Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I think some of you are missing some freebies on the blog.............


  1. There are freebies in the store and everywhere,
    Love your work Paulette,
    Hugs from Christine in Italy xx

  2. Probably I'm one of them! Life just gets on top of me at times and I just don't get to visit every day! I really appreciate the ones that I do get though - so thank you. Now, if I could just have a few more hours in each day I'd be great!!

  3. I sure hope not.........LOL

  4. I think I am one of them Paulette as I do not seem to be receiving your emails anymore for some reason. :-(

    Michelle E x

  5. I've been missing for a while too :o(
    Been ambushed by life! Must try and build in time to come over every day.
    Helen x


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.