Wednesday, September 14, 2011

6% of Downloaders....

leave a comment.....seriously???..............
That means 94% of freebie snaggers are not leaving a comment, or saying thank you.
And that does not include the nice people that have emailed me and are saying prayers for my family......thank you......but really..............would you be feeling the love?


  1. I am sorry you are not feeling the love.
    Lots of inspiration at this site - love visiting - I will be more conscientious.
    take care,

  2. So sorry you are still having problems with this:-( Proud to say I am one of 6% and donate when I can. Your concerns have made me diligent about finding ways to thank everyone who offers a freebie. Maybe there needs to be a way for people to sign in to get it? I have a new blog and I have already put your blinky on my sidebar:-)

  3. I'll be the first to say sometimes I don't leave a comment, but I do love the work you have put into your designs and I'll try to be better so i can up the count to a bigger percentage of comments! :)

  4. Are you kidding me?!! That is horrible. I don't understand why they can't take an extra second to comment. I truly appreciate your generocity!!

  5. ik neem niet altijd wat mee maar ik kan geen engels dus is het voor mij moeilijk om te reageren hoop dat je dit kunt lezen grt jans

  6. I understand your frustration, and I feel it too since I do comment. Not sure how to change it, and I would hate to see you go away. I'm sure sending them out by e-mail is a major pain, so do what you have to and we will understand. (We may not like it but we will understand.) Thank you for all you do for us. URInMyPrayers.

  7. Hello,
    ohhh this is very sad :-(. I hope people will respect more your work you have with the freebies.

  8. Thanks for all the beautiful, funny and meaningful images and sentiments, Paulette!

  9. Am pleased and proud to be part of the ONLY 6%....Come on girls and gays, it's not fare on Paulette, her teamp and the wonderful work they do for us to be pleased.

    But it's true that "if ou give someone, your finger, they will want your hand". It's probably not what you say in English, but bet you understand what I mean.

    It only takes 2 min to leave a comment so....

  10. I'm so sorry that people are still not grateful for your generous and creative spirit. I always leave you some love when I take a freebie which is the least I can do. ~hugs

  11. After your previous post about not leaving comments, I've made it a priority to comment on everything I download. It must be frustrating. People are always in a rush nowdays. I look at your site every day, one of the first after checking my email. I don't always download. You keep me inspired to come up with some ideas on my own. I really appreciate all you do.

  12. Thank you for everything always :) For those days I havent left a comment.....

    I havent been around much lately so I am unsure what is wrong with your family but you are in my thoughts also..

  13. hiya sweetie
    you got to be kidding me
    this is not normal hunni
    i can't believe that people can do this, i'm furius sweetie
    i'm glad to be one of the 6%
    hugs angelique

  14. This is so sad, really, just read the same kind of message at another blog and wondered if people realize how much work/love goes into just one image???? Don't think they do, otherwise they would at least say ....Thanks!!!!
    So sorry for this, hope people read this and start responding...
    lotsa luv

  15. awww..... sorry to know that u are not feeling loved :(. i will try on my part to be more regular with comments :).
    hope ur son is doing better by now.
    take care

  16. Hi Paulette, I am glad to be one of the 6%. A little thank you should not be such a big effort; if you have time to download the freebie; you should at least take the time to leave a nice comment. To those 94%: be nice when you take somebody else's work!!!!! Regards

  17. sorry to hear this still! I leave a comment every time I download! I wish you and your family the best!
    Take care!
    Hugs, Heidi Brawley

  18. I can't believe people can't take an extra minute to say thank you for something you are sharing out of the kindness of your heart. I appreciate the images and wordart you share on your blog and make sure I at the very least say thank you.

  19. oh gosh, Paulette, I am so sorry to hear this. I try to say thanks, but confess I may forget from time to time. please forgive me when I do, as it is not intentional.

    you know how much I adore your images and sentis. gosh, I use them ALL the time! thank you for all you do! you ARE appreciated!

    sending hugs and prayers your way!

  20. I am so sorry you are still having trouble, I like Judy have made conscious effort to comment on any freebies I download (plus I now know how to do it by adding my name - I couldn't always do it through google account!lol). It really brought it home to me when I saw how many were downloading and not commenting the last time you mentioned this - it's very disheartening, so I am very sorry this is still happening

  21. I like your work. And often I find some inspiration for my work with children.
    Thank you for your time, your work and lots of great creative ideas.

  22. I'm sorry about your son and my prayers are still being said for him and your family. And I feel bad that you're getting tired of people using your thoughtfulness and not giving you a thank you for all your work.I can well imagine your resentment.But I hope (selfishly)that doesn't make you not offer them to us(the 6%)Told you I was selfish!!! Anyway a BIG thank you from me.

  23. :( Nope I wouldn't be feeling the love either. I do appreciate your digis, and enjoy visiting your blog. I think people forget that you do this out of love not out of obligation. Hope we can all be better at expressing our thanks to you.

  24. Just reading your sentiments is such fun.... you're brilliant!!! I don't snag them all. I have more sentiments than time to create cards with all of them.
    But it is sad that still such a small percentage of the downloaders leave comments....
    On the other hand.... look at it this way: soooo many downloads means that the 'snaggers' do love you a LOT!!!

  25. Sorry about that. I've been good for a while, but do admit that last night I was snagging, intending to go back and write, but got interrupted and then forgot .... Sorry - I DO appreciate all your generosity! and your talent!

  26. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  27. I so understand you. I had a freebie up yesterday. Over 1,000 downloads. Less than 100 comments. It only takes a few seconds to say thank you and let the artists know you appreciate their work.

  28. I am so sorry more people are not leaving comments - you are so very generous and should be thanked. It only takes a second or two to leave just a word - THANKS! - this word goes a long way!

  29. Hi Paulette.
    So sorry you are feeling unloved.
    I love the freebies you share with us and try to remember to say thank you. So thank you for the past freebies you have shared with us all and thank you for todays freebie. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and pray you soon feel much more love from the crafting world where I'm sure you are really appreciated even by people who forget to say thanks.
    Sending hugs.
    Poppy X

  30. Sooooooooo sorry that ppl still don't know the phrase "THANK YOU", you know the saying: what goes round comes round,one they those rude ppl will get it back and maybe then just then they will know the meaning of that two little word.
    Your blog thought me how much that 2 little word means to ppl like yourself and ever since I comment cos I know how much feedback means to the person who gives.

  31. Thanks so much for sharing your talents.
    God Bless,

  32. I feel so bad that people don't appreciate the gift you give each day,by just saying thank you.I really appreciate the freebies you share.I will say thank you for those people that don't care about the time you spend to give each freebie away.

  33. Hi Paulette
    I'm sorry to see your sadness and disillusion again.... I haven't been nabbing freebies of late, as I only take the freebies I will use, I'm not just a collector.
    With my own family issues, I've not been visiting so much .... but you're in my prayers daily, and if there was a special prayer request, I'm sorry that I missed it.
    Thank you for being YOU!!!
    hugs and blessings!

  34. I'm so sorry, I don't grab much but when I did I didn't thank you!! So really not nice of me!! So with this message I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your beatifull freebies and lots of inspriration!!! I hope you will forgive me for not being thoughtfull to you!!! Love, Jacqueline.

  35. So sorry to hear this continues to be a problem :( I am proud to say I am in the 6% and want to encourage everyone to take just a few seconds to say Thanks for all you generosity. Hugs... (and prayers.)

  36. Yikes - still??? I know that I take a few minutes each time I download to say thanks...and sometimes offer more.

    I appreciate your kindness so much. Haven't used a lot of the freebies but some day I will :)

  37. Thank you for your designs. I try to leave comments when I come to your website. I will say I have been amiss. When I get your email I have a tendency of not leaving a comment because there is not a link there. I will try to followup by going to your website so I can thank you properly.

  38. I always TRY to leave a comment but sometimes, different blogs won't let me.. I end up in a loop that says my email will not work... other times it works just fine. I can not determine what I am doing wrong or why this happens.. I am going to copy this and email it to you if I have that problem with this comment...

  39. Even after the last time...people are still not leaving a very simple thank you? Shame on them. And I think you are so generous for sharing. So...Thank You!

  40. Thank you for all your shares and I think your work is just AWESOME!!!THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

  41. That's shocking! I thought it would at least follow the 80-20 rule (20% of the people do 80% of the work...or in this case 20% of the people say thank you?)

    Kaylie and I love you, Paulette! We always say thank you to ALL artists for any freebies we take. You all put your hearts and souls into it and are so generous to share them for free. The least people can do is say "thank you." Their mothers would be so disappointed in them!

  42. How about - the cost of downloading a freebie - a simple thank you or comment?

  43. I have been guilty in the past of not leaving a thank you but then I realized that I really DO appreciate all of the awesome artwork that these wonderful people allow us to use! Now I smile as I have the Opportunity to say Thank You!


  44. It's just RUDE to not leave a comment if you're going to take the freebie!!!

  45. I also am sorry to hear that this is still happening. Your sentiments are just great & some have given me my giggle for the evening. Sometimes it's hard to teach "adults" good manners!!

  46. This truly is a sad post. I haven't downloaded lately but really appreciate all the wonderful sentiments that you provide for free! I hope people start to realize that it really doesn't take much to leave a comment and I have the same problem on my blog also.

  47. Paulette, I truly understand your frustration. When I spend a lot of time to make a special card for someone, it means so much to receive a comment. Sadly, most of the time, I hear nothing. I hope that more people will give you the thanks you deserve for being so very generous with all of us. A very big thank you from me. Prayers for your son also.

  48. I'm sorry, Paulette, that this problem continues ... it seems the numbers are even worse than before. I wish I knew the answer to the lack of common courtesy. My thanks, as always, for your kindness, generosity and talent.

    Your son, you and the rest of the family remain in my thoughts and prayers.

    ~ Carol B. ~

  49. I really don't understand people anymore. Did they not learn about manners or just common courtesy. When given something you say "Thank You" - it is that simple. Of course many of these people won't be reading the comments we are writing to you either. Sad! Very sad!

  50. I'm part of your 6%. It's simple - if I don't have time to leave a thank you, I don't download a freebie, even if it means I miss out on a limited time freebie.

    I'm so sorry to hear that such a low percentage of people leave comments. :( I had thought the numbers of comments were up from what they used to be.

    Sadly, I see a low number of thank you's on the most of the sites that give away freebies. I love and appreciate the freebies that you are so generous with, but I sure could understand if you felt the need to stop giving them. No one likes to feel unappreciated or used. Big hugs to you, Paulette.

  51. Am really new to all this, but love your site. Thank you.

  52. Guilty... I'm sorry I don't do this more often. I really do appreciate the time and generosity. THANK YOU!!!!

  53. i visit occasionally and usually snag a few and comment on at least one.. thank you for all you do xoxo

  54. I am so sorry that people aren't being more generous with their thanks. I only found your sight on Sunday and I just knew I had to make a donation right away. I promise to do more as soon as I can.

  55. i;m sorry that this is happening. I think things may change a little now that people know how you feel

  56. Wow, is it just me, or has the percentage of thankful people actually gone down??? So sorry that so many people don't show their appreciation. I'm happy to be in the minority on this, along with a lot of other things in life, quite frankly. Seems like so many people just think that the world owes them. Well, listen up, people...the world owes you nothing -- it was here first!! Say thank you to the nice lady, already! Thanks Paulette for all your offerings. I truly don't know how you come up with the plethora of wordart that you do. It's amazing.

  57. Oh je 6 % sagen nur danke? Das ist erschreckend wenig und tut mir sehr leid für Dich und Deine Arbeit. Ich nehme mir immer die Zeit um danke zu sagen wenn ich mir ein Freebie runterlade. Ich wünsche Dir das ab jetzt alle danke sagen .
    Liebe Grüße

  58. I apologize for not leaving comments. I love your site and look at it daily. Don't always download, but enjoy your daily postings - there's usually always something there that makes me smile. I will be better about posting "thank you's" in the future.

  59. Thank you- I am one that does not leave a comment every time but I have just started "collecting" these freebies and enjoying them. I do however rotate around and say thank you to different artists, so I am sorry if you haven't had a thank you from me yet, :)

  60. Oh Paulette ((hugs)), I'm sorry you are still struggling with this! There are lots of us who DO comment. Every time I take a freebie, (and even when I don't!), I try to leave some love. I give you credit where I use your work, and am happy to have your badge on my blog, or my cards on your blog...
    People do need the occasional reminder, a nudge to remember their manners. But I hope that the things that other people do wrong doesn't effect what you do right.
    Hugs, Shannah xox

  61. Im really sorry for not taking the time to thank you for the lovely freebies you have giving us.

  62. I am happy to say that I too am one of the 6% that leaves a comment. I always leave a comment when I download and sometimes even when I don't. I so very much appreciate all that you do for us. You not only give us freebies but you give so much of your time to us. When I send an email (no matter what time) you always answer in no time at all. Also, please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and hope everything is going okay. Take care. Sarah

  63. Very sad to hear that people is not thankful to you being you so generous...
    I hope people is more conscious and leave at least a "thank you".
    A big hug,


  64. I love visiting your blog - I always find inspiration here. Thank you for being so generous and sharing your talents.

  65. I have a very very hard time signing into my google account so I'm terrible at leaving feedback because it won't let me sign in and if I get signed in it says that I am not allowed access to the blog or what ever. I'm not a blog person I'm terrible at the whole blog thing, and for that I do say I'm sorry.

    But I have e-mailed you personally to tell you how much your images and sayings mean to me and thank you for them. I will take more time to drop e-mail to say thanks I promise

  66. It's not hard to take a few moments to thank you for all of the great work you do for ALL of us. I do love coming here and always leave a message of THANKS. Hope others will start doing the same. Thanks again Paulette!

  67. WOW! That is crazy & sad. Can you imagine your friend or co worker giving you something? You take it from them and walk away without saying a word! I'm sure they would be ticked off and not think very much of you!

    Saying THANK YOU to someone should be a no brainer!

    Thank you Paulette + sorry you had to post this again!

  68. I'm one of your 6%, not only is it simple common courtesy, but I don't want my Grandma to haunt me!! Seriously I don't think it's to much to ask, a simple thank you when have given them a gift. Continuing to think of you and your family...

  69. I have not posted a comment when downloading but do credit your site and provide a link back to it if I use an image. I am new to cardmaking and digistamps so please know that there are grateful people out there that didn't intentionally mean any disrespect. Your free images (and others like you) allow new people like myself to start digital scrapping and we are very grateful. Thank-you.

  70. Personally I think that people are lacking in manners these days. OMG I sound like my mom LOL. I try to comment several times a week. Even on those days I don't comment I am thankful, but I should tell you. Your blog is one of the highlights of my day. I try to buy items from the store and join clubs, not just because your stuff is awesome, but as another way of saying thanks for all the freebies. I know that you are going through a tough time right now and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  71. Love your entiments and digis. I know you spend a lot of time getting these together and I truely do appreciate all of them. Thanks

  72. Darn it! I try to leave comments on a regular basis...not on every one, but then again...I don't download every one either but....I REALLY REALLY appreciate all of your hard work and the adorable sayings that you share with us! I'm just recently into cards and actually haven't used any of these yet, but your's are so cute I keeps saying I need to! We all need more hours in a day don't we! LOL. Thank you so much for sharing I DO appreciate you taking the time to create and share with us! I learn so much from more seasoned scrappers and creaters of files like yours. Thank you!

  73. I am sorry people do not acknowledge your time and talent or how much they appreciate what you do. We are all too!

  74. I am guilty - no longer! Thank you very much for all your hard work and time it must take to put together this list. I don't say it often enough but I do appreciate it! Thank you!

    Stamping Queen

  75. I am one of the guilty - no longer! I do appreciate all the love and time and effort it takes you to provide such a thoughtful service to us all. Thank you very much!

  76. Too often I've tried to leave comments on blogs, and found it difficult to figure out 'what i am" I don't want a google account. Open ID doesn't work. I dont' have a blog or URL to list. Sometimes anonymous doesn't work, OCCASIONALLY it will but only if i do a preview first. I do appreciate all the freebies and lovely projects available to view, but have wondered why my e-mail doesn't work for commenting. (and I'm crossing my fingers i can get this to post)

  77. Sorry you feel this way darlin I do thankyou every time I get a freebie, I wouldnt take all of your frebies as it wouldnt be fair. I hope your family is ok I keepyou in my prayers and thank you again for the wondergul stuff that you give freely love and hugs June xxxxxx

  78. I am ashamed to say that I am sometimes part of the 94%. Not all the time, but I will make sure I leave a comment in future, not just to you, but everyone. I do love your work and it is appreciated. I have not been around much recently, so have no idea what is happening to you and the family, but whatever it is you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Pippa x

  79. Must admit I leave my comments as annon but love your site and do download but don't have a blog

  80. Hi Paulette,

    I'm in total agreement with you and find it very disheartening when offering an image which is downloaded over a 1000 times but only 25 comments are left.

    I love giving and put a lot of love into my images but am now offering less and less due to this problem.

    I salute you for shouting this out as I didn't want to offend anyone by saying how dissappointed I was with this issue.

    Suze x

  81. I try to leave comments each time I download but must admit sometimes I neglect to do so. I will try much harder to leave some love each time since you and so many others are so generous with your talents. Thanks again - your site is one of my favs!

  82. ia'm so sorry people are taking you, and many like you, for granted.I always try to say thankyou,sometimes my computer bounces me around and I can't do it but in future I'll make greater effort.I bless you for these fab freebies and my freinds and family who recieve my cards bless you too xx

  83. A good reminder. However, not being computer savvy, I do not always know how to leave a comment on these sites. Ocassionally it works for me, other times I try and try with no result. I try under Anonymous as haven't worked out the other options yet. So here goes on your site. Love, Sue from Oz

  84. Sorry for being one of those 94%.. Love all the work that you do. Will do my best in the future to appreciate what I get from you. Love..

  85. I totaly hear you. I'm really new to blogging. Only a couple months now. At first I was just happy to see on my little global image, where people were viewing my blog from.

    But now, seeing the numbers that have viewed my blog, and how many actually leave a's almost concerning.

    Do people not like what they're seeing? Is my stuff that bad??

    But then when I see that I have like 23 followers, and some that have 100's or 1000s of followers, and still they only get a handful of comments. I AS feel bad.

    I guess people are always in that 'rush' mode and don't stop to smell the roses. Pitty. Cause patting someone on the back makes both feel good - doesn't it!

    Thanks for all you do.

  86. Wow are you feelin' the love!! I thought I would never find the end of the comments section lol. I have been a follower forever and must admit that I don't always leave a thank you note. Funny how we think, I thought you would have so many you wouldn't have time to read them. My bad! I will make a better effort to have you on my grateful list. Thanks and blessings for all you do!!!
    Irene L.

  87. Thank you for all the wonderful images and sayings. I haven't always commented and I don't always download, but I love checking you almost every day and seeing what you have come up with. I will try to be better about commenting, especially when I download, but know in your heart that you are appreciated and anyone who sees what you do knows how creative you are and I'm sure doesn't mean to disrespect what your are doing. Our prayers are with you and hope you know you are loved!

  88. I have been absent for a bit and am sorry to come back to hear about the on-going issue of NO comments. I learned about the need for these quite awhile ago and have been a 6% person for quite some time. All you do is so very appreciated and your work is spectacular! Please be encouraged by those of us who love you! Keep on keeping on! Dee

  89. Hi Paulette, I am guilty of not always leaving a comment when I take one of your freebies. I sometimes take one or two or more on the same day and leave a comment on only one. I have not visited as often lately so hadn't heard about your son. Will pray for you and your family. I do really appreciate your talent and generosity. Regards, Roxy

  90. I love visiting your blog - I always find inspiration here. Thank you!!!


  91. I L O V E your page!
    I save all images from you in a folder in my computer and when I jusing one I will lett you know.
    Sorry that I haven´t comment


  92. I'm sorry, I don't leave a comment a lot because I struggle to get comments posted a lot of times - haven't figured out exactly how on a lot of the places. But, I will do better. I really am sorry, because I really do appreciate your hard work and I thank you very much.

  93. I comment most of the time, but I am not perfect :( Thanks so much for all you do and share :)

  94. Im also sorry about not leaving a comment i love your work and your so kind to share and keep giving us freebies
    I had not heard about your son i shall now go and look at your blog but i wnat to send you loads of hugs and love and all i can say is im sorry Lov Lizx

  95. thank you for your freebies just found out how to leave a comment sorry not found out earlir

  96. Thanks for all you do for us, I do try to comment. I'm fairly new to all this, I comment under annonymous, not everyone has this facility it's when they don't that I can't comment. I'm not sure that I want lots of different accounts to comment. Maybe I should make a list of places without the facility and not visit them or maybe digi designers could add annonymous to theier lists to make things easier for the newbies. This wasn't supposed to sound negitive and I am really greatful for what you do. I'm just a bit over awed about what I should be doing.
    Ceri :)

  97. Hello, I am new to the digi world and I apoligize for not taking the time to say thank-you. I have gotten a few of the digis, I have not used them yet because I have to understand how they are used. I enjoy looking at all of the spectacular work, it is so beautiful and amazing how much talent is represented on this site.

    God bless you for everything that everyone does to make all this come together.
    Thank-you. Jaye.

  98. I'm happy to say I am one of your 6%. Every once in a while I have trouble with my Google account and it won't allow me to post a comment. Haven't figured that out yet... but when that happens I always shoot you an email letting you know why I didn't comment when I snatched digis.

    I've been away for a while so I'm sorry to hear you are still having problems with getting comments/thank yous. So sad.

    I appreciate what you do for me and the others and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  99. I'm guilty too. Thank you for the freebies. Hope I've increased the percentage!

  100. Thank you for the reminder...a Thank You from me. I truly enjoy your site.

  101. I just tried again and I am still having an issue I think with google I have had problems with leaving comments with my google account and must confess I just stopped...after reading this I once again feel very guilty as I did good for a while and then I had the problem. I love all your freebies and have bought from you from time to time...but i will try hard to be better and not just here but on all the freebies. I am going to try to post this anonymously that sometimes works for me thanks again and your family is in my prayers.

  102. I do generally try to leave a comment in appreciation of all that is done, but sometimes I am in a hurry and don' sorry for that. I will always try to say thanks.......hope others do too!

  103. Just found your site, Very nice and thank you for your freebies

  104. I comment when I snag - I just don't always 'snag' ....

  105. it's awful that no appreciation is shown for all the work that is done on the websites and the digitals that are provided to us free. I do say thank you to at least 75 to 80% of all the freebies that I copy. I would hate for these wonderful artists to thrown in the towel and quite providing these delightful digitals. They are what make out cards so great!!! Thank you!

  106. I am guilty of NOT always saying thank you, however, I do put the artist name next to the digital when I save it and try to always give credit when I use it. For all the hard work you do finding and downloading digitals I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart!! God bless.

  107. I try to get to your site everyday but I dont always snag your freebies.I am also guilty of not commenting each time I do snag one I am sorry I will try to do better & I do appreciate your ard work

    Huga Eileen

  108. Been gone for a few days so I'm trying to catch up with all the wonderful graphics you discover for us. I would say I leave a comment 99% of the time. The only time I don't is when I can't locate the (hidden) comment box. I "always" look,but if isn't visible (to me)fairly soon I usually go on. However, I DO leave a bit of mental love and a thanks. I know that may not show, but I do appreciate all the gifts.

  109. Sorry to hear that...I just found your site...a little slow here to discover digi stamping. Thank you for your work and providing the opportunity to down load free items. It is for sure a lot of work...I do some sentiments myself..and they can take for ever just to get them to my liking. Can't wait to check out your site.

  110. I will say that I used to just "download and run" but now I take the time to leave a comment when I download a freebie. It only takes a moment to say thank you.


  111. I'm sending some love your way. I can't believe that people don't take the 2 seconds it takes to say thank you when you who share with us have spent so much time creating and uploading etc. I for one appreciate you! :) Thanks for all that you share with us. I know that your comment wasn't meant for me but I had to respond anyhow.

  112. Well, I'm really sorry people aren't doing their part in thanking you for your generosity. The only positive thing is that I'm part of an exclusive 6%! But really, thanks for everything you do, and thanks for the backround paper and the goodie you sent.

  113. Im SORRY!!! I am one of the guilty ones. I pop in and snatch the digi and out i pop... Im very limited in time as im alone with 3 kids most of the time, so if im ever to get crafting i dont have much time on pc. HOWEVER i promise i will make a bigger effort...
    Again, im sorry and thank you for all your hard work xxxx

  114. That's really sad - i'll be trying to give some love most of the time, when i find a freebie i love - so i do on your site, too - Hope this percentage of Commenters will increase in future.
    thanks one more time for your generousity!


  115. So sorry we've been lax! I've made a donation and will make more... and I want you to know I AM grateful for the site. Please do keep it up. I will be extra focused on the thank yous!!!


  116. Love all the free wordart.. thanks for sharing your talents!

  117. So sorry to hear that this is still an issue Paulette. I always leave a "Thank You" for those freebies that I save. Haven't blogged for a while so am just catching up and trying to get my head round the new linky followers news so haven't discovered what's happened with your son but hopefully things are improving.

    Max's Craft Creations
    Bah! Humbug! Challenges DT


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.