Monday, October 27, 2014

I love Halloweeeeen~!

Who wants to play...........for freebies~!

First Three to put the answer to the question in the comments section of this post...........wins an exclusive TLC keep watching for questions and winners.........

Question #1.........
What was used for Blood in the movie "Psycho"?
Answer #1 ....... 
Chocolate Syrup  (Maureen is the winner.  Email me)

Question #2 .........
Who was the first to play Frankenstein (the monster) in the movies in 1931?
Answer #2 ........Boris Karloff

Winners (Email me)
1.  Diane
2. WahooLady
3. Erika H.

Question #3 ..........
In Psycho, what was Norman Bates' mother's name?

Answer #3 ......... NORMA

Winners (Email Me)
1.  Anne Mills
2.  Kelley
3.  Bonnie E.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.