Saturday, August 11, 2012

Giveaway Etiquette........

Have we become so snotty about freebies that we feel we are entitled to them?
Seriously people...........I have accepted the fact that there is a huge group of people that don't leave comments and never will...............but when you are the winner of "Blog Candy" and gifts from any  blog, you don't say thank you for those either?
How very very sad.
Those of you that may read this and it does affect you.........please remember ..... it takes one minute to thank someone for a kindness.............please take the time.


  1. You know, Paulette, I am guilty of not acknowledging all the freebies you provide. I am so sorry that I haven't sent thank you's each day to you for them! I really do appreciate them and try to use them on my cards whenever possible. It is an act of love for you to do this for all of us, and we should be sending the love back your way. Forgive me for not doing so. And thank you so much for giving us so many wonderful images.

  2. Again, I am sorry that you are overwhelmed by rudeness on "our" part.

    It really is a shame. We are a spoiled nation, Instant Gratification - without Thanks is a very empty feeling.

    I am so very grateful for each little gift you give us. You are supremely generous, to say the least.

    Know that those who do not say Thanks, were probably raised in a barn.

    D :)

  3. Uh - Thanks for your kindness and freebies (all in less than a minute)!!!

  4. So sorry to hear this, Paulette. I agree that it is bad manners or even rude NOT to say THANK YOU. Especially to someone who is so generous with her time, efforts and wonderful work. Haven't been around much lately, but I sure hope I will be able to snag a few freebies again soon AND thank you each and every time.
    Marianne x

  5. Tu comentario es acertado, prudente y muy oportuno.

  6. Its polite to say thank you, it does not matter how long it takes, its the right thing to do when you receive something,love christine in italy xx

  7. Uh oh. Here we go again Paulette. It's a never ending battle. I've not snagged many freebies lately as I'm suffering great mojo deficiency and no amount of freebies can wake me up.I don't understand how people can't (or won't) spare the time just to say "thanks".

  8. I agree it's polite & common courtesy to say thank you for things - especially the freebies you so generously share. I make an effort to say thanks for every file I download - even if it's just a single word of thanks.

    Please please please keep sharing your fabulous freebies - they are very much appreciated xxx

  9. I absolutely agree & I try to say thank you. I'm sorry that you have to say something on here. I think that the ones that will think twice are those that normally do say "thanks" & will wonder if they overlooked a time. You are so generous & I would hate for our being in a rush to ruin a "good thing". Thanks again.

  10. Its a royal pain when things are taken for granted! I love leaving a thank you/comment when I 'collect' one of your freebies, as it solidifies acknowledgement of the generosity & the appreciation of the artist's (you) work!
    Thank you Thank you Thank you!

    Sandy S

  11. Hi Paulette,

    I want to thank you for all your hard work providing us with freebie goodies each day!! Card making is so much more pleasurable with your creations. I have plans for your crispy fried chicken creation. I plan on using it as an anniversary card for my husband. He will get such a kick out of it. Here is the link to a card that I made with a b-day sentiment you created. I know you asked us to send you links, or post them when we use your work so here it is: :I believe in giving credit where credit is due! So once THANK YOU ever so much!!!


  12. Paulette, Thank you for your generosity, your wonderful and witty creations. You truly do share so much talent of yourself and your wonderfully talented designers! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!


  13. I so agree and unfortunately I am guilty of not saying thank you near enough. I am very grateful for your images and sentiments. Thank you for your time and efforts. I am sorry for my neglect not saying thank you every time. I do appreciate all you do. Hugs, Robin

  14. I really due try to say thanks every time. I can't imagine snagging and running with out saying thanks. Just plain rude.

  15. I try to always leave a comment when I snag a freebie, though sometimes I fail... I grabbed one yesterday and there was a button at the download page saying it was to send Thanks to you - I hope that it worked - and I thought it was a great idea as you don't even have to go and find the post again. I know how it feels to be taken for granted; I recently gave away two blog candies and have no idea if one of them even got to the recipient. I hope you take this is a BIG thank you, Donna

  16. Hi, I don't know If I have grabbed a freebie. But just in case please accept a big warm thanks. Because I do appreciate those crafter out there who share. Please know you are appreciated!!!!


  17. So sorry to hear that people didn´t learn yet...
    Specially with a person as generous as you are, how is it possible that people don´t acknowledge it...
    Thank you for all your freebies, you are a generous person!!!

  18. There may have been times when I didn't leave a thank you, but I usually thank you for sharing your creativity from ALL of us. The freebies are important to me because my cousin and I make cards for our troops. We like them to be funny, cute, creative and just plain wonderful. Our creativity gets a kick because it's recommended that no glitz be used on the cards being sent overseas. This is sometimes hard for me 'cause I'm a glitz lover. :0)

    Along with making cards for our troops, I sent out patriotic cards for almost every holiday to family and friends. So look for my thank you for any patriotic freebie, it'll be there.

    So please remember how much we appreciate your freebies and hard work.

  19. Bless you for all you do- I greatly appreciate it and feel so blessed to know you on-line!

  20. I agree it's polite and common courtesy to say thank you for any thing that comes your way free, l always say thank you and will continue to do so thank you! x

  21. Hi Paulette. I'm really sorry that you have been treated in this way and the way it makes you feel. I almost always try and leave a comment just to encourage you - although I haven't taken many of the freebies recently. You don't have to share your stuff - but you are kind and generous and for the benefit of all of us who appreciate what you do, you do it anyway. Thank you so so much and I hope the love and gratitude you will get in these comments will make you feel somewhat less sore. Carolyn

  22. I always try to leave a thank you comment! And if even I don't for some reason, I always appreciate your freebies! I can't believe the attitude of people when it comes to free images. I host a freebie giveaway for one of my design teams and I can tell by page views vs comments that only a very small fraction of people leave a comment. And as for prizes and blog candy, I always gush with happiness when I am lucky enough to win! Thanks again, Paulette, for all you do! :)

  23. I have not been able to leave comments for some reason for a long time. Hoping this will go through now. Thank you for that times I have came here to get a cute sentiment. You are appreciated.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.