Sunday, February 8, 2015

More Fun Vintage Freebies.....

Long Long the late 1800s, early 1900s, companies put trading cards in their products.  They had a picture on one side, and the ad on the other. I have a shoe box full of these gems~!  I love them....and feel that it is so sad that everyone can't enjoy them.

So I am going to share a couple of them with you here.  They are great for card backgrounds, ATC cards, collages......Just so unique.

Let me know what you think.  And how you would use them.



  1. I love those! I would use them in the recipe books I am making for each of my kids.

  2. Thanks so much! I really like the soup kids, it would be good for get well cards!

  3. These are wonderful!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  4. These are fantastic. I would use them as journal cards in the mini albums that I make.

  5. Oh, I love these! They are so cute to look at. A couple bring back memories from the 60's. I too agree they would be good in a recipe book, but would also make cute vintage tags. I believe they would make great cards also. You have a wonderful DT see what they can come up with. I bet their creations would be terrific. Edwina Brown

  6. Ooo Paulette, these are lovely. Ephemera is so on trend at the moment. Thank you for these great images. Lottie x

  7. Thanks sooo much for these beauties here Paulette. They´re relaly beautiful and I´m definitely going to use them on cards and boxes and that kind of stuff, I think. Thanks sooo much for sharing all these wonderful things here with us all the time, it´s very much apreciated, I can say.

  8. Aww Paulette they are just so adorable l'd use them for alsorts of card ideas thank you x

  9. I particularly like the last one and think it would be great on a card. They are all so different from each other - and all great.

  10. These are great!! Thank you for sharing!! Collette

  11. I especially like the Bassford's and Coats and Clark cards. Thank You

  12. thank you so much for the vintage freebies AND all the other fab free stuff you give us.

    Jennie in the UK

  13. you could use them ATC or put them on the ends of wooden crates you buy at Michaels or frame them.

  14. Theses are really super sweetie.

  15. I love TC's!!! So vintage! Love the ones with cat images on them.


    D : )

  16. These cards are awesome !
    thank you !

  17. I adore these! Wish the companies still made such awesomeness! I will use them in my tags and collages, ATCs. Thanks so much!~kim

  18. I would love them framed on the wall. They are great.
    Carol O

  19. Fabulous images thanks Paulette - I particularly like the pun in the last one - and the look on his face :-). I have ideas for using that one for an engagement card I need to make!

  20. I love love love these!!!!!! I'm thinking of using them for either Post-it Note Holders or ATC's!!!

  21. Thanks Paulette - these cards are fabulous. They would look great on a scrapbook LO tucked behind the picture or in a bottom cluster. I have some of these trading cards from a coffee company my husband's great aunt's family owned. Know I know what I'll do with them besides keeping then in a box :)

  22. how lucky you have a box of them. My fav is Campbell kids. my mind is churning. ATC's, tags and card background. Thank u for sharing these.

  23. Wow Paulette, These are so cute. I have some good ideas for using them. The little girl will be put on my nieces card when her parents start letting them wear makeup. Soup one will be for a get well card. Love them to bits!
    xo Nana

  24. I love these, Paulette. The Campbell kids are my favorite. I have no idea as to what I'll be using them for. :) Maybe I'll figure something out when school is out for the year.

  25. Hi Paulette, I absolutely love these vintage cards! I thought they might even look good on some kitchen towels using transfer paper.

  26. oh yes, please, more more more if you have them!!!! I adore these little cards! :)

    thank you so very much!

  27. oh yes, I will be using them in my Project Life albums as well as on cards and altered projects! :)

  28. Gorgeous vintage post cards, thanks so much xxx
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}


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