family and friends.

  16. Thankful for everything I have in my life...
    thankful for all the great images to give to us!

  17. I am thankful for my family, my friends, my health and my darling cats, Louie and Belle.

  18. I am thankful for so many things- I feel blessed! Family, friends, all of it- for you too! I am also thanksful for my memory- what is left of it- I could swear I left a comment here yesterday!

  19. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Nov. 25, 2010. Thanks again.

  20. I am thankful for every morning I wake up and every evening I lay my head to sleep, for my boys (my trials and tribulations!), to be able to see my elderly parents daily, for my sweet new grandson whose smiles and coos make me realize I have a renewed purpose in life... Basically every single moment in life, every thing in my life is a blessing given to me is what I'm thankful for. I'm grateful for the aches and pains that remind me I have the ability to feel them, for sight to see the beauty in the world, hearing to hear the blessed sounds of laughter and "I love you's", the ability to communicate. There is so much in life to be thankful for!

  21. I'm thankful for your site because it makes me see somethings through someone else's eyes. Like the sentiment to go with a digi.Great stuff. And a big thanks. And I didn't even snag anything!LOL

  22. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [26 Nov 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  23. I am grateful for God who loved me enough to send his Son to die for my sins. I am incredibly grateful for my children, family, and friends.

  24. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who God led me to. I am also thankful for all the talented people who share their abilities with us. Thanks for this wonderful digi!

  25. I love that elephant and can really relate.
    I'm thankful for Jesus, my fantastic family and friends.

  26. We don't celebrat Thanksgivink but I'm thanksfull for my beautifull kids and my partner who works very hard to keep this family going.
    And thanksfull for all those gorgeous digis and WA you give us

    PS: and I'm thanksfull to be able to afford to craft. It is a very expensive hobby.

  27. Thanks for all the goodies, sorry forgot my maners

  28. THANK YOU so much! The shares are all fantastic!

  29. I am thankful for the beautiful images you offer us. Thank you so much.

  30. I have a great many things to be thankful for, not the least of which are my mom, my husband, my children & grandchildren, going to college to get a teaching degree, my home, the steadfast love of the LORD and His faithfulness--so many things! God is good and I am blessed beyond measure!

    Paulette, your generosity in sharing images and word art with us is another blessing for which I am MOST thankful! Thank you!

  31. I'm thankful for very real and very personal relationship I have with the Lord. I'm thankful for my 4 children and 6 grands. I'm thankful that He's brought me through so many difficult situations; He has shown Himself to be faithful and true!!

  32. AND...thank you for all these adorable images and word art!!

  33. Great images. Thank you. Love the elephants!


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