Tuesday, January 31, 2012


we are at 1,610 Followers~!~!~!  Welcome to all the new followers......enjoy your visits to the blog....
And to help celebrate the new milestone.....those of you that are followers of the blog....which means your cute little picture is over there on the left under Crafting Buddies.....email me for your exclusive 1610 followers goodie.  Put 1610  in the subject line please.  On to 1620~!
And you can still sign up to get the goodie...and future follower exclusive goodies. Look at all the freebies you are missing if you haven't become a "Crafting Buddy" yet~!


  1. so many goodies, it pays to be a follower, thank you love christine in italy xx

  2. That was fast! Congratulations on all your new followers!!!

  3. Woo hoo, congrats to you!

  4. WOW, such growth and well deserved too! I appreciate your sharing so many things and thank you every day!

  5. hiya sweetie
    congrats on your new followers
    and i'll send a email right away
    thanks sweetie
    hugs angelique

  6. Yay Paulette!

    You are SO Fabulous, we gather near your creative light to be inspired, to giggle with you & share the friendship.

    You are a blessing! TY VVVVVVV M!!

    D :)

  7. Fantastic number again and on to 1620 in no time:) Sandra H

  8. This digi is really interesting. I would sure like to hear the stories behind some of these!! Thank you again!


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