Friday, July 16, 2010

Just so you Know.....

To answer someone that was a little sad because they wanted one of the New In Store freebies, but didn't get there in time. They thought it was pulled early because there were four offered and only two comments.
Sad to say ladies, that not all of those who get the free sets leave thank yous. That is why that happens.


  1. Paulette,
    Even though I also was not one of the lucky ones to get the freebies that was offered, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you sharing your wonderful work with us and I know a lot of the ladies out there agree with me. Thank you for everything & have a great day!!!!

  2. Sometimes I got to go back places and say thank you, but not here ;-)

  3. Hi, just to say people like me (low budget, completely crafting for charity) could not do what we do, without sites such as yours x Thanks x Leigh x

  4. Dito, Dito. Your site is truly amazing and I'm glad your are here. I'm Very new at this and your site has made it easy to use.

  5. Hello Paulette,

    I do not know if I have understood everything, but sometimes you are lucky and then other times the others are faster.
    I am happy when I get one and say thank you and other times I say too late ;o(. It's a little game. I'm at the right time at the computer or not.

    Thank you for your daily freebies and the chance to get 1 of 4 of your shop digi's.


  6. Hi Paulette!
    It was kind of you to make a special post, but I wasn't inferring that the link had been pulled early.... I thought that the first 4 had leave a comment before they could be the recipients of the 4 sets. As the post listed only 2 comments, I thought I had gotten lucky... comment moderation would have disguised that the 4 had gone already. So don't feel bad about it.... I don't.... I just wasn't fast enough! :-D
    I do appreciate your creativity and your generous spirit in providng so many freebies, which I leave in my comments when I nab them!

  7. thats a shame......the least someone can do when pciking up a freebie is to leave a lil thank you. It takes a lot of time and energy to do what Paulette does here and the fact that she offers them up as freebies and asks nothing more in return than a quick thank you tells you a lil something about her....sadly it also tells you a LOT about the people who can't take 1 minute out of their busy day.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.