Saturday, June 18, 2011


My daughter posted a really cute paragraph about leaving comments....go check it out...and then come back here and leave a comment on the can comment on any post............FOR EVERY 20 COMMENTS TODAY....(they can be on any post).....I will put up another vintage image....sound like fun? Get to commenting....
And don't FORGET to leave a comment on Bri's cute little COMMENT~! lol
The post is called Rainbows and Smiles...


  1. I read it the other day and thought that's bril. Made me giggle as well

  2. Very good post - once you learn how to leave comments it is easy. You know I try and leave a comment before I go and download something that way I don't have to work my way back to the original post - I find it much easier to keep up with my "thank yous" this way!

  3. well, you know you are first thing I click on in the morning, to check out what wonders are in store, just waiting for us! Keep up the great work.

  4. Good comments l was so taken in l became a follower of her blog...made me lol..........:) Sandra H

  5. Loved the post on your daughter's blog, it was really funny.

  6. I get excited everytime I get a comment... And I love leaving comments, though I am very wordy. Love to talk!

  7. Just visited her!!


  8. As I said in Bri's blog, it took me a long time to come out of the shadows and begin making comments. I now know how important they are. Thanks for being patient with us "turtles"...Dee

  9. I try to leave a comment in Bris blog, but blogger don`t let me, but I wrote an e-mail!!

  10. That's right, a scary clown will not pop out to get you,

    I LOVE this bit - :P

    It's true, in this world of instant gratification, we rarely take the time anymore to SPEAK to one another. It's just too bothersome, besides - they've got a counter thingy - I don't need to comment. They KNOW I stopped by.

    What a LOAD!!

    It's manners, people. We aren't "designed" to go thru life as individuals, but as a community. Love each other, just a little. Makes all the difference in "their" world.

    You are marvelous, Paulette - may you always be abundantly blessed in everything you do.

    D :)

  11. I think some are not quite sure how to leave a comment. For those of us who becomes second nature.

    You give so much of yourself, Paulette & it's only common courtesy to respond with a "thank you".

    I also try to comment when I see something someone has shared that I appreciated or really liked. We all love to get comments or matter who we are.

    Huggies ~ Sharron♥

  12. Sometimes I forget to leave a comment as I get your updates through my e-mail. Sorry. I do love your files.

  13. Ha! All I needed to know was that no scary clowns would arrive in my computer. Seriously, I love your freebies as well as the stamps I've purchased from you. They are getting a workout! Thank you.

  14. Everyone can use the encouragement of a kind word. Way to go Bri!

  15. It was a cute post, thanks for pointing us to it Paulette! I "make myself" comment before I d/l anything! That way I never forget. LOL

  16. Bri is too funny, thanks for all that you do Paulette!

  17. Bri has a great sense of humor and a way with words. I love what she posted.

  18. A great reminder! Thank you Paulette for taking time to share all the wonderful graphics you have!

  19. I really like what Bri posted.
    A little thank you or comment takes a minute, and in the end means so much! And it spreads the rainbow smiles.....
    Thanks for your generosity!

  20. I agree with Bri but must admit it took me a long time to do more than say thank you.

  21. Sweet post. and it reminds me of my own "Bri." :)

  22. That is a wonderful post she created. What a wonderful cake that would be too! Wishing you both a fantastic day.

  23. Popped over to Bri's blog. Typed a comment and then it went to blog heaven. :(

  24. thank you. i love the flower trimmer and the stork digi, you are so sweet to us.

  25. Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures, you are a very generous lady. zara

  26. Its lovely to get comments :) Pity I dont have as much time to do it like I used to :( Maybe one day!!!

  27. Just swung past Bri's blog to read her comment 'comment'. It's so easy to see she is following in your footsteps Paulette! She has a wonderful heart, just like you do!
    hugs and blessings,
    (Now where can I get some of that Rainbow cake...)

  28. As I told your DD that was just too cute and after posting if anything pops out of my screen I was blaming her...

  29. I love your vintage images. Keep up the good work.

  30. I just down loaded a few more of the vintage images. They are fabulous. Thank you, so so Much!

  31. Aww - She is a sweetie, and has a beautiful blog! Left her a little comment and some love!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.