Thursday, December 30, 2010

40 Comments to

another one of my hand drawn goodies....
What are you doing for New Years?

Woohooo! We made it...

This one was hand drawn by me also...




  1. Hi Paulette, what a fab question! I'll be having family round for a dance contest, I'll be marking and giving points. Happy New Year to you and your family. Ruby x

  2. Going to a friends house for her Birthday ~jeni :)

  3. I will be working on New Years day and spending time with family New Years Eve...playing Wii

  4. Not a darn thing! My husband and I will be sitting in our apartment just like every year and saying my how another year has flown, lol. Then when midnight hits I will call my family and wish them a happy new year and they will curse me for waking them up and my new years resolution will be complete, lol.

  5. We will be staying home and our families and friends will be joining us for the evening. We always play the game Guesstures - it is a hoot. Happy New Yeas to you and yours - may it bring, peace, health and joy.

  6. Snuggling at home in front of the TV......real party animals!

  7. Staying home with family and playing family games. Happy New Year!

  8. We'll be with another family of friends at home (we went for Christmas to their home)... I'm baking now to have some nice desserts (a yummy chocolate cake and a lemon pie), what are you doing?

  9. Me and my family are spending New Year on our summer cottage :) It's very snowy here, but we manage. We are going play games and eat well.

  10. I am working New Year's Eve and Sat I always have dinner at a friend's house. She cooks ham, black eyed peas and greens for good luck all year. So far it has worked. LOL

  11. Ruby, your plans sound like so much fun! My fiance has to work every New Years Eve - at a bar. So I get to hang out and watch him work until midnight, when we'll share a glass of champagne and a New Year's kiss. Then I think I'll turn into a pumpkin and head home to bed!

  12. We will be doing absolutely nothing. We are an old fuddy-duddy married couple with no kids & we prefer to have a more quiet welcome to the new year. It works out fine=) Collette

  13. On New Year's Eve we are driving to my Father-in-Laws which is about 2 1/2 hours away and spending the day. We will probably be home and in bed by midnight with our 3 little ones. LOL!

  14. New years eve I'm going to a house party to spent some time with both family and friends, than on New years day I'll be going to church in the morning and spending the rest of the day with family.

  15. Hi Paulette - My, you've been VERY busy having fun since I last stopped by! I missed out!

    We will be opening our Christmas presents (we weren't all home that weekend)& staying home, watching football & going to bed early. We're too old to party all night - or stay up 'til the ball drops! LOL

    D :)

  16. New Years Eve, I have no idea. New Years Day, attending my aunt's funeral. What a way to start the year.

  17. Stay at home, with lots of things to eat and drink . Maybe playing some games or watching tv.
    I'm glad 2010 is almost gone. Not a very good year, so I hope 2011 will be much better.
    I wish everyone a very happy new year!

  18. I think we are spending a quiet evening at home. Too many crazy people out that night.

  19. Spending the evening at a friends home and dashing home at midnight. ( We are old *wink*)

  20. Probably doing what we do almost every year - nothing. Usually my husband wakes me up at midnight and says Happy New Year then I roll over and go back to sleep. We are quite the party animals.

  21. Spending the last few days with my husband before he goes back to work. These two weeks have been a preview of what retirement may be like. New Years football games all day.

  22. Spending it quietly at home with husband - we'll eat Chinese food (cooked by him LOL), then setlle down on the sofa and watch TV. Best wishes to you and yours!

  23. We will spending New Years with family. My husbands Mother is dying of cancer and will not live much more than two or three more days. She is 85.

  24. Nothing special. Just another evening for me. I entertain myself. lol

  25. Celebrating with some family.

  26. I don't have any big plans, but will probably be watching 2 grands so my son and dil can go out. Such is the life of a single Nana! LOL

  27. Going to a Hogmonay party at my sister's house,to honour the memory of our lovely Scottish Dad, who passed suddenly, recently. Bitter-sweet.

  28. Hi Paulette x We spend new years eve at home (myself, my hubby and son) with some munchies and Booze! the warmth of the fire and the tv x We may have our grandaughter to stay, which is lovely but not sure yet x Leigh x

  29. We usually take in a hockey game, but it's sold out this year! =(

  30. family and friends are getting together and going over to my brothers and having a party and the kids will bang pots and pan at midnight lol

  31. Stay at home and have a quiet evening....Have a happy new year.

  32. My 16 year old son is having a couple of friends around for pizza and gaming. I'll spend the evening upstairs watching TV. At midnight we'll have 'oliebollen' (Dutch donuts) and watch all the fireworks.

  33. Having a wee dram o' whiskey whilst singing Auld Lang Syne. Sounds like a good plan to me...

  34. NY Eve is hubby's Birthday. Was supposed to have lots of relatives up to go snowmobiling but it's been warm and raining and the snow is melting!

  35. Home with the hubbie. Try to make it to midnight! LOL

  36. I had nothing in mind as poor OH got to get up 3am to go to work but my friend asked me if I wanna go round with kids as she's having few more friends with kids, so party for me and when kids had enough just dropp them off so daddy can look after them and I'll be having fun lol how crul am I

  37. More than likely sitting here at my putter, with my new little kitten, Cocoa on my lap, checking our your site!

  38. We have been invited to a dear friend's house for a fabulous feast and festivities.

  39. Staying home to nurse a cold - don't want to share it with others. lol
    We'll have a nice family evening together at home, but I don't know yet what we'll do.

  40. What an awesome image, thanks for sharing. For New Years my best friend from Baltimore is flying in. We aren't doing anything special for the actual New Year but next week we are taking my daughter to the Nickelodeon hotel here in Orlando to spend a couple of days resting and playing around.

  41. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [31 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  42. Happy New Year :)

    Well its 45 degrees celsius here in South Australia and my Mum doesnt cope to well in the heat so I am staying home with her......

    Not that I mind - more time to surf blogs or create :)

  43. This looks like fun, havent done much to card recently, excpet for Christmas cards, Thank you

  44. Spending it with some family. Nice drawing! Thank you!

  45. Fabulous Paulette!!! I love the top hat. :) Thank you very much.

  46. I did nothing for News Years and I loved it!! Happy New Year and thanks for the freebie and thanks for giving so many away!!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.