Monday, June 16, 2014

Surgery Update #2

Hi! Sorry I couldn't update you all yesterday. I am very happy to report that Paulette's surgery was a success! There was a total of three breaks that the surgeon had to repair. Her ankle is in a cast, and will remain in this cast for two full weeks. She can't put any pressure on the ankle/move around at all for 10 weeks! Once she is able to move again, she wants to get a knee scooter... Have any of you ever used one? If so, how are they?

She's coming home tomorrow :)

Now, the hospital has decided to transfer her to a physical rehab facility! She should be there for one week.



  1. Thanks Bri thats wonderful news. Wishing Paulette a speedy recovery, but to take it easy.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. Praise God! So happy to read all is coming along. Take care!

  3. Great news that the surgery was a success. Sounds as though it will be a challenge for you getting her to rest! Can't help you on the knee scooter Bri - never come across them myself but hopefully someone else has. Thanks for the update.

  4. Really pleased to hear that the surgery went well. Love & hugs to Paulette & thanks Bri for the updates. We will probably never meet, but I look at the Create With TLC website nearly every day so it feels like I know you.
    Sending get well wishes & hugs
    Sally xx

  5. Well that's good news! Remind your mom to take the time to heal and not to rush back to doing tons of stuff. We want her feeling 100% again. Thanks for the update.

  6. That is sooo great news Bri, thanks for letting us know. I don´t know that scooter, so can´t say much about it, I´m afraid, but hopefully it can help her move around a bit.
    Giv her my best wishes for a quick recovery, when she´s home again.

  7. I have not personally used a knee scooter but have had two friends that have had foot surgery and used them. They both thought they were wonderful for increasing their mobility.

  8. Oops...just saw this update. So glad it's good news. I had a friend that used a knee scooter and had no problems at all. Saved the day for her. Good luck!

  9. I'm so happy to hear the surgery went well. Paulette, you will be up and at it again in no time! Listen to the doctor and follow the rules!

  10. I don't know how old she is, but you have to be careful with those knee scooters. They take a little time to master. Tell her to take it slow.

  11. Bunny-

    Not very old! ;) Thank you for the advice. (Bri)

  12. Glad to hear the surgery was a success!

    I had a friend who used a knee scooter - she had a lot of fun with it once she felt better. She was a rocket in a food aisle at the store! She said she also lost some weight from her (she said this not me) old person skateboard!

    Wishing a quick recovery.....

  13. Good to hear things have gone well.

    Never heard of that scooter - sorry!

  14. Thanks for the update. I always thought those knee scooters looked dangerous! (Well dangerous for clumsy me!) Good to hear she will be home soon. hugs...

  15. What awesome news - tell your Mum to enjoy the rehab - they can do marvels, and it will make returning home so much better, and safer.

  16. Hi Bri, glad the surgery is over and all went well, here is a link to a blog I follow
    He broke his ankle last year and got himself a knee scooter, he thought it was brilliant. You and your mum might like to take a look.
    Take care and tell your mum I wish her a speedy recovery. x

  17. Thanks for the update Bri! Good to hear your Mum's surgery went well,and hopefully the rehab place will be very helpful for her.I've never heard of knee scooters :-)

  18. I'm glad Paulette's surgery was a success. Today's freebie is adorable. The knee scooter is just the thing to have. I personally haven't used it, and I bought one for my husband, but he wouldn't use it, just stuck to crutches (men!). Anyhow, I lent it to a friend who had foot surgery and she absolutely said she couldn't have gotten along without it. I see lots of people using them, and I've asked several of them how they like it, and they made positive comments. There are places you can rent them from. Too bad Paulette doesn't live in Phoenix, cause she could borrow mine, LOL. It's the top model.

  19. So glad to know that the surgery went well!!! Hope that she takes the time to heal properly!!!

  20. Glad to hear she is ready to start healing - I have never used one but I have a friend that did use one - she moved around quite easily
    good luck.

  21. I am glad the surgery was a success.

  22. Wow- she really broke her ankle! Three breaks- OUCH!!! Please pass on my wishes for speedy healing and wishes for good pain control. I bet she is anxious to get back on the computer- Thanks for the updates!

  23. I am glad you are keeping us updated. Thank you Bri. Sending your Mom get well wishes. Edwina Brown

  24. Glad to hear surgery was a success! Hope she takes some time to relax and recover. Ten weeks will be a long time for her.

  25. So glad all went well!! Speedy recovery, Paulette.

  26. Good news on the surgery! I've never used a knee scooter but have a friend who has. It was a hit and has been passed around to several people who have needed one.

  27. Thanks for the update. Glad the op went well. Time for her to sit back and relax and recover. Hmm well as be not sit back and relax at the rehab centre, but you know what I mean & time there will really help recovery xxx

  28. Happy to hear she's doing well and going to rehab. Make her follow doctor's orders so she doesn't have any setbacks in her recovery time.

    Hopefully she can practice with a knee scooter in rehab. They'd be able to help her use it properly, so she doesn't have another accident.

    Take good care of yourself as well, so you can help your mom. :)

  29. my husband (he's 60) has had 4 surgeries on his foot. he loves the knee do the grandchildren. (4 and 5) they can ride on the front somehow. he can really go. prayers for her speedy recovery.

  30. happy to hear the great news about the surgery, not so much about all of the repairs that had to be made (ouch!), but oh, she would much rather be home than in a rehab place. hopefully those days will pass by super fast.

    please give her all my love! :)

  31. hey, I just noticed that June 21 is National Skateboarding Day. maybe the new knee scooter will count as one of those! your mom will be one hip lady! grins!

  32. Glad she's doing better, and thanks, Bri, for the updates and freebie. You are truly your Mother's daughter, making sure we have freebies during all of this!

  33. Great news, hope she is free of pain and makes a speedy recovery. Give her a hug from me.

  34. I hope Paulette has a quick recovery and is on her feet before we know it!

  35. Thank you for the update - so glad surgery went well. Hopefully the rehab will prepare her for the next 10 weeks!

  36. So glad the surgery went well. Now, here's to the recovery being speedy and complete!!!! :^)

  37. YES!!! I used one of those knee scooters (knee walker--like a bike sort of) and it really, really helped, plus it made getting around kind of fun! I encourage her to try it. She could always take it back or have it picked up if she doesn't like it, but I feel sure she will. I feel her pain--I live (alone)on the 3rd floor, had a broken ankle/leg, and had to stay off of it 3 months, totally. Stayed on the couch most of that time and had lots of help from friends, fortunately. Get the scooter! She (or you) can email me anytime,

  38. Well shoot, I am sure she was ready to come home. But at least know she will have someone there to get her amblitory quicker;

  39. Nancy here again...I commented that I had had a bad open fracture dislocation earlier and here are my thoughts for Mom. So glad that the surgery went well. Only two weeks in cast...doesn't seem like very long. Make sure your Mom listens to the Doctors and when they say rest for 10 weeks they mean REST! I was only allowed out of bed to go to the bathroom. She will be bored for sure but it will make a difference in the end. I used an air cast and crutches when my plaster cast came off as I started to learn to walk again. I had never seen or heard of a knee walker until this past winter and spoke with a girl that was using one. She hated it and had been using it for quite some time. She said that because she had used it for so long her other leg/hip were now giving her problems. Take it slow, each day will be a challenge but the end reward will be worth it. All the best.

  40. Wonderful news!!! I haven't used a knew scooter but my one doctor had one and hadn't missed any work - granted it was disarming seeing him wheel in for my back surgery!!!! The physical therapy rehab place is a wonderful idea where she will get the physical therapy needed along with occupational therapy to better adjust when coming home!!!
    Much love, hugs, and friendship not only to you Bri but also to your mom!!!!

  41. Hello Bri! I sort of came here accidentally and then read about your Mom. Oh my gosh, I have so been down that same road and it's not fun. However, after the shock of seeing your foot facing backwards - then the op. to fix the bones - it gets better if you can be patient. The therapy is a good idea - I learned to have the confidence to walk again in aqua therapy and although I doubt I could run a marathon am so happy to just be able to walk. I have to say I had complications so would expect your Mom to do better than me. It sounds like your Mom is a very determined lady - which is a massive help - and the real secret is patience. When they say keep off that ankle they mean it!

    Hugs to you and your Mom

    Di xx

  42. So sorry to hear about this Bri. Please tell Paulette I am thinking of her. So glad she came through the surgery OK. Thanks for giving us an update. Hugs. Gloria


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