Friday, April 24, 2015


I so APPRECIATE the fact that you pin my goodies to Pinterest.  But PLEASE remember to only pin the preview images, not the actual freebies.  That is against the terms of use of the freebies......and I really don't want to have to stop sharing the freebies due to a few people not following the terms.

Thank you.


  1. I am so sorry to hear you are having problems.

  2. I'm SO glad you posted this! I am guilty of pinning some of your freebies that were NOT shared as "downloads".... just a few of the ones you had posted where you 'right click' to save. (I've pinned some of the "preview" box downloads, too).

    Anyway.... I just went through over 700 images on my "FREE Digitals and Printables" board on Pinterest, and deleted those images. (I think I got them all removed)

    I'm so sorry, I did not know about this. I thought that since the "pin" linked back to your blog post, that was basically 'referring them to the blog', as you stated in your Terms of Use (TOU).... again, so sorry for the misunderstanding of that statement and I hope I didn't miss removing any of them.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.