Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We Need Cushion room....

LOL.....I am looking for 2 more followers until we start this party~!.....I have had people join just to get the party, and then drop off after.....really~!  I know......silly.....but it hang in there for 2 more~!


  1. I joined years ago - then stuck around for all the beautiful gifts you give us. Was well worth the effort, PEOPLE!!! I have NEVER been disappointed!!!

    D :)

  2. I joined around June time ... was tipped off about Create with TLC by a crafting cyber-buddy, and this is now one of my 2 top sites. Paulette leaves gifts for us EVERY day ... sometimes 2 or even 3 a day ... and all she asks for in return is for people to be polite and leave comments!
    Come and join us - you WILL NOT be disappointed! :o)
    Helen x

  3. Well, I think you have them now. Congrats! Welcome newbies. :-)

  4. How can people drop out after receiving all those generous gifts you're giving us on a daily basis? I can hardly keep up with you!

  5. I don't remember when I started following but glad I did. You have a wonderful Blog. Thank you for everything!

  6. What are those people thinking!? You are the best, Paulette.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.