Monday, January 2, 2012

Today is..........

"Inspiration Day" ........... what's your inspiration?


  1. People who keep their positive attitude in the face of adversity, like J. R. Martinez, (and Paulette).

  2. my inspiration comes from looking at the art work on your site, it gives me ideas to make cards for family, love christine in italy xx

  3. I am not the creative type, I am project driven .... I don't really have time to sit down and create for the sake of creating or explore .... so my inspiration is mainly the beautiful work of others I see on the internet.
    Sandra ltb

  4. I love making cards, and I love you site, there is a lot of inspiration on here. Joan FL USA

  5. My crafting inspirations come from you Paulette and your great DT, because your beautiful work encourages us to produce beautiful projects too!
    I am also inspired by a fellow crafter who produces unimaginably wonderful cards, whilst suffering from a debilitating disease.
    Helen x

  6. I love to listen to positive people who are very enthusiastic about life in general.

  7. My inspiration comes from many places, but it stems from my faith. I love seeing the creative talents God has given to others, and I am constantly amazed and inspired by the ideas others come up with and share.
    Your design team always produces the most gorgeous cards, and their work pushes me to try new things when I make cards.
    Also, I find inspiration in nature. I love to go for walks and watch birds and wildlife. I got a digital camera for Christmas, and my goal is take pictures every day!

  8. Yep, ditto the above comments. I think too, the person to whom I am making something for inspires me.

  9. I need 8 thank you cards. I am going to make them using your THANK Youimage. I'll share it when I'm finished. Edwina Brown

  10. It depends on what I am doing- but I am always visually inspired- I need to see color and I like techniques for the background.....LOL

  11. In life - finding that there is indeed a positive in every situation if you look hard enough.
    In card-marking - the wonderful friends I've met and the beautiful creations they've made! (including Paulette's of course!)


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.