Sunday, June 26, 2011

July CLUB Announced.....

First sends went out....if you signed up and you didn't get them...let me know....if you didn't sign up still have time~!

Best deal around~! 21 Days of Loads of goodies direct to your email. You can check it all out
If you miss miss a lot~!
The link isn't I will put it here as a quick buy....

The July Club..........$15.75
21 Days of Digi goodies delivered to your mailbox daily. Word art, papers, vintage images, original colored digis, digi images and whatever else moves me. A creative journey through my mind. Some of the focus will be on all things Sports, Princesses, IceCream, etc. Club starts June 26th and ends July 16th. Tons and tons of goodies~!


  1. Not sure if you can outdo the Summer Club, Paulette - but I am sure you will try. Looking forward to another fabulous set of images and papers!!

  2. The last 2 clubs have been awesome! You have your own folder on my inbox! Looking forward to July! I agree - Summer Club was awesome!

  3. Hi Paulette - have tried to get through to the link to the summer club but just get a blank page up...... is it just me or is the link broken????

  4. I couldn't get through either!

  5. Oh sounds good, looking forward to it

  6. Thank you for the wonderful and awesome way you spoil us. I love the digi's and papers. I am on your mailing list and you are the greatest
    Hugs Cathy

  7. Because of you ... so many of us are having tremendous fun trying our hands at digi-stamping! Thank you, thank you for your great images, you are the best!

  8. If you haven't been in a club before, you should. Absolutely amazing digi's and paper. And to top it off, tons of it. Everyday I looked forward to getting them. This was the only time I checked my email on a daily basis!! Loved it and will be participating in future ones.

  9. Not sure what the club is all about, it sure sounds interesting, so will have to find out.

  10. Paulette- I found your site yesterday, and all I can say is WOW! You have to be one of the most generous people I know. I looked through your site for HOURS and only got through reading like 5 pages! Now today I read about a club? I clicked the link, but it didn't work, I would like to know more about it. Thank you again for being so very generous.

  11. Am I the only one that can't get the link to work?

  12. I cant get the link to work either but i have to say i have not found a more generous site. I am on here daily and love the inspiration that i get from the site. One day i will get to use all of these downloads!

  13. I can't get the link to wor either. Here is my addy:

  14. I'm officially signed up!
    Third club in a row!!

  15. I've been out of town for a week, you have been SO busy! Thanks for everything... By the way, I'm sending my daughter over, looking for your vintage goodies.


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.