Friday, October 5, 2012


Leave me a comment on this post....telling me why it is great to be a TLC Follower..... from now until Thursday evening.....
I will select FIVE random winners who will receive $6.00 gift certificates to the STORE~!
and the winners are............... 
1.  Kathi Silvia
2.  Sandra H
3.   Jeanetta L.
4.  Donna
5.  Jo Byrne
Thank you to everyone that left a comment....
Winners, please email me for your gift certificate~!


  1. I am so happy to be a TLC follower. Paulette is so generous. There are so many freebies to take advantage of and her images are wonderful. God bless her!!

  2. It's great to be a follower just to see what goodies Paulette comes up with for us to play with. Thank you for all you do Paulette!!!

  3. Why? Let me count the ways. :^)
    Seriously, you provide wonderful freebies, which is so nice for all of us. You are so generous! But your sets are fabulous, too, and I love getting the club selections! They are so much fun. You give me such a variety of sentiments to choose from, that I always can find just the right one for my card. If I don't already have it, it's in your store! So thank you! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  4. TLC (or Paulette) is the most generous blog I know. Everyday an awesome freebie... I use many of the sentiments in my cards, because they are just right!
    Also there is a lot of fun, with contests, blog hops... and a lot of inspiration with the DT and the creations from costumers.

  5. TLC is my first blog to visit each day. The freebies are wonderful. The store is wonderful. Just the other day I used one of the sentiments for a new tired mother. (Another sunrise, another new Beginning) Perfect!

  6. It is great to be a TLC follower because of all the wonderful vintage images, papers, and sentiments both free and to purchase. Plus all the great inspiration. You have the best blog hops too. Thank you. Edwina Brown

  7. Being on the TLC DT and a part of the blog/team is so wonderful because it inspires me to be a better artist and more creative. It expands my visions and drives me to keep creating! The creative support as well as the FRIENDSHIP is superb and not available anywhere else! When I have a time of great stress or frustration, I can come back here and always unwind and breathe deep again! THANK YOU!

  8. One reason is all those wonderful freebie images that you give away to everyone!! Even when we don't thank you nearly enough for them all!!

  9. I love the diversity of your sentiments. The different fonts and lots of time, the humor, makes me reach for one of your images every time I make a card. I'm never disappointed. :-)

  10. Seriously, why is it great to be one of your followers? Because you are one of the kindest, most generous people on the internet. You have the best word art on the internet & you can't tell anybody else this but you also have a fabulous DT! ;)

  11. Can I tell you another reason? I am SURE you had the best Halloween club EVAH!!! :D

  12. Well first and foremost it has to be your generosity with the daily freebie! Then there is your awesome talent! Not to mention your wonderful DT who provides so much inspiration!! Love their work :) Plus the selection of sentiments there is something for every occasion you need. Even the way you handled the person who was stealing your work and claimed as their own. You dealt with that in such a professional manner... because you know if you gave us her name it would be like releasing the pitbulls on her!! LOL!! Should I continue? Because I could LOL!! You are appreciated :)

  13. You responded when i requested subway Halloween art. You always promptly respond to email questions and you're always so sweet. Your art is unique and fun. You always give so much of yourself in the freebies. Your little clubs have so many images!

  14. SO many reasons that TLC is great- You for starters- you are kind and generous and very talented! I have discovered I have a great love for Vintage images since I started following you- and you always have the perfect sentiment- yep all of these are one big package that you offer- all rolled up into one! Thank You!

  15. Its good to be a follower because you receive extra freebies and Paulette makes it easy for everyone to make fab cards because her freebies are the best, love Christine in italy xx

  16. Why because it is stinkin awesome that you give away a freebie every day and the freebies are priceless!!! thanks so much for them!!
    hugss Ria

  17. Beacause there are so many choices that you can always find the perfect sentiment to go with your image and because Paulette is so wonderful they're mostly free too!

  18. Thank you Paulette for all your wonderful and inspiring freebies. You are so generous with the high quality images you share with us, I know of no other site with this amount of commitment to its' followers. You are a friend to me with abounding patience. Thank you for all that you do. And finally, three cheers for reaching 2000!!!

  19. I love being a follower due to the fact that Paulette is so generous with goodies & even more goodies if a person is a follower. It is fun to see all the different things that she comes up with!!! Collette

  20. I love being a follower because Paulette is so generous with her time and talents. I love seeing all the wonderful cards and projects other followers create. It inspires me.


  21. Your sentiments always complete a card! It's really amazing that since I joined your site I always have the proper sentiment for the image :D Plus by being a follower you get to know when you will have the wonderful clubs! With so much goodies!!!!! Thank you so much.

  22. First & foremost, you are extremely talented, 2nd - your generosity. 3rd, your kindness, 4th - the frustrations you face keeping up with the freebie stealers.

    Even when you're angry, you put a grin on it.

    Thank you so very much for all your grace & kindness.

    A long time follower -

    D :)

  23. Paulette - there are so many reasons why I am a faithful follower of yours. Every day I look forward to checking out your blog to see what is special and unique to that day. I love your creativity, your followers creations and all the wonderful freebies you send our way - I do get a lot of praise because of your
    artwork - thanks so much. I also look forward to your contests which come up every now and again. In other words this is the greatest blog. Thanks for your generousity.

  24. So fun to be a follower because your sayings give me a grin, your images are fun and the freebies are a fabulously amazingly kind gesture!
    THANK YOU!!!!

  25. Are you kidding? What's not to love?!! You are extremely talented and generous!

  26. I love following TLC, the goodies are always fab but love the inspiration that I get from this site. Great designers and love the owner. Thanks Paulette!

  27. Hi Paulette, This is a lovely thing your doing and to select 5 winners to spend $6.00 is so generous of you thank you ......l like your blog because not only the amount of freebies that you give away but because its a great blog to visit with or without freebies, your always showcasing beautiful creations that other members have used with your images and artwork and this in turn sends other bloggers to their blogs to see other amazing work, your prices are so reasonable and your choices are so vast that there is lots to choice from it's a pleasure to take part in the comments and a pleasure being a follower thank you xx

  28. You have the most amazing freebies!!!

  29. WHY! WHY! you wanna know WHY! well, why would I not, heck, it's Christmas every single day in my Mailbox, it's an invitation to view wonderful cards and projects that give you idea's - what else can I say, YOU! make my morning and make it feel like a MERRRRRRRRRRRY Christmas all year round!!

  30. Following TLC is not a choice, it's a necessity! I find so much inspiration here. I especially love the sentiments. When I have a creative block, all I have to do is read some of the sentiments and I build my card around that.

  31. Wow.. where do I begin. What don't I love about being a follower would be a MUCH MUCH shorter list! Love the freebies and all the goodies at the store, the inspiration from other stampers and THE FUN is top of my list. Love the blog hops and the follower freebies. What can I say? YOU RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. I do not know about anybody else. I love the freebies. Those sentiments can be used so often and many different ways. Thanks so much Paulette.

  33. Following this blog is fantastic beause you get extra goodies, you improve the visibility of a great site - which is a small thank you for all the lovely goodies - and the more you visit the more addicted you become :) It is not just the lovely images you can buy (or sometimes snag for free), it is all the lovely examples and ideas on how to use them! Hugs and thanks Paulette.

  34. First of all, thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this. I'm sure you spend a lot of time and energy into providing us with your wonderful artwork.

    I love being a follower! The sentiments I get from here seem to be just the right thing at just the right time. They are not the "same ole', same ole'". I love the wide variety of digital stamps.

  35. You have more freebies than anyone on the web. The vintage images are wonderful, and your sentiments are perfect for any and every occasion! They always make me smile! :)

  36. It's fabulous being TLC follower in so many ways! There are always awesome freebies and contests and inspiration here! Paulette, you are the best! Thank you so much for so generously sharing your talent with us!

  37. I love your sentiment freebies. I hope to start using them soon.

  38. Being a TLC follower has scored me so many awesome free images and sentiments. I so appreciate you sharing these awesome freebies with your followers. And I love following by email so that it's delivered right to my inbox! Thanks a bunch!

  39. Fantastic Freebies; fantastic artists; loads of helpful info. Congrats on 2000 followers.

  40. This is so fun. COngrats on 2000 followers.

  41. It's fabulous to follow such a hard-working and generous person as Paulette! The beautiful images and design team work light my day :) Thank you Paulette!

  42. I love the quotes and vintage clip art that you offer - I am a TLC folloer

  43. I love your quotes and your vintage clip art that you offer - I am a TLC follower

  44. It's great to be a TLC follower because of course, I love the freebies and I so look forward to seeing them each day. They put a smile on my face.

    I love the samples of the design teams, I get so many wonderful ideas.
    Paulette, thank you so much for your generosity.

  45. Paulette, I love being with you and have been for a long time, I take you all around the country with me and never miss a day. You always have just what I need either in your freebie or your shop. I don't know why but when I see your list grow, it is exciting to me, maybe because I have been a part of your list for so long. The main thing I want to say is thank you bunches for all you do for us and your wonderful heart. I love your blog and I love getting your updates in my e-mal and i love your hops. Thank you for everything. Hugs, Cathy K

  46. Oh I am so tickled to be a follower of your FABulous blog as well as honored to be on one of your past Design Teams. You are so very generous with your graphics & sentiments & it's a joy to come visit & see what's new. You never fail to surprise & delight!
    Huggies ~

  47. I love following here at TLC - it is a daily joy to visit and see the many delights ... the new TLC designs, the creations by the DT, and the freebies Paulette bestows on her followers. Each day we are spoiled with treats! The TLC blog is such a positive place to visit - it always lifts my day. I am so thankful that Paulette shares her talents, and the DT theirs ... Paulette, your a generous soul and inspiration!
    hugs and blessings,

  48. Your word art goes with everyone else's digital images as proven by your ever so excellent design team! :) Back that up with your generosity & nothing can beat it!

  49. Well.....the freebies are great but so is the inspiration I get from seeing what other people have done with their digitals. Thanks so much!

  50. It is so fun to be a follower here on TLC. Paulette not only gives away wonderful creations for free, they come in all shapes and sizes. Vintage, colorful, paper backgrounds, sayings - you name it she has it either as a freebie or in her store. The creations that her DT come up with are mindblowing and give me inspiration to keep creating.
    Thanks Paulette for all you do to keep your followers and occational visitor dreaming.

  51. Thank you Paulette for this opportunity to be selected for a $6 gift certificate. TLC is a great place for creation ideas (lots of samples by the DT) and of course, daily FREEBIES, as well as good deals on monthly digi's and/or sales. Paulette is so very, very generous with providing freebies to her followers - and one thing I really, really like is she includes in the name "TLC" on her digis so I can give credit when I use one of the freebies or one I purchased. That is a blessing to me as some people do not do that - thank you for labeling your digis! Have a great week!

  52. I really enjoy your site and the digis you create. They are unique and special, especially the sentiments. Thanks for your generosity with the freebies. Love the site.

  53. Following TLC because Paulette offers the most amazing artwork for me to use. Her WordArt seems to be spot-on for what I'm doing, the images continually spark my imagination, and the work she posts that the design team and others make are truly inspiring. Thank you so much, Paulette.

  54. It's great to be a follower to see all the wonderful creations using your images! Oh, and the fabulous freebies don't hurt either! ;) You always have the perfect sentiment for the occasion! Thanks, Paulette!

  55. TLC is simply fabulous to follow! Paulette is extremely generous with her freebies and the sentiments both free and for purchase are always right on target. Don't know what to say on a card? Just check this site and you know you will find exactly the right one! Can't thank her enough.

  56. Its great to be a follower here because Paulette, the designer and owner of the "Create with TLC" site is very, very generous! She has been creating beautiful images and sentiments daily and these are given to us for FREE! Who can beat free right?
    Last but not least, the DT are a fab team who inspires us daily with their wonderful creations!

  57. cause you always have the perfect sentiment or vintage image you need for your project. She also gives you tons of freebies so why not follow her.

  58. I love following Create with TLC ... Paulette, the talented DT,freebies...inspiration...the clubs .Thanks Paulette for all you do. We're all lucky to follow your blog.

    Mary in Ny

  59. One of my fellow designers on another design team introduced me to TLC, and I LOVE it! Your sentiments work perfectly with so many images I have. The DT provides amazing inspiration and your continued generosity in providing the freebies is amazing! TY!!!

  60. It's great to be a TLC follower for all of the beautiful inspirations, and the many generous freebies from Paulette. I love this blog!

  61. I love following TLC. Your work is so lovely and often whimsical. Your generosity is just amazing. Thank you for all you do for us.

  62. love following TLC.
    You provide not only the very best images, but the best designers.
    They show us how Great your product truly is and encourage me to get out of my comfort zone and try harder.
    thanks for all the freebies too.

    cat s.

  63. Paulette is so giving, and generous by gifting freebies for so many reasons, such as new followers, old followers, blog hops, special days, and just because she ran across an old image that she liked. There is no end to the reasons she offers freebies. And the examples made by the design team are second to none. Always creative new ways to use the images. TLC is the best blog around.

  64. It's great to be a TLC follower because Paulette always has the best vintage digis and wonderful word art! AND she is very generous!

  65. It's so good to be a TLC follower because you have a very very generous freebie system and some fantastic images, sentiments, etc at very reasonable prices. I also love looking at all the creations :)

  66. It's great to be a TLC follower because Paulette brightens your day everyday with her images or sayings. She inspires all of us to be creative, best blog ever!

  67. This site has such amazing word art and beautiful vintage images. Best of all so many are free. Beyond that, there are so many creative ideas to take inspiration from. I never miss a post!

    Thanks Paulette!
    Lisa D.

  68. I love being a follower because your word art inspires me. Even if I don't end up using a particular one, I can always jump-start my creativity looking through my TLC folder on my computer. The fact that you are so generous with your freebies helps me spread my crafting dollar further - especially since 98% of my cards go to charity! Thanks so much!!

  69. It's great to be a TLC follower, because you are kind, generous and thoughtful, produce wonderful 'works of art' and respond quickly to emails. You go that extra mile to help people when they make requests, and your blog is fun to follow, never knowing what goodies you'll come up with.

    Many thanks
    Jo x

  70. Who wouldn't want to come here?

    With all the different ways to say wonderful things offered and encouragement quotes all put into wonderful graphic style, so we don't even have to think how to lay them out on our projects.

    Examples from the DT team, the fun and the commitment of Paulette to see we are all satisfied with every part of her blog. Always a wonderful visit and as I am follower by email, all the freebies that come through too. Oh! yes they are on the blog, but when they come through on email, it's WONDERFUL.

  71. I know you have probably heard it all before, but I love being a follower, the freebies are fabulous and I love using them...but equally so is the inspiration from your design team. I always see something that I think 'Oh thats a great idea' and my mojo gets a jump start. Thank you for everything you do, I know it can't be easy doing what you do but it is much appreciated.
    Love and hugs
    Susan xxx

  72. I know you have probably heard it all before, but I love being a follower, the freebies are fabulous and I love using them...but equally so is the inspiration from your design team. I always see something that I think 'Oh thats a great idea' and my mojo gets a jump start. Thank you for everything you do, I know it can't be easy doing what you do but it is much appreciated.
    Love and hugs
    Susan xxx

  73. It's great to be a follower for so many reasons - the inspiration from the design team, the wonderful freebies, and the glorious club opportunities. Paulette shares her creativity with us so generously. My blog following had gotten out of hand and I did some cutting back recently - but this one was never even under consideration for the chopping block!

  74. It's great to be a follower of Create with TLC because Paulette creates so many wonderful sentiments & images & amazingly shares them for free. The sentiments often inspire me to create cards x

  75. I love Halloween and I love TLC for making it even more of a treat.Your generous hand in doling out digital goodies cannot me commended enough. Thanks from the bottom of my cauldron LOL

  76. I Love Love Love being a follower as the many wonderful benefits of a super talented lady with not only her "freebies" but showcasing her Design Team with their fabulous creations!!! Thank you ever sew much for sharing your talents with us!
    Much love and creative pixie dust
    Her Craftiness

  77. TLC para mi es una web generosa, diariamente nos regala bellisimos sentimientos que complementan nuestros trabajos. Sin ellos quedarian cojos. Yo no tengo tanta imaginacion para crear estas adorables palabras, mensajes, sentimientos y bellas imagenes que nos regalas, sin pedir nada a cambio.
    Participo en esta encuesta, no por el premio, sino por que me has dado la oportunidad de decir esto que he escrito.
    Muchas gracias por tus regalos.

  78. Why is it great to be a follower? This was one of the first blogs I started following when I had nothing, but an idea to craft. Thanks to your unbridled generosity Paulette, I have sentiments, digis and papers galore ... at least once each day and sometimes more ;o). Your blog hops are definitely the best on the blog, and your DT rocks for the amount of inspiration they share. You warmly welcome and showcase work by non-DT crafters. Oh, and as for your clubs ... they are simply the best value on the planet!!!!! If I need something, my Create with TLC folder is the one I turn to first.
    Thank you Paulette for everything you so freely share, even if we don't thank you enough!
    Helen x

  79. I love being a follower of your blog because

    1) You're very generous with us!!

    2) By following your blog, I never miss any of the great images, etc that you share!

  80. It's great to be a TLC follower for at least two or three good reasons. One is Paulette is so generous with the freebies, two her art work is fantastic and three, the creations you get to see on TLC are wonderful inspiration.

  81. It's great to be a TLC Follower because Paulette is so generous, but also because her digis are unique. I can ALWAYS find the perfect sentiment for any occasion. Being a Follower means you don't miss any of the Freebies or any of the inspiration posted!
    Thanks so much for all you do Paulette!
    Hugs, Shannah xox

  82. Congratulations to all the winners.

  83. Congratulations to all the winners.

  84. Congratulations to all the winners.

  85. Congratulations to all the winners.

  86. Congratulations to the winners!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.