Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Years Resolutions....

Even if you don't think they will be
Every 10 resolutions will trigger a goodie being posted.
What's Your Resolution?






  1. Mine is as ever to lose weight ..hasnt happened yet maybe this is the year?

  2. One of my resolutions is to have family dates more often!

  3. I never keep them but I am going to try this year - I have a craft room that really is in need of organization and the room that houses the old computer needs to be switched over to a guest room.

  4. To have more alone time with my husband. I always seem to do more for others.

  5. To spend more time with my Mother!

  6. To get in better shape and stay healthier! ~jeni :)

  7. To work out every day. I have gotten so lazy!

  8. Since I am not a big breakfast eater, I am going to try to eat breakfast every day--it's supposed to be good to, so we'll see!

  9. I have a lot of things I want to do better at in 2011.

    Creatively, I need to make more cards! I've been making more altered projects so I'm not making enough cards for my mom to give to her friends.

    I want to be more soulful and live with peace in my heart. Everything seems better if you try your hardest to have peace in your heart.

    And last, I want to get more healthy, lose some weight, walk more often and take control of my medical issues.

    Now that I've written it all down, I guess I have to do it!!!

  10. Start seeing a doctor for problems I have basically ignored. Also to send out the cards that I make instead of sticking them into a box.

  11. Balance my time and my life - not let work consume me. Have time for family, my art, health and spirituality.

  12. to have Family Night on a more consistent basis.

  13. To lose all my "baby weight" since my "baby" is now six!

  14. Learn to say no! I always bite off more than I can chew!

  15. I'm going to lose some weight! Eat less, exercise more.

  16. I laughed, Paulette, when I read you wanted resolutions! I decided years ago to no longer make them. It is the only one I ever kept! :)

  17. learn to love me more and finish my master's degree and stop putting of taking my teacher's certification.

  18. My resolution is to be kinder to myself and realise I am worth looking after

  19. To lose 5 more pounds. To do more fabric crafts. To do better at blogging. And to make it on a design team

  20. p.s. The picture of the lady looking out to sea reminded me of this statue in Savannah, Georgia.

  21. To try to do at least five sit ups a day in January. Collette

  22. To try to do at least five sit ups a day in January. Collette

  23. Cute images, Paulette. Thank you.

  24. I want to take me more time for mi husband. At the moment we have a little son 4 month so he ist the number one at the moment

  25. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Dec. 27, 2010. Thanks again.

  26. Try to get much better organised; cleaning up my craft attick/room and all other mess that is around and last but not least lose some weight (although I am feeling happy with myself). Craft as much as possible (one I probably am going to keep).

  27. Ah what a cute images, thank you
    I have promised myself to make a diary so I can keep on top of my birthday club swaps as this yr I didn't really
    hugs Ildiko

  28. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [28 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  29. My resolutions are those that stay on my mind all year.....

    Hear my mother's voice more often...
    Try not to take my work home...
    Hug my grandaughters...
    Laugh at least once a day...
    Slow down in this crazy world...
    Keep Faith in the goodwill of my fellow men and women.

  30. to get back to doing my exercise routine and loose weight. I'm starting tomorrow!!

  31. Thanks for the great freebies. IF I were to make formal resolutions, which I don't keep anyway - it would be to get things organized and learn to use PhotoShop Elements. Also to get back into my genealogy research more.

  32. Resolved: to eat healthier & be more physically active. Thanks for the precious image, Paulette! Love it!

  33. Thank you for the images.

    I don't think my boys have ever seen one of those old phones!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.