Monday, February 3, 2014

Groundhog Day........

Was yesterday........with all the other excitement, we kind of missed that.
Phil DID see his shadow.............six  more weeks of winter


  1. Yep! And those 6 weeks are off with a real "bang" here in NJ. We are getting SNOW today about 10 inches predicted and then 2 more storms later this week. Thanks, Phil! LOL!

  2. Watching Phil would have been more exciting then the game! It's been predicted we will be getting another artic blast this week. Just another reason to stay in and craft! :)

  3. Aargh Phil, give us a break!I feel like I live in a snowglobe.:-)

  4. Those 6 weeks started out with snowfall with approximately 3 to 4 inches here in PA which we weren't supposed to have!!! Hate to see what would have happened if it was predicted!!!
    Much love, hugs, and friendship
    Snowbound here in the "burg"

  5. I don't live to far away from Phil, and I am ready to hunt the little guy down. I'm tired of the cold and snow!!! I demand a re-do! I think it should be the best of 2 out of 3, hehe.

  6. We have had 3 weeks of very hot weather here in Australia Hugs Nellie


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