Saturday, June 14, 2014

Surgery Update

So, Paulette's surgery got pushed to tomorrow. To my understanding, her ankle is still too swollen and needs to come down some before they can comfortably operate. I'm happy to say that she's in good spirits! They've given her some more pain medication, and she's sleeping now.

Thank you sooo much to those of you who've commented on my first post! Please keep them rolling in; I know she loves reading what you ladies have to say ♥

I'll post again tomorrow to let you know how the surgery went...



  1. Oh, that is wonderful news! It's so important to keep spirits flying high and glad they are able to give something for pain! xx Will continue to lift you in prayers!

  2. So sorry! Hope you have a quick recovery.

  3. Hi Bri - Thanks for the update. You are wonderful. To Paulette - keep yourself in good spirits and recovery should be much quicker. Rest up and look after yourself. Take care.

  4. Bri - thank you for keeping us updated on your mom's condition. Let her know that we are all thinking of her and we will all be waiting for her after she gets through this. The most important thing she can do right now is take care of herself. Sending her my best wishes for a quick recovery!

  5. Oh my goodness! I just read what happened. I am so sorry. Please send my love and prayers for your mom and your family too. Lots a hugs for all of you, Robin

  6. Thank you for the update! Hope the swelling subsides soon so that the surgery can be performed. Glad to hear Paulette is in good spirits. Will continue to include her in my prayers!

  7. Sending good thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

  8. Hope the surgery goes well and that Paulette recovers quickly.

  9. Oh my! I'm so very sorry to hear about your ankle. I hope your healing goes quickly. Sending prayers and sympathy to you as I know so well how you feel.
    7 years ago I was going down the stairs to get the mail. Had just taken my shoes off and put some knit slipper socks on. I slipped off the edge of a stair I figure I was about 3 steps from the landing and as I slipped off the stair my sock must have rolled underneath my foot and I went flying. First thing I felt was my hip hurt and as I got my senses together, I pulled my foot out from under me and then I felt the pain. My foot was broke and twisted sideways from the middle. So I got to do the ambulance ride like you did. The only way I could do to feel better was to hold my foot in my hand. Then to top things off they sent me in for a scan of my foot and the idiot nurse taking the scan walked over to me and tried to turn my foot straight so she could see it better. Then I heard this horrible screaming---oh, that was me! I am totaly sure you could hear me screaming all over that hospital--all 5 floors!
    Well then after that this 12yr.old looking 4 1/2 foot tall ortho surgeon (or so he said he was a surgeon) on duty came in after looking at the scan and said oh, you will be fine, there's two breaks but they will heal and you don't need any surgery!
    I'm laying there thinking is he for real--my foot is just going to quit going sideways all on its little own? How wonderful! (well the nurse did try to straighten it but she didn't make it as I was screaming so loud.
    Well to make a long story a little shorter so you can rest, the Dr. in Er. came in and said NO! You need surgery and I want you to call someone first thing Monday and do not try to walk! (as if I could--one foot going frontwords and one foot going sideways like a crab, I might have tried it just to see how that worked... if I could have ignored the pain long enough) :) Well the good er Dr. called me the next morning (sunday) and said you have an appointment with this orthopedic surgeon on Monday morning and please be there. (I guess he was afraid I woulnt' do it so he kindly got a dr. for me.)
    So my dear hubby and I show up at the appointment. He says how did you break your foot. I only see this type of injury in car crashes. "Oh, I decided to get the mail and decided to skip a few stairs on the way down."
    He turns on his computer, takes out a little pointer and starts pointing to all the breaks in my tootsie, including up and down every toe and also the arch that is now more of a slouch instead of and arch. I was counting the breaks as he was pointing, by #16 I was passed out on the floor and he was still pointing. When he finally stopped, he says you need surgery! "But how can that be--the 12 yr old said I din't"! His reply was if you don't you will never walk again and will be in a wheel chair. "OH" how soon can you do it"?!!!
    Well I was down for 3mths, couldn't do a thing,like the washing the ironing, the cooking, the shopping-oh, woe was me:) I just laid around reading, sewing, watching tv and and scooting on my bottom down the stairs when I wanted to go out. (you won't catch me going down stairs on crutches! I evidently can't even do it on two feet.
    So the moral of the story is if you plan on breaking your ankle or foot don't buy a house that has stairs that you have to go up and down to get out of the house and the biggie---don't believe Dr's that look like they are 12 years old and have to stand on a stool to look you in the eye when you are laying on a gurney.

    Get well soon and enjoy the time it takes to heal. Ronny

  10. Oh Paulette - gentle cyber {{{{hugs}}}} - rest up and let your foot heal first and foremost.
    Prayers and blessings

  11. So so sorry to hear about your accident Paulette ! I really hope the surgery goes well & you're on the mend very soon xxx

  12. Get well soon Paulette,
    We love you,
    Hugs from Christine in Italy xx

  13. Thank you bri for the update!! Give Paulette the best wishes and good luck with the surgery and recovery.

  14. :( I can totally feel for you Paulette...since my shoulder surgery my schedule is all off and here I am wide awake at 2:30am... Best of luck to you and all my wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery!

  15. Hello Bri,is very important to be in a good mood, heal more quickly! She will be as good as new
    Best wishes to Mom,all wait for her.

  16. So sorry to hear about your accident, Paulette. Really hoping that your surgery goes well & that you will soon be able to use your last posted word art & be doing "the happy dance".

    Love & hugs
    Sally in Spain xx

  17. Thanks sooo much for the update Bri, and give your mum my best wishes for a very speedy recovery, and I sure don´t hope for her, it´ll be as bad as the writer here before me, but she´ll be back up on her feets again in no time. Hope the surgery will fix anything so she´ll be running around again next week ha ha.
    Hope you´ll get the best out of the healing time Paulette and just take it slow and easy okay.
    Biig gentle cyber hugs from the other side of the pond here

  18. thank you so much for the update. will be praying that swelling is down so she can have the surgery. glad she is doing well otherwise.

    y'all hang in there! tell her I'm raising my cup of coffee in her honor. that will give her quite the chuckle! ;)

  19. Thank you Bri for the up-date I for one appreciate it. Paulette, it was good to read that your spirits are up, enjoy today as tomorrow will be here soon enough! I am keeping you in my healing prayers and thoughts.
    Love ~ Lady Anne xxx

  20. So glad she is comfortable. Keep the updates coming.

  21. this struck me funny, i was scrolling down the website and noticed that your last freebie posted was: thanks to you I am doing a happy dance

    my dear, you are not supposed to dance on the steps!

    speedy recovery

  22. I'm hoping all goes well and it can get repaired by tomorrow...sending good thoughts

  23. Tell her she will now have plenty of time to sit in front of the computer. - No just tell her, we will patiently await her return to good health, however, not to rush in where angels fear to tread!

    Thanks for keeping us updated, speedy get well wishes.

  24. Sorry to hear of your injury, Paulette. In 2010, Dh broke his ankle, won't go into the hows, but he had surgery and is doing well, today! Just take your time and let everything heal, OBTW... we now have purchased a one floor house, as he had to sleep on the couch downstairs for 2 months! He is not athletic and we didn't trust him even sliding down steps on his butt. The cast was too heavy! Hugs and lots of recuperative powers sent your way! Ann

  25. Thanks for the up date on Mum Sending her gentle Aussie hugs her way Nellie

  26. Thank you for the info and updates. So sorry to hear of the accident, but glad she is in good hands and feeling no pain. Reminds me of a freebie she made with the word operation and the p-a-i-n were missing, wishing the recipient a pain free operation. That is what I wish for Paulette. What a blessing to have such a capable daughter to fill in for her. Thank you!

  27. which you the best Paulette - praying that the surgery goes well and you are on the way to recovery real soon! patience is key ... I know first hand!

  28. Lynn C. ( 15, 2014 at 8:09 AM

    So sorry you have to deal with this, Paulette. Hope your surgery goes very well and you are back home with little or no pain. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Will miss your humor while you are gone.

  29. Glad she is in good spirits!!! Loving thoughts and prayers

  30. So glad to hear things are a little less fraught today Paulette, and that you are in good spirits.I suppose the pain medication will be playing a part in that! I hope your surgery goes ahead for you tomorrow and all goes well. Rest up well.
    Thank you for the update Bri, take care. Lottie x

  31. Oh dear, sorry to hear the news. Praying for a speedy recovery Paulette

  32. Prayers and hugs for successful surgery and a speedy recovery!
    Blessings, Carrie Sheridan

  33. Thanks for the update. I will keep your mom in my prayers. Just to share my story, about 5 years ago, as our dog ran past me on the sidewalk, he clipped me on the side and knocked me down. I tried to break the fall but in the process, felt a snap in my left outer ankle. Luckily, my son was home and heard my scream. Unable to stand, he helped me up as I hopped into the house. Long story short, I had a spiral fracture in my fibula. Had to wear those "Frankenstein" boots and crutches to hobble around for 6 weeks. I can understand your pain and discomfort. I wish your mom well and will keep her in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Aloha from Hawaii.

  34. Paulette, hope you enjoyed my little story, just wanted to cheer you up a bit, as I really know how you feel.

    The story is true and at the time I felt like the days were just dragging by til I could walk again.

    I have a dear husband who did all the housework, laundry, cooking etc. while I was down. In fact he did such good job cooking that to my dismay by the time I was really up and walking, I had gained back the 20Lbs I had just worked so hard to lose.
    For some reason it didn't dawn on me that I was getting no excercise and eating like a lumberjack.

    Praying your surgery goes well and your healing goes quickly.
    Don't get too discouraged, time does pass and you will be up and running again. much love, Ronny

  35. Ouch! Paulette, you really need to be more careful about where you do that "happy dance." Hoping and praying that your surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery!

  36. Happy thoughts and keep those pain killers coming.
    Your missed but not forgotten. Thanks 4 up date.
    :-) 's

  37. Hi Paulette, I hope your ankle goes down so they can do the surgery. I am so glad Bri is keeping us updated. Take care and we will see you here soon. Edwina Brown

  38. Still sending prayers your way. Sleep well as you get well.

  39. Thanks for the update. I'm so glad to hear you're in good spirits. I'm a firm believer that a positive mental attitude speeds healing. You continue to be in my prayers.

  40. So glad you're op is getting done so quickly Paulette,I had to wait a week for my surgery.Hope the surgeons do a great job fixing you up!
    Love Ann

  41. So glad to know that she's in good spirit! Really praying that the surgery will be going well!!!

  42. So sorry to hear this, Paulette! I hope the surgery goes well and you have a quick recovery.

  43. Thank you for the update take care and sending lots of hugs to your Mom xx

  44. Bri, thanks for the info and update. Paulette, so sorry to hear of your accident and need for surgery. Sending warm thoughts and prayers your way.

  45. Waiting is possibly the hardest part of any medical emergency/procedure. Hang in there. Hugs...

  46. Bri, thanks so much for keeping us updated. You must be worried about her, but her raised spirits are a good sign. Hang in there, Paulette. Sending you all good thoughts for a speedy recovery.
    ~ Carol B. ~

  47. Thanks for the update. I hope the surgery and recovery go well. Sending prayers for a full and rapid recovery.

  48. Praying your surgery goes well! (((HUGS!)))

  49. Take those pills and stay ahead of the pain. Or is it push the button as needed? Praying the swelling goes down enough for surgery tomorrow. Keep the updates coming, Bri. We (I) want to stay in the know. :)

  50. Wishing a speedy recovery. I've got my fingers crossed that everything goes well with the surgery!!!

  51. She will most definitely be in my prayers! She is a generous, lovely lady and we would be lost without her. Please let her know we are thinking and praying for a super fast recovery for her! Thanks so much for letting us know about her accident!

  52. I'm so sorry to read about Paulette's accident! Bless her heart! Please know she is in my prayers!

  53. Glad to hear she is in good spirits, She comes across as a very positive person and that in itself is a very good quality for someone to recover. Give her all our love and tell her to take care.
    You too, xoxo Nana April

  54. Sorry the op has been postponed but glad she has pain relief set up and is in good spirits.

  55. Speedy recovery Paulette -
    Bri such a great daughter - thanks for being there and helping out on the blog!


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