Tuesday, April 10, 2012


 These adorable little purses created by Hetty on the DT.....she has a tutorial on her site on how to make them....you can watch it HERE

 This beautiful card created by Karen C

 This cute little pocket card created by Anna R

This beautiful candy bar wrapper created by Rhonda on the DT, you can snag the full sized wrapper from her blog as a freebie........


  1. So many lovely creations and great inspirations, thanks ladies!

  2. Love this Paulette, I went over to her site and thanked her. This is so rich looking what a wonderful thinking of you idea. Thank you so very much. hugs Cathy K

  3. love all these creations,wonderful,
    from christine in italy xx

  4. Thank you for this lovely candy wrapper. I hope you do not mind, but I plan to crop it and use it as Word Art. My husband will tell you I am probably the world's strongest chocoholic. I've actually been known in the past (when I could still drive) to wake up in the middle of the night and drive to the a convenience store to purchase chocolate. If I did not make the trip, my body refused to go back to sleep. LOL! Thus, I will greatly enjoy this Word Art Freebie. Thank you again!



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