Saturday, October 12, 2013

Mad Hatter Halloween

In honor of Mad Hatter Day.......
Kind of checks two boxes off with one check......Halloween and Mad Hatter Day

Available for Purchase..... $1.25


  1. Best way to solve this is put it up for sale, then you don't need a thank you.

  2. How sad that no one can be bothered to say thank you - and how annoying for those of us who do (via the download page) to miss out on a great freebie. x

  3. oh what a shame would have loved this and how sad that they couldnt reply with just a simple thank you. thank you for all the freebies you have given

  4. WOW... it still isn't getting any better, is it?!?!?! Is it so hard to take one minute to say THANK YOU?!?!?
    You're right to discontinue the freebie....

  5. oh Paulette, I am just so sad for you. I'll say thank you for all you do so freely for everyone. I don't get by here as often as I would like, but I do appreciate all you do.

    sending you big hugs! :)

  6. that is pretty sad - and it is so neat.

  7. A big THANK YOU here and now I go to the e-mail program and say Thank you in the request :).

  8. Paulette - I'm just so sorry that you have to deal with unthankful people. Although I don't download often, I appreciate all you do for us.

  9. What a sorry world we live in :-(. I hope your day gets better, heaps better.

  10. Wow, this is so sad, fun image. So sorry there is no appreciation for your beautiful artistic creations. I would like to say thank you in advance for a free download.
    Hugs and Blessings

  11. Oh dear, this problem just doesn't get any better does it, I noticed the other week on one of your freebies it had nearly 300 downloads but when I went to leave my comment there were only 20 something thank you's, and they are always from the same people too.
    We shall be known as the 'Thankful Few'!x

  12. It takes less than a minute to leave a comment, ungrateful people, sorry! :(

  13. This is fabulous... so sorry I don't always take time to comment on the blog but I do say thanks on the download page and try to support by buying when I can. You are right though, it only takes a moment.

  14. Omg! I cannot understand why people don't say thank you. Just got here at I'll be emailing you! Thanks so much for this great freebie!

  15. I'm really sorry that people don't bother to leave a comment... it really is nice to read a little thank you and know that people have taken the time to do so...

  16. Well, I can't say I blame you for discontinuing it. I don't need it as I get the freebie each month in my e-mail for a small fee. I do appreciate all your freebies. Thank you. Edwina Brown

  17. I ditto what everyone else has said. It takes seconds to send a thanks through I'd like to be hopeful and say that it will get better but I don't think it will. Please know that there are those who know just how generous you really are and we are so very thankful for that generosity.


  18. Paulette wish I had the time to grab this one. I love it and would have said thank you too. Martha

  19. I leave my 'thank you's' on the download page, how long does it take??? Thank you for all that you give. Hugs, Jen x
    Krafty Keepsakes

  20. I'm not surprised by how much this was downloaded in that one hour, it is fantastic. You do amazing work and we all enjoy everything you do - so don't get disheartened and know that you are appreciated!!

  21. So sorry you don't get a thank you Paulette. I always either comment or leave a thank you at the top on the download message.


  22. Thank you for taking the time to make and add these to your site for us to use and enjoy.

  23. I am so sorry that this CONTINUES to be the norm for so many generous people who share freebies with us. I appreciate your site and many others that allow me to have so many more images to be creative than I could ever think of purchasing! I try very hard to thank you as I download. Please have a wonderful day Paulette.

  24. Whether an item is free or you buy it One should always say thank you...It is a shame that others are going to ruin it for those who take an extra key stroke to say thank you.

  25. I always click the thanks button and leave a thanks....have you pinned on my pinterest.LOVE ALL YOU DO for free..... thank you thank you thank you....... and hugs.....

  26. this one got a great big belly laugh from me. my mother would roll over in her grave if she heard me speak like that. just too cute! thanks for sharing it. i didn't download it but shame on the rude ones who didn't say thanks.

  27. this is too bad. I did not download it but shame on people for not thanking you. I too have to admit I have been guilty forgetting (or not taking the time) to thank you. What you do is fantastic and I love all the wonderful sayings. Question? would you prefer comments on the post or a thank you at download page? again thank you

  28. Best way to solve this is put it up for sale, then you don't need a thank you.

    I can't believe someone said this. Even when someone get one of your great images from your store there should still be a THANK YOU. Shame on some people!!
    Carol O

  29. Did not see this one until it was to late,
    I do not understand why people don't say thank you,
    It takes only a few seconds and is the right thing to do,
    Thank you Paulette for everything you do and the pleasure you give to many,
    Love Christine in Italy xx

  30. I agree with all of the other ladies about this It does not take much time to say Thank you Was not on computer last night so I missed it also I do say thanks on down load but will comment as well Hugs Nellie x

  31. What a shame as it only takes a minute,always leave a thank you for the freebies that I download which you offer so generously.Love the work that you do.Elaine x

  32. it is a shame with how rude people are and yet they are the first to complain. I'm sorry this happened to you with a wonderful file!!!!
    much love,hugs, and friendship

  33. Wow! That is pitiful! There is no such thing as manners anymore! I think I am going to have to learn to stop smiling at people (even though I was raised to be nice). So many just give back a dirty look. I think the younger generation thinks it is a sign of weakness. Oh well, I'll probably keep smiling and let the grumps go on, as often people do smile back (it's usually the older generations though)... I can understand if someone occasionally forgets to thank people, but there are so many that NEVER do it! I hope it brings you comfort to know that there are a lot of us that do appreciate your kindness!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.