Sunday, January 11, 2015

Fun Question........

Which one of the HOLIDAYS over there on the right hand side of the blog, would you make and send a card to someone for??


  1. Make Your Dream Come True, as we all have dreams but hardly ever do they materialise
    The list is very handy, thanks xxx
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}k

  2. You forgot to mention my birthday on the 28th of January . . . .
    But I like either National Dress Up Your Pet Day on January 14th for my crazy friend or Penguin Awareness Day on the 20th.
    Much love, hugs, and friendship

  3. Sorry, I'm kinda traditional so I'd only make and send a card for a "Big" holiday (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, 4th of July, Birthdays, Thanksgiving.) I can't seem to get behind any of the "lesser" holidays.

  4. I did Lynne~! Happy upcoming Birthday to you~!

  5. National hugging Day of course! Hugs, CAROL DEE

  6. Wow Paulette, I had no idea of most of these. LOL But there are a few I could get into. HA! My son makes kettle corn and Pop Corn day would be a good card for him. Youngest son has a funny tagged to him when he was 3 about a kazoo and I would love to make him a card for that. ha ha ha.
    xo Nana

  7. Who knew we had so many holidays! I could do:
    Appreciate a Dragon Day,
    Natl Hugging Day,
    Natl Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

  8. This is so funny! I usually just think of sending cards for the "normal" holidays and for birthdays, but looking over your list, I would consider sending cards out for 1/14 "organize your home", 1/21 "natl hugging day", anything on 1/29 (my bday LOL), 2/2 "groundhog day" . . . there are quite a few others that would lend themselves to really cute cards (picture a candelabra on a piano for Feb. 4th)!

  9. Bubble Wrap Appreciation, National Chocolate Day, women's healthy week.

  10. most certainly World Cancer Day.

    thanks for all you do, Paulette!

  11. National dress up your dog holiday because many of my friends have dogs and it would be a fun thing to do and have a good laugh at the same time. We all need a little humour in our hectic life.

  12. Hi Paulette,
    as a lover of all things Pooh (18th Jan),-Tigger, Eyeore and Piglet too, I would send a card to a young relative with a couple of these friends on it

    Thank you for all

  13. I would make a card and send it for Winnie the Pooh day, Chocolate cake day, Hat day, and Groundhog day. Edwina brown

  14. I usually only make cards for the big holidays and birthdays. National Hugging Day sounds neat! :)

  15. I always seem to forget about these wonderful "holidays" you have posted...over there on the right hand side. There are so many options for general creativity outside the box of traditional holidays. And who wouldn't love to get a card for one of these days. It's is the perfect opportunity to make someone smile. Personally I like, Pop Corn, Irish Coffee and Rubber Duckie Days.
    Thanks for the reminder that you have this great collection of celebrations available for us to refer to!

  16. Oh! there would be quite a few, IF I had even known about these days, but my most favourite to send a card to me! would be Digital learning Day as I love learning what I can do in digital. AND Belly laugh day, well you have to don't you LOL. AND wouldn't it be lovely to Make Your Dream Come True

  17. IF I had the time to create and print and send.....HA! Squirrel Appreciation Day to all my fellow Marine Moms because we affectionately refer to our FB support page as the "squirrel cage". But I'd also need some really clever word art (HINT!) and perhaps a neat-o image (HINT! HINT!) HAHAHA!

  18. Probably national puzzle day as we are big jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts.

  19. Natl Inspire Your Heart with Art Day - for a special friend
    I'd have to squeeeeeeeze to make one of the holidays on 17 Jan fit for a very special lady who celebrates her birthday on that day!
    Jen Leeflang
    South Africa

  20. Thanks for asking.

    Penguin Awareness Day
    Have Fun at Work Day


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.