Monday, January 16, 2012


I appreciate Comments!!.....will be picking random commentors from all the hop stops....for an exclusive Tlc Vintage Image.....If you see your me for your digi....I will be posting winners throughout the day.
I took off the people who already claimed their prize so we would have more room for new names...
5.  Yvonne....Thank you for Commenting 
8.  Laura (sandytoyz)... Thank you for Commenting 
10. Olga.....Thank you for Commenting 
14.  Sandra H......Thank you for Commenting 
16.  Ildiko.....Thank you for commenting
18.  Shannah....Thank you for Commenting 
19.  Rhonda Miller.....Thank you for Commenting
22.  SiskiYouSue.....Thank you for Commenting 
24.  Ardilla.....Thank you for Commenting


  1. This is gorgeous, great way to start the hop. Thank you.

  2. hiya sweetie
    i see my name on number 4, is it really me???
    congrats other ladies as well
    hugs angelique

  3. Congratulations ladies!Edwina Brown

  4. Paulette, thanks for a wonderful blog hop. I appreciated receiving the calendars, and your Design Team gals did a fabulous job on their projects. I wish all of them offered anonymous in the comment section as I couldn't leave comments on some.

    Lynn C. (

  5. Hallo Paulette, sorry I was late with hopping my blogger wouldn't let me open the pages or the comments on some of them. so am afraid i had to give up in disust (with blogger) congrats to everyone who won and I have been round today (typical today it let me) and had a look at all the fantastic dt work that your ladies have accomplished. Hugs heid x

  6. thank you for the vintage image, it was a great hop and every one's work was wonderful, love christine in italy xx

  7. Loved the Hop and now the bonus prize. Very "chic". Thanks. You're the best. Lilla in AL

  8. Oh yay for me, as long as I am the only Skye that commented LOL. Thanks

  9. Whoohoo! Here's hoping that I'm the Pauline who was winner #15... I'll send an email, Paulette! Thank you!
    hugs and blessings,


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.