Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Seriously Folks......

I am so at my wits end about the downloading situation........I have posted so many times about that situation......and it appears that a lot of people just snag, and don't read......YOU NEED TO REGISTER FOR 4SHARED to get the downloads....not my rules...their rules......there is nothing I can do about that......you will get an error message if you try and download and you aren't registered....it is simple it is quick.........you will not cause harm to your computer, unless you don't READ their instructions. 
I find it exasperating that some can email me pages about the downloads but can't ever leave a nice comment.....can someone explain that to me? 
There are three choices as I see it ............I can stop posting freebies...then I won't get rude emails about downloads.....someone can volunteer to pay for a premium download site so this issue maybe goes away (I will not be paying to give away freebies)......or some people can just read the instructions and be happy for what they are getting.............
and this is taking wayyyyyyyyyy too much of my time.....I have done hours of research and tried various sites, and get the same complaints from some visitors.....I am done.......it is 4shared .... REGISTER.....or don't take the freebies.


  1. You go above and beyond. I know of no other digi site that gives the number of free images that you do. I know that you aren't obligated to post them, and sincerely hope that you continue, but I will very much understand if you stop. Sometimes rudeness and ungratefulness can't be fixed. Hugs, dear friend.

  2. Oh My, You are angry and have every right to be so,People are rude and silly, its easy to join 4shared, and your freebies are the best part of my day, it takes only a minute to say thank you so i think everyone should do so every time they download a freebie,
    I thank you with all my heart, lots of love from Christine in Italy xx

  3. I am sorry you are receiving so many negative responses. There's nothing worse than giving something away for free and getting grief for it. I have been receiving your freebies and I appreciate them. Thank you for all you do for your followers.

  4. Good for you! Please don't stop with the freebies. I love them. Why don't you just fix it so you don't have to read the emails or is this in the comment section? So many nasty commenters have ruined it for so many bloggers and now they don't post freebies anymore. If you can't say something nice, just shut up!

  5. I am so sorry you have been getting rude emails, don't these people realise how lucky we are that you share your talent with us for free. I don't blame you for being annoyed - trying to be polite here :). Those of us who appreciate all your hard work will be happy to register with 4shared please keep up the good work there are some of us that appreciate it.

  6. No, no, please don't stop making/posting your awesome sentiments and freebies.
    hugs Dorte

  7. I'm sorry for the frustration this is causing you. I really do appreciate the freebies you post. They are good quality and there is great variety. You are very kind to post them, and I thank you sincerely. I hope people's rudeness will not discourage you. You have a very generous heart.
    What may help curb the emails, if I may suggest it, would be to post a notice toward the top of your sidebar. That way there should be no question about the steps to take, it will be seen at every visit to your blog, and then you can just ignore & delete unpleasant emails altogether. Just an idea.
    Thank you again for sharing your talents.

  8. I'm so sorry to read that you get rude emails about the downloading. Your a real kind and sweat lady, you don't deserve that !!!
    I hope you will continue with the freebies, you make a lot of people happy with them, including me !!!
    Thank you so much for making and sharing all these beautifull things !!!! I sent you lots of love from Holland, JacquelineR

  9. In my opinion now that we have to register/log in to 4shared the downloading is easier than before. Paulette, you set the terms since these are given by you, ignore all complaining, just hit delete. Life sows enough problems so why deal with more negativity? You do a great deal for us and you aren't required to do more than you are willing to do. I'm very grateful for what you give us, thank you very much!

  10. Wow, you are my hero! :) I am so sorry you have to deal with so many rude people that, instead of being grateful for what you so kindly give us, are annoying you. I sure admire you for what you posted! I wish I was more like you, than my graphic shop (mousemade sigtags) would still be open. Alas for me, after many frustrating months, rude people and tears, I preferred to close it down. Thanks for all you share and for being an inspiration!

  11. Oh no so sorry people are so rude. It was a very simple procedure.

  12. I'm sorry people are so rude. I still can't believe they can snag without commenting! I have been having issues with every few downloads and I am registered with 4shared. I just move on and sometimes try again later. You should not have to deal with rude emails or people when you are GIVING away free images!!! You are very talented and generous and it's just not fair!

  13. I'm sorry that it is so confusing, and that so many are rude to you. I appreciate all that you do for us. They need to understand that besides registering, they must be signed in to get the downloads. The sign in spot is just below the download button. Once they sign in they can download the image. Hopefully this will help others figure it out. Some of us aren't as computer savvy as others.

  14. I am sorry that people are giving you so much heartburn for your efforts. You know, there is another saying for a digi out of this - "You can't fix stupid!" Thank you for all you do Paulette. I hope you continue with your freebies but totally understand if you do not.

  15. Hi Paulette, sorry you have been getting grief over this issue. You do a lot of wonderful things for us for free. I agree with a poster above, if the e-mail is a negative rant, just delete it. Your generosity doesn't need to be brought down by something like that. Thank you for your generosity, I appreciate it very much!

  16. I hope if I had any of your Freebies I had the good manners to say thank you. If not I am very sorry. Thanks for a lovely Blog. xxxx

  17. Oh dear - I am so sorry you are getting negative feedback. 4-share did go through a period where they were really annoying and making you wait for up to 5 minutes per download unless you paid for the premium service but that seems to have gone. It costs nothing to register and the downloads are quick and easy. That said, even if it took 3 hours to download, as you so rightly point out, these are youre freebies, on your site and you should be free to post them how you wish without complaints! It saddens me that more people do not say a simple "thank you" and it makes me cross when I see complaints about a freebie or when people complain if they've missed one. I for one enjoy my visits and I hope you do not stop the lovely freebies. Best wishes.

  18. I too am so sorry. I have made so many cards with your freebies...and with your store images. They have brought joy to many, many people. I wish there was a way to stop the negative emails. You don't deserve this distraction and waste of time. Thank you for all you for all your games, images and wonderful web site!!!

  19. I think it is so rude when people think they can complain about not getting something, that is after all given away by your good self for free, just because they won't or can't be bothered to register for 4Shared.
    I have had no problems after registering, and agree with 'Anonymous' that it is actually easier to download Paulette's fab freebie's with 4Shared,
    So come on all the selfish people out there, 'GIVE THIS GREAT LADY A BREAK'.
    Thank you from a happy 4Shared registered, TLC follower.
    Lottie x
    Do you think I mentioned 4Shared enough to get the message across?

  20. You tell 'em!!!! Common sense would tell you that once you hit that error message to READ why it's occurring. I see it this way, If you don't want to read how to fix the problem then you really don't want the FREEBIE!

  21. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with the digi scrappers of the world. I would be totally annoyed with any complaints as well. Thumper said it best...if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. C'mon people! Grab a clue and register. Leave Paulette alone unless you have something nice to say!

  22. I dont always take the time to leave a comment i have to admit, i think it is fantastic the fact that you give such fantastic sentiments and papers as freebies. I agree with the comments that you already received with regard to taking teh time to leave a commetn when a problem occours!!
    Needless to say i am very gratefull for the sentiments that i have snagged in the past and i always try to give credit back to you on my blog (not that i have any followers to speak of but the thought is there!).

    Eternally gratefull - Sonia x x

  23. Sweetie, I don't take your freebies unless I know I'm definitely going to use them, and you have such a lovely wide variety that it is easy to find something that appeals....for this I thank you.
    I have always posted my thanks to you, and just can't understand why somebody would whine about something that is offered as a gift.....says a lot about those people, doesn't it?
    Please don't let this ugly experience effect what you do....your talent and generosity is very much appreciated by the majority!

  24. Everyone has already said what I want to say Paulette. You are so generous and I appreciate all the freebies and the wonderful things you do. It just floors me that people can complain about getting something for free. Sign up or Shut up all you complainers!!

  25. I am so sorry you have deal with folks that are unwilling to appreciate you and your talents. You are wonderful to share your talent with all of us. Sincerely Thank you for all your free work. I enjoy seeing what ideas others have made with your digis.

  26. I am sorry that you feel so frustrated by the problems encountered when sharing your freebies. I do appreciate your generosity. I apologize for the rudeness you have experienced from some. So again I say thank you for sharing

  27. I am so sorry about this, Paulette! You are so generous with your shares and people can be so uncaring and feel so "entitled." Know that you have MANY who support you in this!

  28. I hope you don't stop sharing freebies with us but if it releases you from the negative comments from those ungrateful followers, then you do what you have to do. Obviously they have nothing better to do with their time but I am surprised they can see well enough to type when they can't see well enough to read. The whole registration process was painless and when I go to download anything, it recognizes me so I actually feel important :)
    Hang in there! (Will a bottle of wine from our stash help? - LOL)

  29. Paulette, we love you and appreciate you more than you know. Signing up for 4share was easy and well worth getting your awesome digi's. I cannot understand the rudeness of people these days. It is like you owe it to them to do things and they do not see what a blessing you and your digi's are. I am so sorry you have to go through this. Just saying again, thank you , thank you, thank you for all you do. hugs Cathy

  30. If a techno-idiot like me can manage not only to register with 4Shared and download your goodies, then anyone can do it. It has generated no spam and people can always do what I did and set up a specific e-mail address for their crafting purposes ... although I did this because I didn't want "himself" knowing what I get up to :o) !!!!!
    Paulette - you are way too good to us ... something new and useful everyday, sometimes more with the blog hops, papers & vintage digis. I truly hope that you will feel able to continue sharing your talents so freely, but will understand if some bloggers' rudeness puts you off. I try to say thank you each time I take a goodie, but sometimes things go awry - please know there are a great number of us who really DO appreciate everything you give.
    Hugs, Helen x

  31. Excellent! good for you, you can't please people all of the time.

    I haven't registered with 4shared, I just click the grey download now button and there it is just click to save, NO problem at all EVER!.

    Thanks again for ALL your freebies Pauline, they are very much appreciated.

  32. Hi Paulette! I'm so sorry you're still having to deal with this issue! I had a problem with 4-shared at first, too. But once you posted that we needed to register, no more problems! Easy-peasy . . . It's quick and you only have to do it one time! If these complainers are too lazy to register, they should sign up for the monthly freebies service. It's a lifesaver for me for those times my ancient computer gets tempermental. I know my freebies will be waiting for me in my email box :)
    Thanks so much for all you do!
    Susan L.
    Evansville, IN

  33. I am so sorry that you are getting complaints about the downloads. I registered with the site and it is easy, quick and painless. I so appreciate all the freebies that you give us and hope that a few don;t runi it for everyone. Ignore those people. How ungrateful can they be!

  34. Paulette
    Thanks so much for your generosity!
    I agree, now that I'm registered on 4shared, the downloads are easier and quicker.
    Hopefully 'they' will read this post - but maybe they don't read :)
    Have a wonderful day - we love appreciate you!

  35. Paulette... I am SO sorry that people are so extremely ignorant and rude! I am sure their Momma's taught them better! I know it is so discouraging and disappointing every time you have to even use the delete button because of this. But I hope you realize for the many folks that are sharing so much negativity and bad manners that the number of good, pleasant and grateful folks are even greater! Don't give up on the rest of us. THANK YOU for ALL you do!

  36. OUCH, I do not blame you for feeling angry/hurt. You do so mauch and only ask for a simple Thanks. I will miss you if you stop, but would totally understand. Thanks for the great EASY to get FREEBIES.

  37. Hi! Sorry to hear about the emails, must be so draining of energy. I hope you find the joy in the rest of us when we say thank you! Thank you for your generosity and the inspiration and joy this site has! hugs Sandra

  38. Paulette...so sorry you are going through this. It is SO simple:
    If you want to download the freebies...then register! If you don't want the freebies...don't register.
    Hope people will stop taking your kindness for granted...you site is a blessing!!!

  39. Paulette...so sorry you are going through this. It is SO simple:
    If you want to download the freebies...then register! If you don't want the freebies...don't register.
    Hope people will stop taking your kindness for granted...you site is a blessing!!!

  40. OMG...you go above and beyond for everyone. I've known you for years and all you have done is give and give. Please quite giving Paulette grief...it's easy just read the instructions and sign up of give up. We all love you P so, I wish they would leave you alone. I personally love what you do a appreciate it fully. Thanks so much!

  41. Having recently found you and your fab freebies I would hate to lose them.

    Can you keep this post at the top of your site?
    Hugs Jennie

  42. So sorry that you are getting so many bad comments...if I reach a site that I have a problem with, I just don't download. Thank you for all of your shares with us....I for one really appreciate them all :)

    goebel75 at aol dot com

  43. Lynn C. (wordpefectqueen@yahoo.com)May 15, 2012 at 3:07 PM

    Thanks for all the wonderful files you give us free, Paulette. It took me awhile to bite the bullet but I finally did. I have always been grateful for your free files and hope you will continue to post them. You are a very talented artist with a great sense of humor.
    Many of us appreciate all you do for us so I hope you won't let a few spoilsports ruin it for the rest of us.
    Hope you have a good day.

  44. You are right. You should not have to deal with it and people should not be sending you rude emails. If they can't read it's their problem. I am very appreciative for the freebies you give out. I also give you the credit when I create a card using something from you. Please don't let rude, illiterate people make you feel bad. Thanks for all you do. Hugs, Robin

  45. 4-shared works fine for me. I always appreciate the freebies...

  46. I agree with you. If they continue to be a problem , block them. There is no need in being hateful to someone who is so sweet to give us freebies. Most sites are not so generous. thank you Paulette! I appreciate your generous spirit. Edwina Brown

  47. That really sucks. I'm really sorry that people don't appreciate and read the instructions!

  48. I want to thank you for all your inspiration and your freebies!!! The little time it took for me to register was sooo worth it to save time in the long run. It is too bad that people have to complain who don't fully understand all the effort that you put into the freebies for us, so THANK YOU!!! I am very grateful to you!

  49. So sorry for the grumpy ones out there that are ruining your day. I think you are so sweet to share with us. If something didn’t work I would assume I did something wrong not you. I don’t get people. Hugs and hope your day gets better.

  50. I'm sorry your acts of kindness are causing you so much stress. Those of us that can read love you!!

  51. I'm so sorry that these not so nice people continue to harass you when all you do is be extremely generous and kind to us in sharing your AWESOME creative talents and designs. Unfortunately, not much can be done about those kind of people. Although I don't want you to discontinue the freebies, your sanity is worth a lot more to all of us. Please decide what is best for YOU. We will understand and support your decision.

  52. well said hun...your hard work is soooo appreciated by many...theres no need for people to be rude...it takes seconds to register to 4shared so wots their problem...I cant understand why peeps need to be so rude to someone who gives their fab work so freely....I'm gonna stop now or will go on forever about rudeness...hugs and support from me to you xx

  53. I want to THANK YOU for all the marvelous free images & sentiments you GIVE US followers.

    For those that do not read your posts as they should, they should pay up & join the freebie emailing service you provide!!!

    Open up you wallet & quit yer bitching! You ruin it for those of us who love TLC!!

    May YOU, Paulette, be blessed abundantly for your gifts to us.

    D :)

  54. Suggestion:

    leave THIS post up indefinitely at the top of your blog. Just change the post date. Won't miss it then.

    D :)

  55. Paulette, thank you so much for the freebies that you so graciously offer. I always look forward to seeing what's next. I'm sorry that some have chosen to be rude and ungrateful, but please know that there are many, many of us who immensely appreciate you and your talent and generosity.

  56. Oh, Paulette! I am so sorry you have to deal with this. I must admit, I was one of the slow ones. I'd get the error message and figured my tough luck. I wouldn't dream of emailing you to complain. I did leave a comment one time saying I was getting the error message. I was questioning my lack of computer savvy not that you weren’t doing it right. I’m sorry for being one of the negative ones. I do appreciate all you do for us.

    It ticks me off you have to bring up the rudeness every few months. I don’t understand the lack of manners. I don’t like the ‘it’s the generation.’ Yes, it’s the generation of self centered brats but then I think of the 60’s and breaking from the establishment. What a mess that has caused. So, no, it’s not this generation but their parents bucking courtesy and this generation not being taught. I’d like to slap a few upside the head and knock some sense into them.

    Paulette, thank you for everything you give us. You put more time into this than I can even imagine. I appreciate every minute. Maybe those snotty emails can be listed as spam and go directly to your trash?! :)

    Oh, use whatever download site that works best for you. It's your time and effort so make it easy on yourself. We, the slow ones, will eventually figure it out, ON OUR OWN WITHOUT COMPLAINT. Okay, so I can only speak for myself.

  57. Just wanted to send you a hug. xo thanks for your continued generosity, my friend.

  58. Wow, you're one angry bird today and who can blame you?! It's a shame that there are folk who just want to complain about the smallest things and I'm sorry that you've had to deal with them. I, for one, really appreciate your genorisity in sharing your freebies with us, we all know you don't have to, let''s hope those moaning minnie's get the message.
    Cyber hug coming your way. :)

  59. There are so many of us that really appreciate your artistic ability and your generosity. Your sentiments make card designing so much easier. I'm so sorry that you are having trouble with some thoughtless people. I will be happy with whichever downloading program is easier for you!!!!

  60. I simply do not understand the thinking of some people in this world....how can you be rude & ungrateful to someone who is giving freely of her time & talent so you can benefit from it??? I fully agree...mark them as "SPAM" & get them out of your hair!! I love your "freebies" but only download what I know I will use. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  61. I haven't been around to much lately, to much going on. But to check in tonight and discover this? Don't people understand that you are being kind and GIVING them something for free?? How can they possibly clog up your email and moan at you? Guess there Momma's never told them about Thumper, if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all!!!! Just wanted you to know that I appreciate your talent, time and generosity, Paulette.
    Thank you,

  62. Paulette it is a shame that there are those who feel they are entitled and make life unbearable for others. I personally appreciate all the freebies you provide and love your sense of humour. As others have said, I hope you won't give up on those of us who are appreciative but will totally understand if you have to stop. Big Hugs from Canada

  63. Am so sorry that some people are being rude and ungrateful. Just want you to know that I truly appreciate all your work, and it is fantastic!! Sorry that there are some out there that just don't play well with others.


  64. Thank you for all your wonderful freebies, Paulette. I try to leave a comment but sometimes that just doesn't happen. I do appreciate everything you do for us for FREE. I had a few issues with 4 shared initially when I got an invalid file message but this turned out to be linked to the registration process. Since I figured that one out (yes I am slow and not very computer savvy but getting there!) I have had no problems with the downloads from 4 shared.
    Keep up the good work. Sending smiles and hugs your way, Suze.

  65. I've registered for 4Share - there is NOTHING to it, and no bad consequences, as far as I can tell! No spam, no annoying emails, etc. These folks need to get over it!
    I love your freebies (and your not freebies, too!). Hang in there!

  66. Amen, Paulette!

    I agree with so many of the other comments - hit delete or mark them as spam and move on. There are tons of us out here who appreciate all of your talent, hardwork and generosity! THANK YOU!!!

  67. So sorry to hear you're having more issues about your wonderful freebies. I'm very thankful that you do this for us. It's very easy to register and you only have to do it once.

  68. Hey, Paulette, I think Patti L has a perfect idea for a sentment 'You can't fix stupid!'

  69. You go girl! Love the freebies and have no problem with free registration either. Some people have nothing better to do in life than complain. Ignore them! We appreciate you and your sharing with us. Please don't stop just because some people can't follow instructions!

  70. I think sometimes people forget.
    Definition of free:
    "Not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes."

    "Without cost or payment."
    When given something for free we should be quick to show gratitude and slow to make demands. :-)

  71. You have given so much of your time and Great Freebies and I want to THANK YOU SO MUCH for the all of them. I am very sorry there seem to be so many Idiots in the world to put you through this. Thanks again! Carol O

  72. just a little note to let you know that i sooooooooooo appreciate EVERYTHING that you do for us. i know it has to be a pain in the butt to spend so much time and effort to make things nice and easy for your followers and then have loads of people who seem unappriciative...i apologize in their behalf simply because i feel so badly for you. i am sending you a GREAT BIG THANK YOU!

  73. Thank you for offering your freebies. I have NEVER had a problem with downloads before. Not sure why others are. I use Firefox - its great. You are great! Thank you for all you do!!

  74. I for one appeciate all that you do and all your freebies. I don't take them all and but I try very hard to leave a comment when I do take them. Sometimes my stupid computer freezes up and I can't get signed onto Google so therefore I can't leave a comment but 95% of the time I can do so.

    I haven't been on here lately because I have been so busy but I love checking in a few times a week because you have such nice freebies.

    I can't speak for anyone else but I really like the freebies and would be very sad if you decided not to post them anymore. But on the other hand, I would understand and support your decision.

    Have a great day.

  75. So sorry to hear about all those people out there that seem to be taking all your efforts and work for granted, grabbing freebies without saying thank you and complaining when THEY need to make an effort.
    I'm also happy to see, though, that there are plenty of people out there who are very grateful for all that you do and really appreciate your efforts and your worderful images and word art.
    Try to do what some of the others suggested: don't let them get to you and delete their comments and e-mails, because they're simply not worth fretting over.
    Marianne x

  76. so sorry that you continually have to address this SAME subject. I certainly appreciate all that you do and value the freebie that I have obtained on your site. THANK YOU!

  77. Your sentiments are such a blessing to me and I always look forward to seeing what you have every day! You are generous beyond words and I hope those who have ignored your instructions or posted negatively will not spoil your generosity or spirit.
    Hugs and blessings,

  78. Paulette I am so sorry for all the rudeness you have to put up with. You just can't please some people. What they need to do is sign up for your freebie e-mail offer ($5.95 a month). If they can't afford the $5.95 a month or don't want to sign up for 4shared they need to shut the ^&(( up!!! I have your freebie e-mail and for the first I did the June club. I love them both. Thank you for all you do, you make it possible for someone on a very low fixed income to enjoy digi stamps.

  79. so sorry to hear that some people is rude... you are the most generous person in blogland!!!!
    Thanks a lot for sharing always :)

  80. I am so sorry for your discomfort from those that don't appreciate your time and hard work.
    I love your work and I know I speak for many creative souls. We do appreciate your time and hard work to provide such generous gifts.

  81. aww Paulette.. your freebies are fab.. and i love discovering them.. they are a great finish to a card... and you are so generous.. so please don't be sad.. let these rude people learn a harsh lesson.. please and thank you cost nothing but are indeed priceless...
    there is a saying"people that don't mind -matter" so if they cant be bothered to register.. its tough!!!
    Hugs xx

  82. Thank You Paulette - I am in such a hurry to get through emails that I often only scan the words, look at pictures and make fast decisions about rather to check further into the post or not. I often do not go to the webpage itself unless there is something more I want to know. I have bookmarked some for sale items for further review and often don't even have the time to click on any free items unless it is something that I really want or can use.

    However that said I am sorry because I am one that wrote a quick email asking about the problem witih downloading, a problem I never use to have with 4-share but that was awhile ago. I had no idea that one needed to register and 4-share really doesn't make it clear since their message is that the file is "invalid" and violating their terms of use. Making it sound like it is a problem on your end. I think the very least 4-share could tell one is that in order to obtain the file one needs to register.

    I do very much appreciate your posts and the effort you put forth in sharing with me/us as well as the free digital items which are so wonderful too.

    Thank you for giving of yourself...it is really much appreciated and enjoyed daily.

  83. Oh please keep posting. I am registered and have a premium acct and still can't download. So I am going to bug 4Shared. We're not upset with you, we love you. I never used to have a problem either. I think I have a love/hate relationship with computers.

  84. I personally hate downloading so I sorted the problem and rather pay to get it in e-mail lol

    Really sorry you have to keep going over and over this problem.

    Maybe those ppl who sending those letters need a blinky on the side bar what says "Downloading problem" and link it to the post where it explains what to do.

    Ppl have no idea if they would have to pay for it it would cost loads of money.

    Thanks for your kindness and hard work

  85. I just want to thank you for all your free digital stamps. I don't often take any but when I do, I thank you for all your effort. I think that is just the way some people are, unfortunately. I just retired from teaching, I can tell you many stories!!!My suggestion- just delete their comment and live on. Most of us dearly appreciate your kindness. Hugs

  86. DigitalscrapperbeckyMay 22, 2012 at 10:45 PM

    Really appreciate your freebies and the time you put into creating them.

    I think part of the confusion is that sometimes 4shared makes you sign in and other times it does not.

    Would it be possible to add a line under the download that says 'You must be logged into 4Shared for the link to work' or something similar?

    I'm not sure how difficult that would be since I don't create the emails but it may help to greatly reduce the comments and emails that you are receiving.

    Thank you again for your hard work.

    Digital Scrapper Becky

  87. I am totally grateful for the freebies you give. I registered for 4 share but I am one who has not been able to get it to work. I have not e-mailed you about it. I just figure that I am blessed to be getting what freebies I can. Thank you for those. :) I can't complain about what I don't get but have to be thankful for what I do.

  88. I hear ya on this. Some people just don't want to do any "work" and they want things handed to them on a silver platter. Good luck in getting everything settled.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.