Friday, September 20, 2013


Thank you very much to Lisa Decosse for featuring TLC on her fabulous blog.....
It is an honor and a very humbling experience to have her do wonderful posts promoting Create with TLC.
Please visit her site, and leave her love for all the work she does for the digi community~!

Thank you Lisa~!



  1. You are always so generous Paulette and deserve the plug on your blog, it's an awesome one as is Lisa.xx

  2. It was a totally brilliant post! The 2 Saturdays actually.

  3. WOW!!!!!!!!! FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Great blog with lots of wonderful things to see,
    Love Christine in Italy xx

  5. Great blog posts - as Aussie Annie said, you deserve such a great plug and Lisa is a darling to have such a forum to do it. :)

  6. Imagine my surprise when I was catching up on this week's posts and came across this! Thank you so much for your sweet words. It has been my honour to be able to promote TLC and of course you over these past two weeks and there are still two more weeks to come. It just isn't possible to cover all the wonderful features you offer in one or two posts! Everyone should know about your amazing blog and true generosity of spirit that allows so many of us who can't afford to go and buy digi stamps very often, the opportunity to build our collections.

    I am humbled by your shout out! Thank you.


  7. hello! I had never heard of your shop (shame on me!) until I read it on Lisa's blog. She is an amazing person and I loved her write up today (September 22.) As I wrote on her blog, I saw some of the most powerful images of words I've seen and I love them! I think you are so generous to give these as freebies and I LOVE your digis. Thank you to Lisa and to you for the wonderful partnering!!!
    Samara Navi


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