Sunday, October 16, 2011

Your Turn............

to be part of a hop............
"Show Your Stuff Saturday~!"
Design a project using a TLC item from the last two weeks, add it to the linky and off we go~!
Everyone who joins will get an exclusive Show Your Stuff freebie, and be entered into a drawing for a $10.00 gift certificate to the store~!
Linky is POSTED~!..........
Happy Creating~!

Thank you to everyone that participated~! These are all such awesome cards....I will announce the winner of the drawing this afternoon.


  1. made a card today, not finished yet but will link it up, love your ideas to get us creating love christine in italy xx

  2. That makes me so jealous, I love the ocean.

  3. Goody, goody! Are you going to make a button or link we can put on our blogs?

  4. Hi Paulette! What a fun idea! I made a card that used the golf sentiment from last week. Hope I have the right idea!

  5. Hi Paulette. Yesterday's freebie was perfect for a birthday card for my daughter which I've made today. Hope everyone likes it! Will enjoy hopping to everyone elses' blogs and looking at their creations. Helen x
    PS: Great idea for a "Show 'n' Tell"!

  6. Amazing work everyone. i especially like 13 and 14. beautiful............D

  7. These are all so wonderful! Thanks for the inspiration :)


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.