Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Freebies.........

are paid for with kindness and comments..............and those are looking pretty sparse again.


  1. Sorry haven´t had time to check them in a while, but when I do, I definitely will comment, if I grab anything, as that´s just plain curtesy I think. But I admit, I don´t comment on each post, but on the last one I get to, when I get on a round, but I always leave a comment, when I grab something from anybody. And I sure hope, all people will show such a decent behaviour too.
    Have a wonderful day and thanks once again for those gorgeous sentiments you´re sharing very often, I sure apreciate many of them very very much.

  2. I've left comments before and they haven't shown up in the comments section. So many thanks for all you do.

  3. I love you Paulette! I will try to do better... PROMISE! (why do we always hurt the ones we love??)

  4. I for one love your freebies, and have left a comment before but will willingly do so again! Thank you - you brighten my day.

  5. Sorry, I am guilty - I am healing from emergency surgery - just drop by to see what is going on - your talents are always appreciated

  6. Oh dear, it doesn't take much to say thank you and leave a little love, for a kindness!.....Does it ??
    Thank you Paulette for all your freebies and gifts.
    Hugs Lottie x

  7. I agree with maryann I often leave a thanks message to the last one I snag. I also find it a pain to leave a comment as when you hit download it takes you away from the main page. Thanks for the amazing freebies! Is there anyway you can restrict the freebies to only be downloaded if a comment is left?

  8. It's sad that you have to "ask" for a note of thanks for all the freebies you give to us. Here's a HUGE thank you for all you do.

  9. I do try to always say thanks for the sentiments. If I sometimes forget or get in a hurry I apologize so I will say again Thank you for all you do to share the freebies with us. We all seem to be in to much of a hurry these days maybe it is time to just slow down an smell the roses so to speak and be kind to one another. Lets all try that. thanks Paulette for all you give of yourself and your site.
    Linda K.

  10. Sorry that I haven't been more faithful at telling you how much I appreciate all your generous freebies. Will do so more often. I really appreciate your freebies, and your being so generous. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


  11. Paulette you are such a Jewel!! I try to leave a thank you even when I don't grab some of your goodies. I do notice how many downloads there are when I grab an image but not many thank you's. I don't understand why so many take and can't even say Thank You.
    Thank you so much for everything Paulette.
    Carol O

  12. Thats sad :(

    Thank you for everything xxxx

  13. I always leave a comment and thanks for the images I take. I really really appreciate your generosity and I love the images. Thank you so much Paulette. (Sending another card your way.)

  14. Oh, guilty as well, really sorry! I love your work, and I appreciate the work you put into sharing all those things with us very much....

  15. Thanks for all the great freebies I am especially in love with the papers you design

  16. Come on everyone,
    Say thanks for getting something for nothing,
    Paulette is the best and gives us wonderful frrebies so a little thank you is only right,
    Thanks love Christine in Italy xx

  17. Thank you Paulette for all you give to us Hugs Nellie

  18. I always click on the the thanks at the top but I will say thank you very much and they are wonderful and are very much appreciated here.


  19. Thank You - two small words that take less time to write than your download!
    Be kind people!
    Paulette your work is great!
    thank you.

  20. You are very generous. I try to say thanks every time I snag a goodie. Thaks again and again and again....

  21. It is always amazing to me when I download, to see how many have downloaded already compared to the comments and thanks. It's really sad. I certainly appreciate all you do in the name of crafting. Have a wonderful day and thanks!

  22. It's so sad that so many people don't even bother to type in two or three simple words such as 'Thank you Paulette'. If you haven't seen many thank you's from me lately it's because I haven't been around much. I surely wish I would have more time for visiting and crafting. ;-(
    Marianne x

  23. thanx a lot for all the wonderful freebies :). u certainly deserve a huge big thank for the awesome stuff u give us :)
    hugs Alyna

  24. I try to thank you always; but,
    I have missed a couple - please forgive me. You are the greatest - so generous and talented - THANK YOU PAULETTE!!!

  25. I'm probably as guilty as anyone at not leaving a comment... I usually grab two or three of your wonderful freebies at a time, I always click on the "Thank Create with TLC" box at Download but I know I should come back and comment more often - I do sing your praises loudly on my blog, hope that counts for a little :-) Please accept this "thank you" as a super sized one for all the fab freebies I've grabbed without comment, Donna XX

  26. I have noticed the lack of thanks and feel for you :-(

  27. I've been enjoying all the great images and word arts from the daily freebies and the last Club. Lovin' all the new papers, for sure! I don't have a Dad to honor on Father's Day, but I still have son-in-laws and a son who have birthdays so all those nice man designs will come in handy!

    Sorry that I haven't let you know how much I appreciate all of your wonderful things lately. I have been in my final semester of college, busy with student teaching. Today I graduate. It's taken me 38 years to get to this day and now at 56 I will have a bachelors degree to my credit. My mom, who is 74, will be in attendance today and busting all her buttons.

    Many thanks, Paulette, for all that you share! Hopefully I can squeeze some $$ out of the budget to pick up the next Club and even a couple of those Etsy store images--great-looking things there!

  28. Almost everytime I download from GE.TT I leave a thank you, hope you get them and know how much they are appreciated. Jennie in the UK


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.