Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

It was 88 degrees here today.  Just doesn't feel like Christmas.  And I don't believe that decorated palm trees constitute Christmas~!  lol

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  1. I know what you mean. You just need an evergreen with a touch of snow. We had snow on Saturday. 3" to begin our winter. It looks so pretty when it comes down. When I lived in GA we very seldom had a white Christmas. Thank you for the sentiment. Edwina Brown

  2. Considering we are in the middle of summer and we weren't that hot here you must really be feeling the heat. Thank you for the beautiful word art.

  3. Thanks Paulette, we are getting snow and it is COLD, high of 19 today.

  4. so fun and whimsical....thank you for sharing!

  5. Been warm here in CA too! Thanks for sharing this very useful digi!

  6. This is so fun, and I agree it's hard to get in the Christmas spirit without a little chill in the air! Thanks for this cutie!

  7. Thanks for the digi....we are expecting snow tonight!

  8. We had a little snow Friday. Pretty shocking given this is the deep south. Thank you for the beautiful word art!

  9. Goodness, that is rather warm to be getting in the mood for Christmas. Of course where I live we're freezing our patootie's off right now with wind-chill factors in the minus 30s!

    This sentiment/image is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!


  10. Thank you so much for this great wordart, Paulette! It would be nice to see some more snow in our part of Wisconsin. We don't have much yet.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.