Monday, July 11, 2011

Next Clubs...

The August Club will Start 7-23 and run through 8-12
Will feature Back to School goodies, Fall Goodies, Sisters Day and Random thoughts from me

The September Club will start 8-20 and run through 9-09
Will feature Halloween, Fall and More Random thoughts from me.

You are missing a TON of goodies if you miss the clubs.


  1. Great to know!! I can save my pennies. Looking forward to them. :-D

  2. Awh come on Paulette WHY OH WHY do you tease us so - did you know that is still 11 sleeps away - that is not nice!!
    I won't even work out the other sets, just too, too far for me to handle!

  3. This sounds like a good combo! I think I will join this one! :)


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.