Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Freebie.........

Those of you who don't know where this one came from are missing out on a lot of great humor.......Bazinga~!

and if you know the song............sing along~!



  1. Hahahahah - soft kitty - now where have I heard that song? Thank you and enjoy your day!

  2. Thank you, I am going to google it in a min. love Christine in Italy xx

  3. can't even BEGIN to tell you how much I love this one!!!!! what a riot! thank you so much! :)

  4. LOL!! LOVE this one, Paulette! I'll have to make cards for both of my daughters with this one! haha Thanks very much!...Nancy :o)

  5. LOL
    LOVE this one!!
    My husband walks around singing this to our dog ALL the time
    He says this is the best show in TV!!
    Thank You!
    Would LOVE to see this without the background paper!!
    Thanks again!

  6. i don't know the story of this one, but i've seen a lot of "Keep calm and..." lately and i suppose i'm an anachronism these days because i haven't had TV for about 8 years now. Nothing on it worth watching, and i have better things to do with my time - like scrapping (lol), but i like this very much. i'll have to figure out the joke in it, so i'll google it... but thank you, it's way cute. Of course, i keep wanting to correct the grammar in it, but that's not YOUR fault, Paulette, it has to do with the joke or song...and that's OK! Thanks, as always, your designs are wonderful!

  7. I have no idea where it comes from - but when I figure it out, it will probably be a big duh. Thank you Paulette!

  8. I'm like Jayleigh & Marla...IDK but I'll have to figure it out. Thanks for it. Hugs~

  9. I like this. Love the kitty with the seniment. Thank you. Edwina Brown

  10. I had to Google it and I love the Big Bang Theory show!

  11. Love this one- Oh I have to print it out right now......! Thank You! Did you see the one where Penny fell in the bathtub and Sheldon had to take her to the hospital??? Thank You!

  12. ha ha ha ha . . . when I first watched a glimpse of this show, I did NOT like it. My brother and parents were watching it so I gave it another chance and OMGoodness . . . one of my fav shows!!! Thanks so much - this is awesome!

  13. Ohhhhhhhh, I love, love, love this one!!!! This is one of our most very favorite shows! I'm hoping you'll get inspired to do the "sheet music" for this song ; ) !! The only bad thing about it, is it gets stuck in my head when I hear it LOL!!! Thanks for this, I'll probably use it on a card for my son!

  14. This is a Great one! Thank you.
    Carol O

  15. I'll need to check this out! Because I don't know this. Thanks for this awesome sentiment.

  16. Love Big Bang Theory! Thanks for the share!

  17. LOVE IT!!!! My kids were singing this the other day and I had to laugh. Love the show and my husband watches it ALL the time (he is such a geek and can relate to the characters). I will have to work with this one.

  18. Like the song, but I like to sing it faster than they do on the show! Thanks so much Paulette! This was a funny and cute one! :)

  19. Love Big Bang, it is my life in a world of engineers. I think my daughter is the female Sheldon. Can't wait to send her a card with this. Bazinga!! Thank you.


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