Saturday, June 28, 2014

Coming Back Alive...

Holy Toledo~!  Did I do a number on myself!!
I was released from the rehab facility late yesterday afternoon.  I still have the 20 lb block of cement on my leg, and still am not allowed to put any weight on I am pretty much stuck in one spot.  
Thank you to all of you that left such wonderful comments and support......they were very helpful.....and thank you so much to Bri for keeping everything running so smoothly.  You are AWESOME~!
Hopefully I will feel up to get creating once again ASAP~!



  1. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Take it easy!

  2. Welcome Home! Bri did a wonderful job while you were down keeping us updated! So glad to have you back and sending healing prayers and hugs for you.

  3. Yay! Glad to hear you are home again.
    Take it easy, do as you're told and all will go well. Take care, Lottie x

  4. So glad to hear you are now at home and getting the rest you need for a full & quick recovery. Always better to heal at home. Take care and welcome back.

  5. so glad you are home - make sure you do everything the physical therapist tells you to do - 1. Rest and 2. whatever exercises you will have to do

    Tale your time and allow the healing to begin.

  6. Great to 'see' you here Paulette :-). You really did make a proper job of your ankle - I hope you get a fibreglass cast soon - they are much lighter (I speak from experience).
    Bri has been brilliant in keeping us updated.

  7. Welcome home! So glad you are able to let us know. Be careful and don't over do it. Edwina Brown

  8. Good to see you back. Good to hear you are mending. Just take it easy. We will still be here! And like you did not already know it... you have a awesome daughter. :) hugs...

  9. Glad to hear that you are back home. Please make sure that you rest that leg as much as you can. Bri did a fantastic job of keeping us updated and keeping things running on the site with some inspirational cards too.

  10. Glad you are home! Hope you heal quickly, Paulette! Bri was awesome!

  11. Oh Paulette- I am so sorry to hear about our fall and subsequent stay in rehab! I was able to pop in and check in on your status- so glad to hear you are finally home. Bless you- keeping you in prayers for patience and that you have very little pain!

  12. So good to see you blogging again! Glad to hear all is coming along well for you. I'm looking forward to seeing your posts again. Bri did a great job for you while you were gone but you were missed. My day was somewhat off kilter because Paulette wasn't around with the art work she so generously shares.

  13. Don't do too much and take the time that is required to heal!!! Glad to know that you are back home!

  14. Hooray for being back home again! The rest will come with time.

  15. Welcome back Paulette!!
    Hope you get back to your crafty self soon,we've missed you but Bri has done a fantastic job!
    Love Ann.x

  16. This is the bext news ever. WELCOME HOME and into the life of Create with TLC. We all missed you. But, please take care and dont rush the recovery. The longer you take to recover, the more long lasting its going to be.
    Happy hugs
    Desíre {Doing Life}

  17. There's nothing like being at home! I'm sure you're as happy to be there as we are to see you blogging again. But don't overdue it... take care to do exactly as doctor's have ordered so you'll not only mend quickly, but properly as well. Glad to see you back :)

  18. Hi Paulette, I'm very happy to see
    that you are back home and you blogging again! Bri was gorgeous, she did a wonderful job!
    Be careful.
    Big hugs, Ileanaxxx

  19. Woohoo! great to see you posting again Paulette. Glad you are home and I hope you will soon be fully recovered. Love and hugs Pat x

  20. WOW welcome home Paulette, it´s so great to see, that you´re actually home again, and just that most times get us to heal even faster then, so I hope, that´s the case for you as well. Don´t over do anything at all, but just do as the doctors have told you to, and don´t worry too much about anything here, as we´re all taken sooo good care of by Bri, she´s been wonderful, that´s for sure.
    Have a wonderful day and just care about getting well now and look after yourself okay?
    Biiiiiiiiiiiiig healing hugs from here.

  21. Fantastic news to learn that you are now home Paulette, sounds like you've had a horrendous time not to mention the pain you must have experienced. Wishing you a very speedy recovery :) Donna ♥ x

  22. Great to have you back home where you belong Paulette, all you have to do is behave (so hard to do) and get better fully then I shall be happy. I am thinking of you and sending you a big gentle hug...
    Love ~ Lady Anne xxx

  23. So good to hear you are home. Bri did an awesome job while you were away...she's a sweetie. Take care of yourself and remember to listen to your body. It will set your pace.

  24. It was wonderful to see your message today. As others have said Bri did a fantastic job. My advice...patience .Healing takes time.

  25. So glad to have you back Paulette...listen to the doctor so you heal quickly. It was wonderful of Bri to keep your fans up to date with your progress. Thank you Bri!

  26. So glad you're home! You're in my thoughts & prayers as you continue to heal. Don't be afraid to ask for help, because you're definitely going to need it! I've been there--did the same thing last year. Patience, my dear, Patience!

  27. Wonderful news! So glad you are home and on the mend! Don't overdo! Hugs!

  28. Glad you are home and doing better. Hope your recovery continues to go well and you are soon able to shed that 20#s.

  29. Glad to hear that you are out of rehab *U* Just take it easy and rest.

  30. we love you, Paulette! take care of yourself and don't overdo it! we'll be here whenever you are ready. :)

    Bri is just as amazing as you have always said!!!!!

  31. Welcome home Paulette. Hope you recover quickly

  32. Glad you are back home! Take care so you can heal completely and quickly! Sending hugs, Penny

  33. Welcome home. Now stay away from those stairs. LOL
    Big Hug and u have a fab daughter.

  34. So glad you are back, but take it easy. Bri has been amazing, and amazingly talented as is her Mom!!

  35. Whoooooooooppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeee
    Glad to have you home. Wishing you well with your recovery.

  36. Just think how much lighter you will be when you lose those 20 pounds! Don't push yourself, take time to heal completely.

  37. It was good to here you're home Paulette! Take care and get well.

  38. Glad you are finally back home - best place to be to recover! Rooting for your for a smooth and easy recovery....slow & steady!
    Take Care

  39. So glad to be hearing from you and that you are home! You are in my prayers.
    Carol O

  40. Such good news to hear you have made it home. At least you cant do anything crazy with 20lbs on your leg


  41. Glad to hear you're making progress on the Recovery front...Rest, heal and take it easy. :)

  42. Its so good to hear you are home.
    The worst is over and now you can start the countdown to being well and walking again. Wishing you a very quick recovery. hugs, ronny

  43. Welcome home Paulette! I'm so glad to hear you are doing a bit better. Hope your leg mends well and fast and you don't have any more trips that include any pain. Your DD is a keeper for sure. Like mother like daughter. Thanks to both of you for everything!
    xoxo Nana

  44. It is really Great news to hear from you doll!!! Sending prayers and healing drool to you!!! hugs,Heidi

  45. Glad to hear you're home Paulette, now your recovery can begin in earnest... of course as you feel better it's going to get harder to be patient - write yourself a note today about something you did that you felt was an achievement then you can refer to it in a few weeks when you think your progress has stalled - you'll be amazed at how far you've gone. Bri is a real credit to you, such a sweet soul (her concern for the lady you met in rehab with her toy pig touched me deeply) and her dedication to keeping your blog going for you was impressive, thanks to her. Great to see you back though, Donna

  46. So glad to hear you are back at home. We can all be thankful for those computer chairs with wheels that help us "stay in one spot"!
    Take care of yourself. We will continue to pray for a full recovery. Norma W

  47. Great to hear you're feeling better and back home.

  48. Welcome back!!!! You've been missed. Glad you are on the mend!!
    Much love, hugs, prayers, and friendship

  49. Great to see you are home Paulette and please do take it slow and easy. It will take some time,but I am sure you will heal totally. Bug hugs from acros the pond xx

  50. So glad you are home and able to do something enjoyable! I feel your pain! I had foot surgery 4 weeks ago...I have 3 more weeks on the scooter and 4 more weeks in the boot. But I can sit at my scrap table and have fun (which is where my computer is also!) I've prayed for you since your good so you will heal properly!

  51. So happy you are home! Hope you heal quickly and feel better very soon! (((HUGS!)))

  52. Oh my goodness! And here i was worried about the fires in CA, so i popped over to check on you - and what do i learn? YOU are encased in cement - well, not YOU totally, but a lower extremity! Yikes! You've been in my prayers because of the fires, but i am sorry i didn't know about your hospital stay. Since i don't make cards, i don't come here as frequently as the cardmakers do, but you are often in my thoughts. So, i'll add prayers for rapid healing and for courage to cope with the cast.

  53. So happy to hear that you are at home and on the mend. I'm sure you are in for a heap of frustration as you work through at getting yourself back into working condition but I'm also sure it will be eased being surrounded by your own things and of course family and friends. Glad you are back! Bri did a great job in your absence, you're lucky to have her!

    Hugs and healing wishes,

  54. Welcome back Paulette...we're sure happy to see you back again. Your darling daughter did a marvelous job at filling in for you though...she is totally awesome. Hopefully you won't have to have the extra cement for too terribly long.

    Hugs ~ Charlene


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