Saturday, November 16, 2013

Anything Goes CLUB~!

CLOSED....First Send has gone out~!

For all of you that will start withdrawals from the last club, and for those of you that would like to try a club....
Here is a 5 day ........ANYTHING club.
5 days of lots of goodies sent directly to your email.
Best value around~!

ALERT~~!  Bonus Christmas Present with this one~! .... If you join the club, you may also Add one friend of your choice to join with you......FOR FREE~! a GIFT~!.....(One tiny catch....must be a friend who has never tried the clubs).....just email me the name and email addy of the friend when you sign up~!

(Next club will be a New Years club starting the beginning of December)


  1. Wonderful idea! Thank you so much for the mini club!

  2. Wow! Paulette, how fab of you to offer to send to a friend.
    Jennie in the UK

  3. Wonderful offer but i shall be away from the computer for a while,
    The Christmas club was great, love Christine in Italy xx


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.