Sunday, October 14, 2012

I Love Halloween~!......

Going to be a little snot about this one............  = )
Since the last Halloween freebie had over 190 downloads and only 11 comments........... this one will only be offered through email..........If you would like this great Halloween me with "I love Halloween" in the subject line............


  1. Thank you! Love all the sentiments and the images. It is sweet of you to offer them to us. Edwina Brown

  2. Not snotty at all... we are so lucky you are still willing to give away anything. Thanks Paulette.

  3. I love your Halloween Digis. This one is really great. Glad I emailed you.

  4. I am really sorry that people is not nice to you. I don´t understand why people can´t say "thank you!" when somebody is offering something (and for free!). I think is right what you are doing now.
    This week I didn´t come to often as many of the freebies were halloween related and I don´t make halloween crafts. But I love to visit your blog and I am really thankful, you are very generous!
    Have a good week, Paulette!

  5. Thanks, I enjoy your work thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks looking forward to this little surprise :D love getting little suprises like this in my e-mail!

  7. Please everyone say thank you, its not difficult and only takes a few seconds to do, thank you Paulette love Christine in Italy xx

  8. Thanks Paulette! I hope you start getting more of the Thank You's that you deserve! You are so sweet to share! Please know that you are appreciated! :)

  9. Nearly missed the earlier one due to internet issues today (kept disconnecting!!). Thanks for mentioning it in this post.

  10. You have an e-mail ;o).
    Thank you for your freebies.

  11. Not snotty at all. We need to say thank you more often.

  12. Thank you again Paulette! You are an amazingly generous person and I'm another who appreciates you!

  13. Thanks Paulette. Just e-mailed you so I haven't gotten it yet, but as with all your stuff, I'm sure it's fantastic!!

  14. Hi Paulette, I hope my thanks have been coming thru. I click the 'message to say thank you' but I'm not sure how it appears each time. I have put a message for you in my email to you

    Kind regards
    Jo x

  15. Wow! I know I said more than once that it was the best Halloween Club evAH! I will be e-mailing you & I hope that you please know how much I appreciated it!

  16. I totally understand, I had 282 hits today and not a single comment on the freebies I posted. It's not right! People should realize it's important to get feed back or why bother posting? I thank you from the bottm of my heart for all the free stuff you offer!

  17. With the new site where the freebies are downloaded, it takes absolutely nothing to say thank-you!! Thanks so much for all you create!!

  18. I love all the images and sentiments and GREATLY appreciate them. Thanks so much!!!

  19. I can't believe what all you have to put up with. I don't blame you one bit making people request your image. By your example, Mitt was off on his 47%, it looks like 96% expect a handout.

  20. And my finger don't always work! It looks like 94%!

  21. Many of us do not take your generosity for granted, we really appreciae you and your work, God Bless!!

  22. LOVE the Halloween image...thanks so very much. :)

  23. Hi Paulette - I don't always take your images (we don't celebrate Halloween) but I do try to say Thank You for those images that I snag. And, whenever I use them on a project, I always include a link back to you.
    I hope you know that I and a good many other crafters truly appreciate your freebies.
    Have a great day.
    Helen x

  24. Thank you for the great emailed Halloween freebie.I love your wonderful images, and have purchased items from you, but I also love collecting your freebie sentiments if I feel I can use them in my card making, so the least I can do is to say thank you for your generosity.
    Lottie x

  25. Thank you for such amazing downloads...I am sure most will agree with me that we are very grateful for all your hard work making these downloads for us. I know I appreciate them!
    Love and hugs
    Susan xxx

  26. What is wrong with people?!!!! I don't blame you one bit.

  27. Loved this image! Thank you so much Paulette.
    Carol O


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