Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's TV Dinner Day~!

Dating myself...........who remembers those?
We used to be able to eat one as a special treat.


  1. Same here, funny how something so awful was considered a treat. :)

  2. I remember those days. We were so excited when my mom use to bring them home from the grocery store - it was like getting a present - so special to us - it didn't happen too often though and your right - it was like a treat!

  3. We couldn't wait for Dad to leave for hunting season so we could have TV dinners! What were we thinking? But we sure did enjoy them. :)

  4. Yes remember them well LOL Hugs Nellie x

  5. We only had TV Dinners when my parents went out in the evening. A very rare occurrence in our house. There wasn't date night back then. I don't know why we loved them so much.


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