Monday, February 21, 2011

Just going to Vent for a Minute....

This was my response to a comment in the comment section of one of my posts....
I will leave that persons name off since my goal is not to single out that person.... here is my response to that person being unhappy that some of today's freebies went POOF~!

_______.....I appreciate all my readers very much, and yes, I know that they come from all over the world....with that said...there are over 2,000 freebies on this site....I would guess more than any other site.....and they have been left up for years.
But, I get in a funk every now and then, and let the people that SNAG and run get to me....Both the freebies from today that have gone POOF~! had over 200 downloads before I took them down....and guess how many people said thank you? ONE~! Some days it just gets to me.


  1. You have every right to be annoyed! Your work is very nice, and you are very considerate to put up so many free images. I'm sorry that some thoughtless people forget that.

  2. I am so sorry that I didn't say thank you. I do so appreciate your work....I will work harder on being appreciative. You rock!

  3. wow...I am so sorry that you don't get the thanks you deserve. I am always grateful when I take your freebies and make sure to leave you a comment. I love your sentiments!!!! So...A big thank you! Don't let the words of one person ruin your have made many many people happy in this world!

  4. I am one of those quite ones as well. I hope everyone who read your vent comments! Your drawings are beautiful and I'm thankful that you post them. I wish that I had such talent - Thank you.

  5. I hope everyone reads your post and from this time forward remembers to take the time to say thanks. You are a very generous person and are very much appreciated - even if we don't all show it. Thank you so much!

  6. I did say I was disappointed that I missed an image but I wasnt mad or anything I hope I didnt hurt your feelings. I adore your images and I can pretty much find any image or sentiment to fit any card I want to make. If I missed one then phooey on me. So if I ever miss saying thanks then know that I am grateful for all your generosity.

  7. i understand completely I used to free .gsd files and stopped doing it because I NEVER had even one thank you despite all files being snagged, it is very disheartening.. i dont get all your freebies but admit I don't always say thank you for the one's I do as I'm always in a hurry to get THANK YOU for all your wonderful generous gifts, they are truly appreciated :0)

  8. Paulette, You have a gift, and I thank you for sharing it with the world. Blessings ~ Tameko

  9. I totally understand. I try to leave a thank you on most of what I download, and hopefully manage at least a 90%. I have a started a freebie sentiment on my blog once a week, and "get" it. Out of over 600 downloads last week, I ended up with less than 10% saying thank you. 90% sure would be nice. :)

  10. I leave comments and thank you on a regular basis but I am also guilty of not thanking you for each one. Thank you Paulette. I did not get any poofs today. Bummer! I guess I was busy.

  11. Paulette- Anything you give us is icing on the cake...I would totally be discouraged if I saw only 1/200 say thanks...

    THANKS for your endless generosity and sharing of your fabulous talents and creativity.
    Hope tomorrow is a better day!!!

    : ) :) : )

  12. I think your right in being upset. I would too. Thankyou so much for all your efforts and Thank you for being such a generous darling. Having said that, I have to say, I love the new look of the blog. Its really really gorgeous.

  13. I'm glad you got in that funk and took the time to remind us all that you are giving to us so the least we can do is say THANK YOU. And to say THANK YOU to other's that give of there talent so freely. So thanks for the reminder. It's sort of like seeing someone on the street they are looking straight in your face and don't say a hard is it to say Good morning, Good evening or give them a nod something. Just that online we can't give you that nod, so's here's one to ya.

  14. I always feel so sad when I download an image and see how many have taken it and how few have thanked you. I'm surprised that you don't get fed up with us more often.

    I have to say that I actually thought it was quite humorous when I came to an image and it said, "Poof, it's gone!". Just figured my timing was off. :)

    You're a treasure, Paulette and I hope that people will start to cherish you like they should. Thanks for being the wonderful person that you are.

  15. I'm also guilty of not saying thank you. I have downloaded a few and probably never told you how wonderful your work is or how grateful I am to be able to get your beautiful vintage images, which I really love. I really do appreciate your generosity in sharing so freely and hope you will continue to do so.

    Blessings to you,

  16. Thank you so much!!! I am sorry that someone said something negative. Please know that your kindness is very much appreciated! Blessings to you!

  17. So sorry to hear not everyone is commenting. I'm not taking all your freebies, but when I do I always comment. Sometimes it's hard to come up with a nice comment, especially when english is not your motherlanguage, but I guess you forgive me the spelling mistakes.
    Hope more people start to comment, because your generosity is heartwarming.

  18. Awwww big hugs to you. Always keep them close to give to someone that needs a hug.

    I have to say I am in Norway, and mostly when you have games I am sleeping, but i always treasure every time i have the chance to join in one =) And I always end up with a huge smile on my face when i do =) Your work is amazing and have inspired me so much.

    Big hugs from Lilli =)

  19. I too do not always leave comments, but appreciate everything that you post and the fun games you have.

  20. What a nice entry! :)
    I am new to your web home, but I really appreciate your generosity, your talent and also your honesty.
    A big thank you for all your hard work :D

  21. But I am not of those people Paulette ;) I thank you every time when I dowload a freebie of yours. Because you are so kind, giving and amazing - there isn't enought words to describe you.

    I am sorry, that many people don't thank you. I understand that it gets to you, you have every right to be angry!

    I apologize that my comment hurted your feelings. I thank you for the freebies, but some of them I never have a chance to get, because they are poof by the time I wake up. But never mind, that's nothing compared to what some people do to you. I didn't know so many people don't thank you :(

  22. Sorry you had some upsetting feedback, Paulette. We all appreciate you!

  23. Oh how I feel you!
    I know that sometimes I've downloaded free stuff and forgotten to go back and share my project...but I'm getting better, I hope! You are almost too generous, really. You've been such an we can tell by these comments!

  24. I think you have every right to be upset and I guess you can include me in the group you would be upset with. I'm one of those quiet ones. It is not intentional. I have left a comment or two but find I always run into a snag in the process of leaving a comment. I have to sign in and then sign in again so that I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. But I said all that to say THANK YOU for all your hard work and your generous heart for offering such beautiful freebies! I love them!

  25. Although I don't ALWAYS comment individually, I do try to say thank you and share my completed project with you if I use one of your freebies. You have great talent and a generous spirit to share that talent with so many people. Thank you.

  26. I don't always say thanks; it's not that I'm not thankful, but a lot of times I go straight to the download from Google Reader... Sometimes I leave my comments on the 4shared site instead of here. And some days when I have a lot of time, I go back and leave comments on things that I already downloaded. All that to say, THANK YOU PAULETTE!! You are very kind to keep giving us freebies even though we don't always behave... :D

  27. I don't always leave a comment here but I generally give you my thanks when I send my cards to you. I will however make more of an effort to do so!

    Don't let them get to you and carry on doing what your doing, the way you do so well! I don't always get chance to snag but i'm grateful for what i do get!


  28. This is why we post the message to please say thank you to the designers every so often. You go girl!! I know I look every day, I may post a link to the sites but I don't take them all. I do post a thank you note if I take them. Really not that hard to do!

    BTW I did take todays freebie, posting a thanks here, and I do miss some but it is my fault not yours. If it is something I really want I' should go buy it!

    Thank you!

  29. You have the most fabulous sentiments Paulette! Thanks for all your hard work. You totally have the right to put them up and take them down as you please. I understand your aggrivation. ~jeni :)

  30. you should vent - and some folks have to self editing etiquette

    sorry you had to deal with what you did - we are lucky to subscribe to your blog!

  31. It's her blog, and she can "poof" if she wants to!

  32. I'm so very sorry that others don't leave you the appreciation that you deserve, Paulette! That's just not right. To grab the goodies & run without a word of thanks.
    I soooo appreciate all that you do for us & am ever grateful for every wonderful creation you share.
    Big Huggies to you, my friend!

  33. I am sure I would be one that didn't leave a thankyou. I am new at this and had no idea how rude and ungrateful that made me to be. I am sorry and will try harder to show my appreciation. I really do like what you do.

  34. I love your work and don't always say Thank You!!! I am sorry!! Thank you for all you put up! It is very much appreciated!!!

  35. I'm so sorry Paulette. I know I kinda grumbled about a feebie being gone yesterday. I meant nothing by it and I do apologize for causing you any frustration. It was just so adorable that I was sorry I missed it. Please forgive me?

  36. I don't think I have ever downloaded one of your free images but I have been lucky enough to find several free images recently but I don't think I have said Thank You to those people. I can't believe I was so insensitive! I'm not that rude in person so why would I be over the 'net? I am very sorry that I have not been saying Thank you like I should and I appreciate you pointing out the error in my way. Even thought I have not received any of your freebies, my very sincerest thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. And thank you to everyone I have gotten freebies from recently - you will all be receiving personal thank you's from now on!

  37. It's confession time - I don't always say thank you. I try to, and I whilst I am not a talented artist who generously donates much of her artwork (as you and so many others do) I can still appreciate your frustration at not being thanked for what you do. I have just gone through some of your images, and I think the only one I've downloaded is the owl from a day or two ago. It would be so easy to download all the marvellous images, but I am trying to only download things I think I will use. And when I use them I link back to the original artist and credit them with the work, and at that point comment on their blog. I will try and do better on thanking at the first stage. I hope you feel better for your vent - sometimes it is necessary and I am sure all your fans/followers/freeloaders understand the reason why. xx

  38. This is a great wake up call to those of us who don't always leave a thank you. I am guilty as charged and apologize for that. From now on, I'm a changed woman. Thanks for your honesty.

  39. This is a good wake up call to all of us who have one time or another just "snagged and ran". I am guilty as charged and it's not that I don't appreciate your wonderful freebies, sometimes it's laziness (I truly apologize). Your honesty is appreciated and I hope I'm not the only one who has taken your comments to heart.

  40. I'm so glad you shared this. I'm new to this whole business and actually just got my markers last week. This is an important piece of etiquette that I'm glad you shared. I have downloaded many of your images and sentiments. They are wonderful and I'm sorry that I have not commented before this. Thank you for sharing your creations. When I do get something created I'll be sending it your way. :)

  41. I am always grateful for such splendid freebies .Thankyou xx

  42. I will thank you for the wonderful work you've done, and sorry to hear some aren't gratful for what you have given...

  43. I am always greateful for such splendid freebies .Thankyou

  44. When I leave a comment does that mean I will recieve tons of e-mail? I am quilty of being silent because of my fear that it will somehow cause unwanted advertisements coming to me via e-mail. I do very much appreciate all the freebies you offer. I love your sentiments.

  45. I keep saying thankyou but my comment doesn't come up thankyou for your splendid artwork.

  46. I am very guilty of picking up some of your freebies now and again, but not saying thank you. I am so sorry for that, and will make sure that I thank you properly each time from now on.
    You are one talented lady, and you have every right to get annoyed with people like me!! I'm glad I saw your post - it has really made me think!
    Love, Andrea xx

  47. I also think you have every right to be annoyed! I hate when people don't say thank you! I will say, that sometimes I will take a couple and not comment on each one, but I do say thank you on at least one of them--and thank you for all the images. I so appreciate them!

  48. Guilty as charged. My apologies and a great big "Thank you!"

  49. I am so sorry and you have every right to be disheartened and upset.

    I really appreciate your work and look at your whole site when I visit. It's inspiring!!

    Many hugs. And thank you for your generosity!

  50. I have snagged a lot of your freebies and said thank you too but sometimes since I am in a remote place my comp just misbehaves and I am not able to .But I take this opporuntiy to tell you Paulette that your generosity is really appreciated and don't let a bunch of ungrateful people annoy you.Hugs

  51. Sorry that happened I missed the freebie but your work is great

  52. Sorry that this has happened to you. You have every right to be upset. Let me explain why I don't alway leave comments. It become very annoying to go to each site and to have to sign in each time I want to leave a comment or I have to do the security thing, which I have poor eye site and have a difficult time with. But recently someone told me about google chrome and I no longer have to sign in at each site, it keeps me signed in. This has made it much easier to leave comments. I will be sure to "always" leave a thank you from now on. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all that you do. May God continue to bless you with you talent.

  53. I'm sorry that I haven't posted before now. I've had trouble with figuring out how to post.
    I appreciate your willingness to share your talents with me.

  54. As another freebie designer, I want to thank you for posting this. I have a tracker on my site as well, and can see when I've had hundreds - if not thousands - pageviews/downloads, but only wind up with a dozen or so thank yous. Creating the items that we do takes time and effort (and resources!), and we're putting that time and effort into something we're GIVING away - we get nothing our of that except the appreciation those who download offer.

    Thank you again for posting this....I hope it makes a difference!

  55. I understand the feeling! When I've posted my word art and simply asked for a comment if you down load, and after 1500 views only 34 comments?? Where have our basic manners gone...we shouldn't even have to ask for a thank you!

  56. I am probably guilty of not saying thanks often enough when I download a freebie. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I have just started trying my hand at drawing due to a recent long-term illness. I hope to be able to draw as beautifully as you do with tons more practice. I also just discovered the blogging and digital stamp worlds since my illness and am new to etiqutte involved. Thanks for the reminder on how important a thank you can be to someones day.

  57. thank you I try to leave comments but not sure they go through.


  58. I am one guilty one and I am truely sorry. I download some of the freebies without a comment. I really, really love your work, it is so generous of you to put up all the freebies and I will remember to say a big thank you when I take them. God Bless You!!!

  59. Uh, I am bad--I don't like to spend much time on the web so I have grabbed and run. I am sorry--your site is one of the ones that I have appreciated so much. I was thinking only of myself. I vow to do better expressing my appreciation. Thank you for venting!

  60. You're right! I am one of those who grabs and thoughtless. It only takes a few seconds to leave some love. Thank you for all the past freebies. Your work is fabulous.

  61. Yes, I agree, i love your digi's and blog. I am sorry I haven't said thank you more. I love your digi's I voted for your site today on the top digi sites. I wanted you to be in the top 10 but that does not excuse me from not saying thank you every time. please forgive me. I depend on digi's because I travel all the time and your's are the ones I look at the most. I am so sorry and thank you for venting. We needed to hear it to be reminded that we owe it to you and other digis blogs.Hugs Cathy K

  62. Thank you a million times over...sorry I don't say thank you enough. You're a very generous person

  63. Your work is great.. Thank you!

  64. Auch ich möchte danke sagen für all die schönen Geschenke für uns. Es sind so wundervolle Zeichnungen und ich schätze Ihre Arbeit sehr.
    LG Tina

  65. I am one of the guilty ones not showing their appreciation for all your work. I just returned home from vacation and one of the first things I looked forward to was checking out your website.
    I've made some beautiful cards thanks to your freebies. I want to say that I appreciate your work, thank you very much. You're the best of the best!

  66. I would like to say I am sorry if I never left a Thank you, I sometimes forget having kids and it always seems like they are yelling at me when I get on the computer and by the time I can get back to the computer I don't remember if I said thanks for sharing or not, your work is wonderful and really ejoy the freebies you and the others give us. I like to say now thank you for sharing because without people that is so kind to share their work for free I wouldn't have much to craft with. So if I ever forget again I am always greatful to people like you for share their hard work with people like me that don't have a lot of money to spare all the time. I will try harder in the future to leave a thank you.

  67. Thank you so much for the designs! You are incredibly talented!

  68. Paulette,

    I am VERY thankful for the freebies you give. I'm sure that many of those who have never said thanks ARE thankful too. Please forgive us...some of the sites want most of your life history even to post a thank you that sometimes I don't bother because I really don't want to give out my personal information just to say thank you.

    Thank you again and Bless You for what you do - you ARE appreciated VERY MUCH. :)

    Cindy - Brentwood, CA

  69. I am also thankful for your awsome work. I don't always say thanks and I thank you for reminding me that I should.

  70. wow venting about comments really draws the comments, but I bet not every one who read your comment left a comment. You are incredibly generous and although I mostly leave a comment , that's really not showing my complete gratitude for your sharing your gift with all of us. I'll be making it 100% from now on!

  71. I'm SO sorry that you've been upset by this. I'm afraid that in the past I may have been guilty of doing this, as I didn't really understand how to do the comments thing, but I learned how about 12 months ago, and now ALWAYS make a point of saying thank you, as your work and generosity really are appreciated.

    Judi xx

  72. I'm really glad you expressed this! I have taken freebies and not taken the time to say thank-you. Not only will I do better on your site, but on others as well.

    Thanks for opening my eyes and for sharing your wonderful talent.


  73. Thank you and please forgive. So much time it takes to create your work, and I as one promise to take time to thank you when I snag one of your sentiments. Your creativity and your willingness to share them with us is appreciated.

  74. excuse me I'm one of the guilty. I sometimes one you removed but not answered in part because my English is not good but yes that is I can not hear excuses excuse will try my best to do better, because I love them

  75. I am sorry if I stopped and robbed without leaving a thank you. I don't blame you for feeling down.

  76. I am very greatfull for your freebies they are always so beautiful but I am soory to say I do not always leave a thank you so thank you for the past freebies

  77. You are right, and I am guilty sometimes, SOOO Sorry, but please don't let us get you down, your work is beautiful and I for one, really appreciate it.

  78. SO sorry that you are obviously under-appreciated! I promise you that any images I download I always say "thank you" for. I do not understand why so many people cannot be bothered?? They can see it is upsetting the designers and that more and more are stopping freebies altogether or making it harder and harder to get hold of them. You seem to have tonnes of new stuff every time I vist - you must be one of the most prolific designers! and even if I do not download, I enjoy coming and seeing what you've done. Thank you for your lovely site and your generosity. I hope this rant will encourage at least some people to remember a Thank You in future!

  79. you are so very generous with your creativity and freebies. i, for one, do not say thank you often enough, but i DO thank YOU, from the bottom of my heart for EVERYTHING that you do. you have earned your cloud in heaven. you cannot please everyone and, unfortunately, it seems lately that there are just some people out there that like to stick a thorn in our sides! well BUGGER - or should i say BOOGER to them!!!!!

    hugs and a HUGE THANK YOU!

  80. You mean to say that people were leaving negative comments about your freebie?? They should have listened to their moms "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all!" That's just rude. I leave a comment for every image I download, and sometimes I even leave comments for ones I mean to download, but don't get to. Thank you for your continued hard work and enthusiasm.

  81. That is just plain awful!!! I do try to leave a comment on any I snag and I really appreciate all your work and sharing. I'm so sorry others don't take a second to say thank you!!

  82. I must apologize to you...Sometimes I will download while at work and I go through things very quickly. Your digis and sentiments are very much appreciated, but it is so awful to snag and run. So on that note thank you for all of the freebies I have downloaded with out leaving a comment. I will try to make a point to be better at commenting!

  83. Way to go Paulette, and thank you for the prompt e-mail response. Have a great day! Tina

  84. Hi, I have a big admission to give you Im probably one of those that has been so rude not to have left you a thank you, Im afraid Im always in a rush with committments that I dont have time to stop and thank you and I do apologise for this, your freebies are a great and I enjoy them, and Im really sorry to have been one of those thats not had the goodness to do it, but THANK YOU, please forgive me. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  85. I too, am guilty of not thanking you. I am so very sorry. I really enjoy looking at all your artsy digis, please accept my sincere apologies & I hope you keep offering your goodies to us, I really do enjoy your site even if I don't always show it. I will comment from now on, lesson learned!

  86. I too, am guilty of not thanking you. You take the time to design them, we should take the time to thank you. I am so very sorry. I really enjoy looking at all your artsy digis, please accept my sincere apologies & I hope you keep offering your goodies to us, I really do enjoy your site even if I didn't show it. I will comment from now on, lesson learned!

  87. We stink sorry not letting you know what a great job your doing. THANKS!!! By the way how did or do you find out about National _____ Day. that's so cute.

  88. Hm-m-m, inconsiderate people out there! Everybody just take a moment to see what is happening to our country because of corporate greed. It's turning us into a 3rd world country. If you don't like what they're doing to you, then stop for a moment to say "Thanks" when you need to. Greed affects us all.

  89. I am also guilty of not showing my appreciation for your generosity in sharing your work for that I do appologise

  90. I am sorry that I have not said thank you often. I do love your freebies, but sometimes I am unable to post a comment on some sites and it becomes frustrating so I failed to keep trying. Thanks again. I understand your feelings and will try to do better.

  91. Me too .. guilty as charged .. I didn't leave any ty for your wonderful gift. It was thoughtless and I ask for forgiveness.

  92. Sorry for any hurt caused.
    Guilty as charged.
    Thank you for your generosity.

  93. Thank you for the vent. You are talented and should get the thank yous you deserve. Thank for reminding me how far a thank you goes. Thank you.

  94. I think your site is one of the best anywhere. I don't always take the time to thank you and for that I apologize. I particularly love the variety of digis that you provide us.

    K. Ross
    Richmond, BC

  95. For all of those who have NOT left a comment, I apologize. I've not done it on your site but I will admit that I've snagged and run on other sites. You are right to feel a bit unappreciated. For all of us who have been rude or just thoughtless - my sincerest apologies. Those of you who supply freebies to those of us with limited funds are a real blessing. May God proivde you with an EXTRA measure of grace today.

  96. I have just discovered your site and I have already found several images and sentiments that I want to download! Thank you so much for the free high quality digital stamps! For those of us with more creativity than money, whatever beautiful freebies you offer are more than expected! God Bless!

  97. HOORAY FOR YOU!! I don't blame you for venting and letting readers know how you feel. These are YOUR creations and you have every right to pull them at your discretion! We are not paying and the least we can do is show a bit of appreciation for your generosity! I love doing for others but after a while when they don't appreciate it or recognize it, I start feeling used!
    We love your postings and respect that this is your blog and we are visitors! Thanks for all you do!

  98. Guilty! Please accept my apologies! I will seriously try to leave thank you's for each and every of the lovely gifts received from such talented and generous persons as yourself.

  99. I am so sorry. I truly appreciate what you do and your images! Hugs!

  100. Es tut mir Leid, aber ich spreche leider kein Englisch - und deshalb habe ich es auch meist versäumt, danke zu sagen für Deine wundervolle Arbeit.

    Liebe Grüße

  101. I am so sorry that someone had to ruin your day like that. The fact that you are willing to give away the wonderful freebies that you do is a testament of how giving you are. Please know that I do appreciate every image that you so kindly share with us and I really hope that you will not let the thoughtless words of another ruin your day/weekend. Hopefully you will see by the amount of people that have posted to this just how much we all appreciate you. I make sure that I leave a thank you with every image, but it never hurts to be reminded to do so. So thank you so very much for sharing your incredible talent with the rest of us.

  102. I am sorry to say that I am one of those hit and run people. I love your designs that is why I come back to you. I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and I am sorry that I have been so thoughtless. Your designs are awesome and I would be sorry to see you stop designing because I was amoung so many who are thoughtless. Again I am sorry. Thank you for the designs that you freely share with me.

  103. I am sorry to say I am one of those people who enjoy your designs, but don't take the time to say thanks. I am so sorry. I know that you work hard and I sure do enjoy your designs. You are an awesome designer and I sure would be sad if you quit. Don't be discouraged, I didn't mean to be so thoughtless. You are right to feel the way you do about people grabbing and not appericating your hard work. I will stop to thank you when I grab your designs. Thank you for your hard work and effort that you put into these designs.

  104. good for you it cost nothing to say thanks for your very kind genourosity, sorry cant spell lol,

  105. I came upon your site purely by accident - and LOVE it! I am sorry to hear you have been unappreciated in the past, but I will certainly do my best to thank you for each and every digi I pick up from your site. And I will always give you the recognition you deserve each time I use one of your digis. Thanking you in advance!

  106. I love your freebies and i am very appreciative of the sentiments.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.