Saturday, June 18, 2016

Will be Noticeably missing...

Readers Digest Version of a weeks worth of whoa....

Pipe burst in the upstairs bathroom, flooded the entire upstairs and made it rain in the downstairs office.

Everything is going...........walls, carpet, vanity, etc....

They also have to abate since they found asbestos.

So I will not be online a lot while they are rebuilding my house.  Everything is getting packed and stored in a pod.

Prayers for strength are requested.

If you don't see me for a while, that is why.


Oh, and P.S........I am so close to being #1 seller in the new store I am in.......if you can help out....that would be AWESOME~!


  1. Oh no Paulette that is terrible, but life does seem to throw curve balls at us with times. Hope you can straighten the curve soon and without too much scarring. All the best and hang in there.
    Huge congrats with your store's performance, it is so well deserved!
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. Sorry for your misfortune, will pray and that it gets fixed quickly!

  3. Hi Paulette, Sorry to hear your news, good luck with the re-build/refurbishment! Thank you for all the lovely word art Enjoy your break.... Megan

  4. Oh Paulette what a catastrophe
    {{{{{hugs}}}}} and prayers

  5. Thank you and good luck with the packing... Megan

  6. Oh my, that is a lot to handle, Paulette. Sending positive vibrations your way. Will check out the new store too.
    Marianne x

  7. So sorry to hear about your "whoa's" this week. :(
    What a mess that sounds like and an upheaval to the entire household and any kind of a normal routine. Any absence from here will be so understandable, but we'll all be here when you can drop in.

    Hugs and prayers.

  8. So sorry to hear this Paulette. Praying that all goes well and you are soon back to normal. Christine xx

  9. Oh my goodness!! Sending you prayers and happy vibes and hoping it all goes smoothly for you! :D xxx

  10. oh definitely have your share of things to deal with ...thoughts and prayers go out to you
    best of luck getting everything resolved...
    bet you will be relieved when it is all finished!

  11. OMG, what an awful thing to happen, water causes so much damage. We had the same thing happen when my Dad died, to add to everything else. My prayers and hopes that the builders won't take too long. Will take a visit to the store to help out of course.

  12. How awful. Hope it doesn't take to long to repair and that you have somewhere nice to stay while it is being done. Take care. Hugs, Suze

  13. Oh dear! Will pray for you Paulette,sending big HUGS!!

  14. To have all that damage and then find asbestos on top of everything else - what a nightmare. Hoping that the weather stays fine so the repairs can be done as quickly as possible

  15. We've just been though something like this with water damage, and we had to move out for 5 weeks. Almost every room in our house had to be fixed - walls and ceilings. Everything had to be packed up - it was not fun. Floors were okay because we caught it in time and put out buckets and barrels. We just moved back last month. Hope all goes well with the repairs. I can feel your pain! Sending hugs!

  16. So sorry you are having to go thru this mess. Keep your sense of humor and hang in there.

  17. Sorry to hear about your news. Life can sometimes be rather challenging. You sound like you are dealing with it with grit and character. Know that there are a lot of us out here who are thinking of you and sending you positive energy to get through this.

  18. Praying for you and for a speedy and successful repair to your home

  19. Well that sucks! My Son and DIL had the internal plaster fail on ALL the walls of their house and had to move out for fourteen weeks (when the twins were two) Not much fun for Son and DIL but the kids still refer to the temporary accommodation as "The Holiday House" so perhaps that's the way to approach it - less distressing if you think of it as a Holiday, lol. This too shall pass, quickly I hope, Donna x

  20. Paulette, I am so sorry! I hope they have everything back in good shape soon! Take good care of yourself, as I'm sure it has been stressful! Best wishes!

  21. Just sending you love and a big hug

  22. Oh sh... this is so terrible! Wish you strength and hope it will be all done and good again as soon as possible! Thinking of you!

  23. The lemons in life need to be used to make lemonade ! Sorry for all your troubles but hang in there and will keep positive thoughts for you !

  24. Praying for you!!!!! Thank you for all you do for US even when YOU are going through a valley.


  25. Prayers and hugs to you- so sorry to hear about this bad incident! Congrats on being # 1 seller in the store- not a surprise : )

  26. Sorry to hear your news. Hopefully everything goes according to plan and you are back at home sooner rather than later!

  27. So,so,sorry. You sure have had your share of issues. Don't forget with all the mess to take it easy on those stairs. Don't need to take a
    fall again. If I lived closer I sure would help. But my thought are with u. Take care.

  28. Just come back from a holiday in France and wondered where you were. I just hope its gets sorted soon. I bet you're fed up with it all right now.
    Jennie in the UK

  29. so sorry about your water issues, bathrooms floating there isn't enough TP around to fix that....all kidding aside--I know you will be having issues for awhile and I'm sending a few prayers your way to help you out. It will take time but it will all get taken care of.

  30. I hope you are beginning your recovery mode by now. So sad for you.

  31. Oh, I've been so busy trying to survive I hadn't been able to pop in for a visit in quite awhile. So sorry to hear of your mishap! I hope things are getting better by now. (((Hugs))) and well wishes! xx

  32. Holy cow! Sounds like you have a lot to take care of. I'll be thinking about you and sending up loads of well wishes! Take care...


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