Sunday, May 5, 2013

More Happy Cinco de Mayo~!

Enjoy your day...............
Is Cinco de Mayo just big in California? or in other states also?



  1. It is interesting...while walking around the Boise farmer's market yesterday (the fourth) I was hearing people talk about the Quatro de Mayo parties...since people have to work tomorrow they were celebrating yesterday. LOL

  2. It is big here as well.....I am poking fun and calling it Drinko de Mayo....... We'll be eating taco's and have chips and salsa for tonight!

  3. oh I love this one! thank you so much!

    we celebrate it, but then again we're transplanted Texans. our oldest son even came home from school in the middle of finals so he could be here for the big day! yep, that's how much we go all out here at our Ohio house! ;)

  4. No, it is big here in Michigan at least where I live! However, everyday is Cinco de Mayo for me because I love Mexican food. :-)

    Thanks for the wordart.

  5. It's huge here in Arizona! :^) Thank you!

  6. Love the chalkboard effect. Thanks.

  7. Yes, I was going to say it is really big in Texas but not in Florida. I missed it so we celebrated it there when we lived in FL. Happy to be back in Texas. :) Thanks. Hugs~Patti

  8. A great looking image, thanks!

  9. This looks fun thank you. As far as I know it's not celebrated here in the UK.
    Helen x


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