Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 14th - World Diabetes Day...

My daughter was diagnosed with TYPE 1 Diabetes when she was 15 years old. She does an awesome job of managing this disease. It is a horrible disease and I am proud of how brave she is.

Type 1 Diabetes cannot be prevented and there is no cure. Please don't confuse Type 1 with Type 2...that would be my daughter's wish.


  1. Good for your daughter. My mother also had this horrible disease and managed it until she passed away at the age of 83 a couple of years ago. We also were very proud of her as you are of your wonderful daughter. Thank God there is a lot of research being done in regards to this disease and I hope it continues. God Bless her.

  2. Just another reason for you to be as proud of her as you must be. Wishing her all the best.

  3. I dont know your daughter but she is a strong young woman. To fight this horrible disease and have a wonderful life, Im really proud of her and it sounds like she is a very special young lady. Wish her best!

  4. So glad that your daughter has learned to take such good care of herself in dealing with her diabete's. My BIL and nephew both have type 1 also.

  5. Hi Paulette. I also have a daughter with diabetes. She was diagnosed at 13. Things haven't always been easy, but she's now an operating room nurse and has an 8 year old daughter. For her, the insulin pump has worked very well. Hopefully, one day they can find a cure, rather than just a treatment!
    Joyce xx

  6. Ahhh, I always find it interesting to hear about other Type 1's. I've had Type 1 since I was five years old & am now 44. I am on an insulin pump; how about your daughter? Insulin pumps are pretty amazing at how "free" they can make a Type 1 feel. Anyhoo, both of you take good care=) Collette

  7. Diabetes touches the lives of every one of us each day. Good for you Bri, and with the care and attention you give Diabetes, you have guaranteed yourself a healthy future. Congrats!

  8. Me, too. I was diagnosed at 7 & am now 46. I use a pump, as my diabetes is still quite fragile. I was diagnosed back in the early stages of investigating and unfortunately, treatment changed from Dr's visit to Dr's visit. I have many of the secondary complications. I am as healthy as I can be right now, free from new problems for several years now,

    Bless her for taking such care in her illness. Thank you so much for your wonderful art work. You make me smile every visit.

    D :)

  9. I'm so glad to hear that your daughter is taking good care of her diabetes & not letting it defeat her. I know she's very blessed to have such a loving & supportive mother on her side.
    Huggies ~

  10. Paulette, I'm marred to a Type 1 diabetic, diagnosed when he was 23 and he's now 65. I'm betting she's on the pump, and it's the best thing that ever happened to him. He also has a nephew, a niece and a great niece with Type 1, so there's a genetic disposition to it. I sometimes wonder how much the pharmaceutical companies want a cure, since it's a huge money maker for them. I would also say, it's never stopped him from doing anything he wanted to do.

    Congrats to your DD for taking care of herself. My great niece whose 20 and been diabetic since has yet to grasp the ramifications of not taking care of yourself with this disease.

  11. my daughter and i are both diabetic, love to bri from christine in italy xx

  12. So glad that your daughter is managing well! I've always heard Type 1 can be difficult to manage. I have a friend whose husband had his pancreas removed (along with other organs) due to cancer this year. I always thought a person couldn't live without a pancreas, but after they removed it, he immediately became a Type 1 diabetic. He has to take special enzymes to help digest his food, and has to take an insulin shot each time he eats. Evidently, this must be a newer treatment, as a lot of doctors don't know how to deal with it, he has to see a specialist in Nashville. So glad that your daughter is doing well! Health is easy to take for granted, until it is affected, then you realize how precious it really is! :) Blessings to you both!

  13. I was diagnosed when I was 11 and now I am 43 years old. It takes a lot of work and determination as you know. It is wonderful that you are raising awareness. Thanks!!! Best wishes to your daughter.

  14. Thank you for that very clear explanation of how Type 1 Diabetes differs from Type 2. xxx

  15. Paulette - I work with some kids who are also Type 1 Insulin dependent Diabetics. Most of them, like Bri, realise that they need to manage this disease. I think all Type 1 Diabetics are fantastic to have to inject themselves (unless they have a pump) every time they eat. Love and hugs to both you and Bri. xxx

  16. We have diabetes rampant throughout my husbands family and my father's family, and so I know firsthand how horrible this disease truly is. I give your daughter tons of credit for being so courageous in her fight and for taking good care of herself which is of utmost importance!!

  17. My son is 14 and was diagnosed at age 7 with type 1. Our whole family wore blue on Monday in honor of World Diabetes Day. Hoping and praying for a cure everyday...


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