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Sunday, June 24, 2012


so angry right now........
A nice person just sent me a link to a website with a bunch of my word art (freebies) being sold by her, as her own.  The website owner, not the nice person.
Holy Toledo....wouldn't bother me so much if she didn't have all over her pages about respecting her copyright, and not sharing her things.....and she is ........... wait for it............Christian.  
Ok, people, if you are going to steal.....and sell it ... at least admit you stole it and it isn't your own.  Some people will buy pirated work.  Think she leaves me comments?

The reason I am not going to 'out' her at this point.........I am hoping she will do the right thing and honor my request to take it all down....I understand that there are at least four other artists works she has taken as her own also. 

It's done........with some persuasion, she has taken down the designs....not admitted to the wrong, but taken them down........so 5 artists designs have now been removed from her site.
Thank you to everyone for their support.


  1. Wow - this world in of itself is so filled with evil. Can't imagine that once cornered, the wrong doer would continue to give you hassles.

    I am so very sorry Paulette, for this persons attitude & them stealing from you.

    D :)

    1. Sorry to hear about the knuckle head stealing from you. I appreciate everything that you and your DT do for all of the crafters. Hopefully the thief will change. Smh!

    2. Sorry to hear about the knuckle head stealing from you. I appreciate everything that you and your DT do for all of the crafters. Hopefully the thief will change. Smh!

    3. Sorry to hear about the knuckle head stealing from you. I appreciate everything that you and your DT do for all of the crafters. Hopefully the thief will change. Smh!

  2. Ugh! I hope you can get her for this! This is why we have a copyright! Right? :( There really are more good people in the world, it's just that the bad are so wicked they stand out and glow! Ugh!

  3. Wow... I don't blame you for being angry.. and it's not my work but it makes me angry too. I can't believe that people do that to generous people like yourself Paulette who generously share their work with us. And to have the cheek to go on about respecting her copyright!!!

  4. No, afraid not, she is not Christian, not if she steals and lies.
    I am so sorry you are going through this.
    Still you can hold your head up,she can't.Thank you too for the free digis.keep well.Rosie.x

  5. You should post the website so we don't buy from her. I think everyone who steals should be outed. There should be a website like Angie's List that we could check for integrity. Sometimes shame is the only thing that will stop a thief.

  6. You should name and shame Paulette how crawl can they be and hard faced, you have every right to be angry:)x

  7. Man oh man! I can only imagine how angry you are. This just sucks!
    You are so very generous with your images and it pains me to see you, I and other artists get ripped off.

  8. Wow!! I am so sorry that someone is doing this to you. I love your freebies and RESPECT that YOU did the work, not me!! I'm sorry she is taking that away from you. Can't you sue or something??

  9. Oh, dear! I'm so sorry to see something like this happen AGAIN!! I'm VERY sorry to see it has happened to YOU, Paulette! She must be a very tired and cranky woman...as I'm sure she can's sleep comfortably at night with what she is doing! I'm sure you wake feeling very refreshed every day for the kindness and generosity you show to all of us! Thank you again, my friend!...Nancy :o)

  10. Oh, gee, Paulette, that really does suck! But just remember, there is Karma! It'll come back to her in spades!! Meantime, the rest of us send you hugs and lots of love! :^)

  11. I so totally understand.. this has happened to me so many times, I've almost given up...sorry this has happened to you too..

  12. Your anger is so justified. People like that should be tarred and feathered and their ill gotten gains harvested and given to the rightful owner!!!
    Thank you for all your wonderful creations and your generosity. It is greatly appreciated.I would love to know who she is so I couls send her a nasty gr\am and out her FB would be a great place to start!!
    Big Hugs Janet

  13. This shocks me that people are so bold and dishonest! It cannot be anywhere I shop- I do not think....cause I would recognize your stuff right off! I think if she does not take down your work, you should name and shame so we can know NOT to shop there!

  14. wow.... that is horrible... Ihope she respects you and honors your wishes

  15. Oh my goodness. I do not understand why a) you would steal from someone who gives freebies and b) call yourself a Christian! I am sorry that you too have become victim to this.

  16. Oh, Paulette, this is terrible!

    We know Christians by their works, or lack thereof. As Christians, we can judge those who make the claim of being Christian but are not abiding by God's law and Christ's teachings. By approaching her, you are following Christ in that you did it alone. If she fails to listen, you then need to take others with you. I hope she heeds your request and acknowledges her error. May you have peace while dealing with this. I know the anger must be great but remember to give it to Christ.

    Thank you for everything you give us. It is appreciated.

  17. Jen from word art world here....she used a bunch of my stuff too. thanks for working to get her shut down. sounds like she'll just keep doing. it though. darn pirates!

  18. Jen from word art world here....she used a bunch of my stuff too. thanks for working to get her shut down. sounds like she'll just keep doing. it though. darn pirates!

  19. so sorry this has happened to you paulette:(

  20. This is so sad and awful to hear this is happening and to THINK they have the nerve to SELL them!!

    I am so sorry and truly HOPE you can put a STOP to this!! IT's outrageous!


  21. I am so sorry this happened, glad you made some progress tho' and got her to take stuff down-

  22. What is with these people doing things like this? It cheats you and everyone else who loves your work. I understand your anger, pain and frustration. just know that I support you. Edwina Brown

  23. I have exactly the same experience with my freebies, a foreign person has my freebies uploaded to a free hoster so they are always at disposal. I have a shop and a dedicated server. It is absolutely not allowed and a crime, I can not understand these people. Please can you send me the website link of the evil person by email, so I can check whether I'm concerned, please?
    Send it to kontakt@peppercus-design.de

    Thank you

    Greetings from Germany

    Peppercus design

  24. Some people are so rude, and evil. I hate when people hide behind Christianity and then do stuff like this. It makes non-believers think all Christians are like that. I'm glad she took the stuff down but she should have apologized as well. She probably wasn't even embarrassed about the whole situation. People who do what she did have no conscience.

  25. Christian??? I DON'T think so! For someone to take the freebies that you are so incredibly generous with and to SELL them?! Indescribable gall. And then to talk about how she's a CHRISTIAN??? I'm glad that at least for the moment she's done the right thing..but I wouldn't count on it lasting. I'm very sorry that you have had to deal with this, Paulette! Most folks are honest and appreciate you and what you do.

  26. Paulette, I'm so sorry to hear about this person "pirating" your work! Shame on her for violating you and also giving Christian's a bad name.
    Hugs and blessings,

  27. What a shame, people are strange,i thank you so much for all your freebies, love Christine in Italy xx

  28. Paulette, I'm glad she took them down. Too bad she couldn't apologize. Hope your week goes better!

  29. I would be angry also, so glad you got the, I hate to call her a person, to take down the stuff she stole. Thanks for you neat digis, appreciate them very much.


  30. (((Hugs))) I hope it's sorted now... So nasty to have to deal with :(

  31. Oh Paulette - I am so sorry that someone has the cheek to take advantage of your generosity. I'm glad she's taken your work off her site, but very disappointed for you and the other talented artists out there (who so willingly and freely share your creations with us crafters) that she thought it was OK to take advantage of you.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything I've had from you ... you are a treasure!
    Hugs, Helen x

  32. hiya sweetie
    that is so wrong to do so
    i hate that kind of humens, make it you own and don't steal, that is so unforgetouble, i'm glad that you've got a link from a person who link it and letting it you know
    hugs angelique

  33. Oh Paulette - I can understand your hurt and frustration. What a travesty and what a dishonour to Jesus.

  34. Are you kidding me?!!! How can someone do this to you?!! You are incredibly generous and talented. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

  35. Oh my lord that makes me angry hun..
    An apology (in public on her blog) is the very least you could expect from her.
    Big hugs to you sweetie.xx

  36. I would have outed her anyway so no one would ever buy anything from her again! then maybe she would learn her lesson. She certainly gives Christians a black eye!

  37. Glad you she took it down but at least she owes you an apology!!! Grrr...Hate pirates!!

  38. Grrrr I hate it when people do this!!!! Glad you got it sorted but still grrrrr!

  39. I think you should post her link so we will know to stay away from the criminal!...and give her a piece of my mind lol

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  45. I am so glad that you were able to get your designs removed from her site! I wonder at times if some people falsly claim to be Christian to attract business. That is just terrible what happened, but I am so glad that you and the others were able to get your designs removed!

  46. Wow...I can just imagine how hot under the collar you are!! What is wrong with some people? I am impressed by the manner in which you handled this situation - very professional. Thank you for ALL you do...I hope you never have to deal with these types of problems again.

  47. Way to go, Paulette. I always give you credit for your designs and freebie. We are blessed, lady!
    Jennie xx

  48. A very sad commentary on the culture of today. You are so generous with all of your images and most of us really appreciate it.


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