Saturday, April 28, 2012


I just reached 300 items moved over to the new store~!  
Wow...this is a huge task....I probably have over 1,000 more to move~!
But, I love to celebrate little milestones with goodies...........sooooooooooooo....if you hop on over to the STORE....and email me the name of one of the Featured Products, I will email you back a little goodie.
Have fun~!
On to moving over the next 300.~!
P.S....put Featured Product in the subject line.


  1. What a lot of work! Here's to the small successes. :)

  2. Love all your digis in your store! So glad you have been able to move so many! :)

  3. Wahoo for you- and what a lot of work! The store is looking great!

  4. I can imagine what a tough job moving your store is but well done .. the new store is looking fab! Helen x

  5. wow.. about a 1000 more? That's so much!!! But if you celebrate little milestones it indeed becomes easier :D
    Good luck! Cant wait to check your new store once in a while, to see whats new :)


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