Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Week Long Contest...

Starts Today.........4-12 and ends next Saturday, 4-18

First person (for each freebie) that emails me a picture of a creation using one of the freebies for this week.....will win a set of their choice from the store. 
You can email each day if you would like.  Any freebie offered....word art, sketches, vintage items......

Today's word art is the first one that can be used.....get busy~!

I will update you on which freebies have been used and prizes claimed.


Mel C won the prize for using the Sunday Word Art Graphic, and  the Vintage book collage (Book Reading).  Anne M. won the prize for The Owl sketch.  Rhonda won the prize for the Hydrangea and Tuesday's word art.


  1. Thanks Paulette, I have sent mine in!

  2. Congrad to all the ladies Hugs Nellie

  3. How fun Paulette! Wish I was doing better so I could join in.
    XO Nana

  4. how fun that the DT can now play along! :) great contest! looks as if we are all caught up. so many great projects being shown by everyone!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.