Friday, December 23, 2011

Watch the

Christmas Countdown page....this is the last day and they are going fast and furious~!


  1. TY!! Love the tumbled Santa!!!

    D :)

  2. Thank you Paulette for all of the Christmas Countdown Freebies. I Wish you and your family the Merriest Christmas ever!!

  3. might have missed a few but thank you so much for all the christmas freebies,i did download loads, loved all of them love christine in italy xx

  4. Hi Paulette - I'm just catching up on your site as since Friday, life has been slightly manic in my house. I know I've missed a few downloads, have maybe not said thank you for all the Christmas Countdown ones I downloaded, but please know that I truly appreciate everything you so willingly and freely shared this month. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    I hope you had a truly magical Christmas Day, and I wish you a very peaceful New Year.
    Love, Helen x


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.