Sunday, April 3, 2011

How I Pick My Design Teams....

Someone just emailed me and asked me this question.....and since I have been procrastinating most of the decided to really think about it....hmmmmm...
Not only do I pick talented creative individuals......who have interesting and eclectic styles.....whose creations show their passion..........who pay attention to details.....but ladies that I would love to sit down with in person and create with, because I like their personalities.
And that's what goes into my decisions on Design Team.
And that brought me to the new team of Candy, Karen, Ildiko, Jennifer, Judy, and Jill. Thank you for crafting with me ladies.


  1. Candy you are right, I never without inspiration when I see Paulette's images/WA and thank you giving me the oportunity Paulette. Would love to sit down with you and have a good crafty chat lol

  2. Awww you're so sweet honey - and thankies!! :0) It's an honour and a pleasure both to work with such talent too!xx

  3. Good way to choose! Welcome to your new team!

  4. You picked a fabulous team Paulette - each one of your ladies brings something creative and unique to your images - you done good!

  5. Awww Paulette, thank you sooo much. There is nothing i would love more than to sit around a table and craft with you! You are my inspiration! x

  6. Let's have a party! LOVE your images - I agree with everyone else. I am so inspired by your words and images! Thank you for the honor! Would love to meet you! (Where are you located?)


Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.