Saturday, December 17, 2016

May Your Christmas Be Jolly....

Free word art sentiment

is everyone so so busy?  Cuz I am not feeling the holiday spirit....have we forgotten what the season represents?  Sharing, giving, being merry, being thankful?  Let me feel that holiday spirit~!



  1. hope you get to feeling spirit of the holiday... sorry to hear it is absent as yet...surely it will show up, you are such a generous giving person!
    thank you for sharing this jolly wordart with us!

  2. Merry Christmas Paulette, ho ho! Thanks for all you do!

  3. I understand how you feel. Ever since my boys moved out, now a few years ago, my Christmas spirit seems harder and harder to find. I love to be able to help folks in need, but my funds are much smaller than they were. I need to call on my faith more often to revisit the true reason we celebrate the season. It may sound frivolous, but a little snow would help, too. I think the Christmas hype starts so early these days that many people are through celebrating on the 26th. The 12 days of Christmas actually begin on the 26th, and I'm going to try celebrating more then, when all the work and hustle are done, and one has time to relax and enjoy family and friends and to celebrate Christ's birth.
    I'm sure there are many others who feel as we do. Take a break from whatever you are doing, grab some hot chocolate, and find a quiet place where you can light some candles or look out on a favorite scene. Then think of all the blessings you have in your life and know that they exist because of the birth of a very special child. This helps me. I hope it helps you, too.

  4. Thank you for the sentiment. Edwina Brown

  5. Thank you for the freebie. Love your work.

  6. Merry Christmas, Paulette! And thanks so much for the jolly digi! May the lovely spirit of Christ's birth fill your heart with real joy in the days ahead!

  7. Thank you for another wonderful sentiment Paulette! Hope you find your Christmas Spirit soon, mine is missing also...

  8. Thank You for all you do!!! I hope you find the Jolly and feel the love and Holiday Spirit!

  9. I am not really feeling in the spirit of the holiday's. I have been sick and feeling under the weather for a few months now. But I am trying to feel better. Thanks for this sentiment and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas.

  10. Many thanks Paulette,have a truly blessed Christmas.xx

  11. I appreciate you and all the freebies you GIFT us with. You are super generous and deserve much better. Hugs to you, and thank you!

  12. Lovely sentiment, sorry your not feeling festive, hope it improves for you and you have a blessed Christmas.

  13. I'm having a hard time feeling festive this year myself, and I'm not all that busy so I'm not sure why. I'm even procrastinating on some of my Christmas duties cause I'm not in the mood. Good thing I work well under pressure! Thanks so much for this freebie and all the others you offer so generously all year long!!!

  14. Thank you for sharing.

  15. This is so cute, Paulette! Thank you!


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