Sunday, December 9, 2012

Let's Get Into the Spirit~!

For the next TWO hours........until 7:30 pm pst ... Extended it due to popular demand
You have the opportunity to have me gift one of your friends with a special digi package...
We are doing R.A.C.K.S~!
Random Acts of Christmas Kindness
Just send me the email address of who you would like to have RACKED and I will send them the goodie.....let me know if you want it sent anonymously or if you would like the recipient to know that you have named them for a RACK.
Let the fun begin....
Please make sure you comment on this post if you receive a RACK, especially if it is anonymous.

If you would like the above logo for doing your own RACK, just let me know.

Extended through Monday, 12-10....please make sure you read the instructions.


  1. Thank you, this is a nice idea. This can have my name attached. Please send a RACK to my daughter at

  2. THANK YOU so much to you and the anonymous giver to me of my RACK! That was very generous, thoughtful, and kind! I appreciate it very much! Merry Christmas to you both!

  3. Thank you, Edwina, for this RAK! It is so appreciated!

  4. This is such a great idea! Thank you for the opportunity to reward the people who mean the most to us!

  5. What an incredibly generous thing for you to do Paulette. The images in the R.A.C.K. are just gorgeous. Your own kindness never fails to amaze me. And, thank you so much to Suze from who out of all the people she could have chosen to R.A.C.K. chose me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to both of you.


  6. Thank you Susan for the RACK from Paulette. It is appreciated.
    thank you Paulette for this opportunity to use this digi for a RACK card. Edwina Brown

  7. I would love to have this RACK go to Little Miss C.
    She is 6 years old and has a blog with her cards

    It will have to go to her Mum
    Her Mum will have to download them for her.
    I would love the RAK image...the santa is gorgeous!

    Thanks you so much for this! Off to check out your blog!

  8. Thank you so much for this ;) Thanks Rhonda Sue for choosing to send me a RACK! The image is totally gorgeous!!!! Hugs Vicky

  9. Hi Paulette. What a nice gesture this is and so generous of you. Please can you rack my dear friend Pam Knowles. Her blog is and her email is
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}
    {Doing Life – 400 Follower Give Away}

  10. I anonymously received your rack and love it. What a wonderful thing to do, totally in the spirit of the season. Thank you.

  11. Thanks so much to my Best Buddy, Alicia for sending me this RACK!!! Thank you Paulette for making it all possible!

  12. I received an RACK From my best buddy and just SO enjoyed it! What a wonderful way to get into the spirit of the season! *Hugs*

  13. Thanks so much for sending the RACK to my mom! She loved it. Now if I can just get her more computer literate so I won't have to do this for her!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.