Monday, July 15, 2013

Check it Out~!

Bri added a new post to her blog about her new favorite jewelry artist.....
Tarina Tarrentino....
Miss Tarrentino stopped by her blog and left her a nice comment.  You sure don't see that too often.....
We aren't talkin small potatoes either....
So... please stop by and visit her new post and give a shout out to the fabulous jewelry Miss Tarrentino creates......especially if you have teens or young ladies.....fabulously fun~!
(Of course, it could be that Bri is such a fabulous writer, that she couldn't resist)


  1. soooo fun! Those pieces of jewelry are really great!

  2. Great write up by Bri and i found it very interesting love Christine in Italy xx

  3. How neat that she stopped by, always inspiring!


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