Sunday, November 9, 2014

Welcome Lisa D~!~!

Please join me in welcoming Lisa Decosse as one of our new TLC Design Team Members~!
Lisa joins us from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

Along with being a very talented card maker, she is a very generous, passionate and kind person.  She will fit right in, and is ready to share with us.

You can check out all her other creations, on here blog 

Please help me give her a BIG TLC Welcome~!



  1. A HUGE WELCOME Lisa. We are honoured and delighted having someone as talented, generous and the amazing person you are, on the wonderful TLC team with us.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. Welcome Lisa! Love all your creations! They are beautiful! :)

  3. YAY !!!! CONGRATS Lisa - I hope you will have great fun there and you will be a super asset to the Team :-D

    IKE xxxxx

    My Challenge Blog
    My Shop
    My Blog

  4. A biiiig congrats to both of you for this decision here, I´vve known Lisas work for quite a while, and she´´s amazing as you are Paulette, and as I wrote to her earlier, you two are a match made in heaven, and can only be amazing.

  5. Big congrats to Lisa D! I'm a big fan of Lisa's already so I'm looking forward to seeing her inspiration here!

  6. Welcome Lisa!!!! Thrilled and honored to have you join us on the Create with TLC Design Team! Your creations are truly an inspiration!!!!!
    Much love, hugs, and friendship

  7. Welcome,
    Loved looking at your wonderful work,
    Hugs from Christine in Italy xx

  8. Now I know what you look like, cutie!! I've been following your blog since you first started it and you are the PERFECT fit for Paulette's creativity! You have tirelessly promoted her and it'll be great seeing your work alongside all the other talented members of Paulette's group!

  9. Welcome, Lisa. I am familiar with how generous you are as well, and have enjoyed participating in some of your challenges. You are a great addition to the TLC team!

  10. Very cool, Lisa! You are a wonderful addition to Paulette's team! :^)

  11. WoW! What an absolutely marvellous welcome! Thank you ALL so very much for such a warm welcome to this amazing team. I am so very blessed and thrilled to be here. It really is a card making dream come true to officially be the newest Create with TLC cheerleader. I'm truly looking forward to my tenure with this remarkable company and working alongside such an incredible group of women!

    Lisa D.

  12. BIG welcome to the team!!!! You are such a great addition :)

  13. Congrats to Lisa! You're joining a fabulous group. Love the samples. xxD

  14. Congratulations Lisa! I'm already a fan and I agree with previous posts . . . you're the perfect fit with Paulette's giving nature! Awesome news!

  15. Welcome Lisa! So glad to see you here. I know you will love it here at Create with TLC. Edwina Brown

  16. Congrats Lisa!!!!!!! Enjoy your term!!!


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