Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just Beachy...

This beautiful card created by Seongsook. Love the waves.

This beautiful glimmery card created by Karen on the Design Team

These two great cards created by Anna using the set below.

First person that emails me and can make a card using the elements of this set by the end of the day, will receive the set for free (5/20) Anna Got the set.

New in Store....
another quick card set...
You can check it out


  1. love the penguin! So cheeky!

  2. I guess I'm not the 1st person...darn, 'cause I actually have time this morning. : )
    Will have to check out the store.

  3. Wish I could participate in this one but there will be no time in the craft room today. BooHoo! Thanks for the fun you have on here today though!!!


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.