Thursday, January 26, 2012

Follower Friday~!....

As an additional thank you to all my followers.....which means your cute little picture is over there on the left, under Crafting Buddies......this Friday will be "Follower Friday".
There will be a post letting you know when to email me if you are a FOLLOWER~!
The post will also explain the goodies involved.....sooooooooooo, if you aren't signed up yet, you have a day or two to do that~!


  1. you are so good to us giving away so many freebies,can not wait until friday love christine in italy xx

  2. wow! followers day! fun fun fun
    Thanks! TLC

  3. Oooooo - sounds exiciting! Will watch the posts like a hawk. :o)

  4. sounds like a fun day to me...THANKS PAULETTE for all you do, your time and your talent...angel hugs and smiles across the miles...Amy

  5. Sounds like a lot of fun. Thank you for all your generosity.

  6. Sounds exciting! You continue to amaze us all with your amazing work and your generosity!

  7. I just LOVE your digis and you are so generous in sharing so many with us free! My daughter used one of your word art sentiments in a challenge card this week and we just put your blinkie on my brand new blog! Thanks again for all the lovely images! Here's the link to her card. I thought you might like to see it.

  8. You are such a GEM, Paulette :o) Your generosity really amazes me. Thanks so much for all you do and who you are ~ WONDERFUL. Looking forward to tomorrow!!!

  9. Looking forward to it!! Thanks for your generosity!

  10. hiya sweetie
    congrats on your new followers
    thank you so much for the cute freebie, she's adorable hunni
    hugs angelique


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