Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Paulette Update

I read a few new comments asking how Paulette is doing, so here's another update. Overall, she's doing ok, but definitely in some pain. The incision sites, two of them, required about 50 stitches! And then of course, there's the actual bone pain... I just hope that her body is working hard to heal itself as soon is as humanly possible! Also, the cast she's in is extremely heavy...a whopping 20 lbs. Needless to say, she's looking forward to coming home.



  1. Please let her know that we are thinking of her!!!!
    Take it slowly one day at a time.... And ...Take the pain meds!!!!

  2. Thank you Bri for the update. I hope your Mum can be as comfortable as can be with all the extra pain and weight. No matter what there is no place like home! Take care and thanks so much for the lovely freebies, they are wonderful!
    xoxo Nana April

  3. Ruth-

    The pain medication they're giving her is upsetting her stomach :( But she's still able to eat, thank goodness.

  4. Thanks for the update, Bri. Sorry Paulette is in so much pain. It takes awhile, unfortunately. I had back surgery last week and sometimes I think the pain meds are worse on your system than the pain itself. Hope she feels better soon. Give her our healing wishes and big hugs!

  5. Thank you, Bri for keeping up the TLC blog! Because we have daily updates from Paulette, it helps us know that both the blog and your Mom are in good hands (of course in the reverse order!). I have a sister who has her doctorate in physical therapy and she can't stress enough how much this will help her down the road. Also, just an FYI - my Mom is allergic to codeine, a common pain medication - something to keep in mind with your Mother. I feel so badly for your Mom and wish her all the best . . . heaven knows she's been so very, very wonderful to us! Take care to everyone in your family, hang in there, this too shall pass. And please let your Mother know that we are all praying for her!

  6. oh yikes... poor Paulette!!! That really sucks! hope that the pain subsides soon!!!

  7. wow thats a lot of stitches and such a heavy cast!
    Hope you get to head home soon.

    Take Care

  8. Thank you Bri for the update. I feel I know your Mom from all the times I have visited here and the e-mails from time to time between us about images and cards. I hope she heals quickly and gets to come home soon. Edwina Brown

  9. Thanks for the update. Hope she still keeps taking the pain meds even though it upsets the stomach. It will probably be a lot worse for her if she doesn't take them. Hope you are managing to keep her spirits up. Take care of yourself too. Hugs, Suze.

  10. Sending healing hugs to your mom! Sounds brutal!

  11. I suppose there's no way around it... post surgery just sucks! It's important to keep a lid on the pain so your body can "concentrate" on repairing the damage, but if the meds upset your stomach see if there's an alternative medication; it does generally improve in a few days anyway as we need less and our bodies adjust. The good thing about having such a heavy cast is that when it comes off you feel lighter than air, lol. Coming home will make a big difference, just make sure you don't do too much Paulette - it's easy to get carried away and then you're back to increased medication. Thanks again Bri for keeping us up to date :-) Donna xx

  12. keep up the good work Bri.
    Paulette, Ihave to say that some of the sentiments you have posted recently seem quite appropriate for this time. Will keep you in my prayers. Do hope you have a quick recovery and good pain medication. Hugs,

  13. Hello Bri, I think I'm reading all this backward *laughing* I've just read that she isn't coming home now which sounds like a sensible thing considering they have put a heavy pop on her, bless her. She has been through such a lot and hopefully after a short while everything will start to settle down and the pain will be less. It is such a painful operation she has had, if you can give her a big hug from all her friends here who come from all over the World.
    Thank you Bri for all you are doing too as I know you must be rushing around like made as you have to be at the hospital with your Mum and you also have a life to deal with so I just wanted to let you know I appreciate all you are doing and I'm sure your Mum will be also.
    Love to you and all the family, especially Paulette ~ Lady Anne xx

  14. Thank you for the update Bri. I hope the pain eases soon.

  15. Bri you are just a gem and one can see who your awesome Mom is. Thanks so much for the precious updates. Your Mom must please take each day for what it is and dont try and rush the recovery. The body has its own healing schedule. You are in my prayers and thoughts for a successful recovery.
    Healing Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  16. Thanks for the updates Bri - hopefully your Mum will have a cast change soon as the swelling goes down and gets a fibreglass one next time round - they are way lighter!!(She says speaking from experience!)

  17. thank you for all you are doing, Bri! I know it means so much to your mom. you are just as fabulous as she always says! :)

  18. Thanks for the update. I hope her pain subsides quickly. And her spirits stay up. Sending get well wishes and hugs.

  19. thanks bri for the updates, send love and hugs to paulette. i'll keep her in my prayers. tell her the next time she should do the happy dance on a flat surface!!!

  20. You'all are still in my thoughts & prayers. I know that bone pain can be like nothing else you've ever experienced -- worse than childbirth, or at least close to it! Reminder her, please, she can email me anytime. I've been there. underwoodsharon@yahoo.com

  21. Thanks Bri for the Updates!!!!!! OMG I pray she Heals quickly!!!! God Bless you both!!!
    hugs, Heidi

  22. Again - Oh! my goodness, sounds simple to "trip downstairs" but definitely this is a real OUCHER! I expect she will feel better being home and able to rest properly - hopefully :)

  23. I have been working so haven't had a chance to catch up on the freebies.... I was surprised that they only are lasting 24 hours. :( Grave yard shifts really cut into lifes enjoyments lol... Anyways that is petty compaired to the health of your Mother. I hope the surgery went well and is a success and I continue to pray for a speedy recovery. Thankyou for keeping us updated.

  24. Praying for her and wishing the pain away.
    Carol O

  25. Gosh that's some weight hope the pain goes quickly but with all that happened l don't think so she will be very brave l'm sending lots of love and hugs to her and thank you for the update xx

  26. Thank you Bri for the updates and please, let mom know she is missed, and in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers!
    Much love, hugs, and friendship,

  27. Bless her! Hope she gets to come home soon and is soon feeling better!

  28. Sorry to hear Paulette were sick
    ❀ ❀ ❀ Get well soon!! ❀ ❀ ❀
    (")_(")sending hugs of comfort across the miles
    Lovely DT projects - thanks for sharing!

  29. Thanks again for the update. Let her know we are all thinking of her on blogland. Hugs, Gloria

  30. Wishing a speedy recovery to Paulette.

  31. I just got home from a week away and saw the news about Paulette's accident. My thoughts and prayers are with her and I hope now that the surgery is done, she heals quickly and keeps her spirits up. I once had a cast from my ankle to my the top of my leg and it weighed a ton so I feel for her. Sending her hugs!

  32. Oh boy I've just got here after not getting my regular e-mails and what do I read, I do hope your mum heals quick, as long as she stays positive she'll be fine, I'll be thinking of her.
    Sending you and your family big hugs and kisses


    PS: Bri thanks for the lovely freebie and pls do update us xx


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